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    • 1、Section Grammar 课后篇巩固探究巩固探究 一、完成下列被动语态的句子 1.The doctor has saved a lot of people. A lot of people by the doctor. 答案:have been saved 2.He has repaired the machine for two hours. The machine by him for two hours. 答案:has been repaired 3.The students have learned thousands of English words. Thousands of English words by the students. 答案:have been learned 4.Many countries have sent up many man-made satellites into space. Many man-made satellites space by many countries. 答案:have been sent up into 5.Th

      2、e supermarket has attracted thousands of people to shop since it opened. Thousands of people to shop in the supermarket since it opened. 答案:have been attracted 6.Over the past twenty years,he has won many awards in the competition. Over the past twenty years,many awards by him in the competition. 答案:have been won 7.People have found paintings dating back 15,000 years on the walls of caves in France and Spain. Paintings dating back 15,000 years on the walls of caves in France and Spain. 答案:have b

      3、een found 8.I want to buy that kind of cloth because she has told me the cloth washes well. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I (tell) the cloth washes well. 答案:have been told 二、单句语法填空 1.In the last few years thousands of films (produce) all over the world. 答案:have been produced 2.Following his recent rise to fame,Rizea (ask) by many cities,including the capital of Romania to transform their old tree trunks into works of art. 答案:has been asked 3.After getting lost in a storm,a member of t

      4、he navy team (rescue) four days later. 答案:was rescued 4.Housework is a frequent source of argument between lazy husbands and their hard-working wives,but women (warn) not to expect men to do equal housework any time soon. 答案:have been warned 5.Debbie (not allow) to drive for six months. 答案:has not been allowed 6.If Justin (take) away by aliens too,I hope they will return him soon. 答案:has been taken 7.The world record (break)for many times by Chinese. 答案:has been broken 8.The workman (just interv

      5、iew) by the engineer,who was pleased to see him. 答案:has just been interviewed 9.The house (not paint) for years. 答案:hasnt been painted 10.Shakespeares play Hamlet (make)into at least ten different films over the past years. 答案:has been made 11.Will you attend the meeting this afternoon? But up till now I (not tell)anything about that. 答案:havent been told 12.A lot of high-rise buildings (put) up in the business district already. 答案:have been put 13.How long you (employ) as a firefighter? Since 19

      6、90. 答案:have;been employed 14.Unfortunately,with the development of industrialization,the environment (pollute). 答案:has been polluted 15.(2017天津)A bedroom,after all,is a very private space,in which some woman I dont even know (immortalize). 答案:has been immortalized 三、将下列句子变为主动语态 1.The room has been booked by Tom. 答案:Tom has booked the room. 2.So far about 40 works of art have been created by him in the local parks. 答案:So far he has created about 40 works of art in the local parks. 3.The animals h

      7、abitat in Antarctic has been seriously affected by tourism. 答案:Tourism has seriously affected the animals habitat in Antarctic. 4.Networks and processes have been limited to one factory by them since then. 答案:They have limited networks and processes to one factory since then. 四、使用被动语态完成句子 1. (许多树已经被种植) behind his house. 答案:Many trees have been planted 2.The important problem (已经被讨论一周了). 答案:has been discussed for a week 3.Table tennis (长期受到称赞) for its ability to improve attention and concentratio

      8、n. 答案:has long been praised 4.No book (没人来买过书)since last week. 答案:has been bought 5.Many new buildings (在过去的十年中被建造起来). 答案:have been built in the past ten years 6.His father left home in 1998,and (从那以后再也没有收到过他的消息). 答案:has not been heard of since then 7.For some reason I (总是被吸引) to older people much more than children. 答案:have always been drawn 8.A new hospital (已被建起) in what was a wasteland. 答案:has been built 9.Throughout history,different man-made languages (已 经被发明). 答案:have already been invente

      9、d 10.How many times have you (被告知) not to play with fire? 答案:been told 五、阅读理解 A 导学号 72864035 (思维品质) Personal computers and the Internet give people new choice about how to spend their time.Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members,but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care about most.I know this from personal experience. E-mail makes it easy to work at home,where I now spend most weekends and evenings.My working hours arent necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office.This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have. The Internet also makes it easy to s


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