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2017-2018高中英语北师大版必修1:Unit 1 Section Ⅱ Warm-up & Lesson 1 — Language Points

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    • 1、Section_Warmup_ youre supposing to have finished it by noon.supposingsupposed 8My brother used to complain me of his bosss rudeness.me 前加 to .选词填空 complain about, at the moment, wake up, take up, switch over, get changed, go off, as soon as 1He takes_up a pen and writes down his name. 2I cant go to the new sports shop with you because Im as busy as a bee at_the_moment. 3As Mrs. Roosevelt says, Id rather light a candle than complain_about the darkness. 4Hurry up or you wont have time to get_chang

      2、ed. 5Our neighbors car alarm is always going_off in the middle of the night. 6He always switches_over channels. No one knows what he is interested in. 7What time do you usually wake_up in the morning? 8As_soon_as she entered the room, she knew there was something wrong. .课文语法填空 A Couch Potato When Brian Blakey wakes up, he doesnt get up immediately (immediate)He turns on the television and watches it until about halfpast ten.Then he goes downstairs and switches on the TV in the living room.He of

      3、ten watches TV and if there is a good play on BBC 2, he switches over and watches it.He usually switches off the TV at about two oclock. He also takes Tina, the dog, for a walk every afternoon, but doesnt go far. He always takes his portable TV and watches it on the stone wall. He can live this lifestyle because he has a good wife. He always holds the remote control. He has got the world at his feet.Great! A Workaholic Bob Black is sitting at his desk and working (work) his way through his paper

      4、work. He always gets up early and is always the first person to_get (get) to the office. He is very busy all day.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters.By around eight oclock, he usually finds some time to do his own paperwork and answers some personal emails. When he gets home,he looks at some documents that/which he brings back from the office so that he can be ready for the next days work. He seldom has time for fun. His family complains about it. But he will get bored (bore) i

      5、f theres nothing to do. .串点成篇微表达 进入五年级之后,越来越多的作业充斥着(be filled with)我儿子的生活,这使他压力(stressful) 很大。尽管(while)我总是第一个(the first to do)起床给他准备早餐,可是他还是老抱怨(complain)我 们住的离校太远(far away from)。他每天到校大约花 30 分钟的时间(It takes sb. . to do),这会占据 (take up)他很多宝贵的时间。看到儿子又累(tired)又烦,我意识到他需要一些放松(relaxing)活动。 因此我建议他打开(turn on)MP5 听听美妙的音乐或抽出些时间打打篮球。他听了我的意见,很快 就适应了(adapt to)这种忙碌的生活。 After_entering_Grade_Five,_my_sons_life_was_filled_with_more_and_more_homework, which_made_him_stressful._While_I_was_always_the_first_to_get_up_

      6、and_prepare_breakfast_for_him, _he_always_complained_that_we_lived_too_far_away_from_school_and_it_took_him_about_30_minute s_to_get_to_school_every_day,_which_took_up_too_much_of_his_precious_time._Seeing_him_feel_bor ed_and_tired,_I_realized_that_he_needed_some_relaxing_activities._So_I_advised_him_to_turn_on_the_ MP5_to_listen_to_some_beautiful_music_and_spare_some_time_to_play_basketball._He_followed_my_ advice_and_soon_adapted_to_the_busy_life. 二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧 .完形填空 Several days ago, I met

      7、a stranger in the street who stopped and asked me directions. I _1_ to show him the way to the destination but to my _2_, he coldly refused my offer. I asked him why. Finally he told me that he was _3_ I would ask him for money if I _4_ him in this way. Money! I 5 deep into thought. Is it money that comes between us? Money has no _6_; it cannot be _7_ with good or bad. The problem _8_ what attitude we have towards it. At present, we have a more _9_ material life than ever before, but were becomi

      8、ng more and more _10_. Why? In my opinion, the _11_ is the change in peoples personal _12_. They wrongly believe that _13_ money should be their only aim in life, so they _14_ all sorts of ways they can to _15_ this aim. They are afraid of being _16_ and fooled. If everyone acts like this, what will our _17_ be like? Needless to say, money is becoming more and more important in our society, _18_ it shouldnt be the “beall and endall” of life. If a person only concentrates (全神贯注) on _19_, he will

      9、be lonely and void (空虚), and even go astray. It is up to us to make our lives happy, not money. We should try our best to help others _20_ and freely. If everyone does so, our society will be better and better. 语篇解读:本文通过一个陌生人问路的事情而引发出人们对待金钱的态度。赚钱并不是生活 的唯一目标,每个人只有尽力帮助他人,我们的社会才能变得越来越美好。 1A.advised Boffered Casked Dwished 解析:选 B offer to do sth.意为“主动提出做某事” 。从后文“.he coldly refused my offer.” 也可得出答案。 2A.joy Bfear Cexcitement Dsurprise 解析:选 D “我”主动提出要帮他,但他冷冷地拒绝了,这出乎“我”的意料,因此用 surprise。 3A.anxious Bglad Csorry Dafraid 解析:选 D 此处语境为“他担心我会向他要钱” 。 4A.stopped Btold Casked Dhelped 解析:选 D 从前文“I _1_ to show him the way to the destination .”可知此空应填 helped。 5A.fell Bfelt Ckept Dcaught 解析:选 A fall deep into thought 意为“陷入沉思” 。fell 是 fall 的过去式。 6A.problem Bprice Clife Duse 解析:选 A D 项有一定的干扰性,从倒数第二段“.money is becoming more and more important in our society .”可知,作者承认钱是重要的,因此 D 项不合题意。从下句“.it ca

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