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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、DTU V4 Release NoteDTU V4使用说明Date: 22/11/01Rotary LayeredDepth tracking display: 井深跟踪显示:|-|* Rotary: 1573 |Bit Depth: 1138.1 ft Block: STOP RESET|钻头进尺: 1138.1英尺 堵塞:停止复位|REF Slips: IN Connection: 0.0 ft |Hook Load: 75.1 psi SP: 1400 A) MENU|-| The flashing asterisk at the top left of the display indicates that setting/pulling slips detection is active. 在左上角闪烁的星号表示使用放置/拖动卡瓦 “Rotary:” raw counts value from the rotary sensor (shaft encoder). “Rotary.” 旋转传感器(轴式编码器)所纪录的原始计数值 “Block:” current direction

      2、 of travel of the travelling block UP, DOWN or STOP. When the ROP is low the direction will not be shown continuously, it will alternate with STOP. “Block.” 当前游动滑车的行进方向 UP(上),DOWN(下) 或 STOP(停止). 在机械钻速较低的情况下, 对该方向的显示是不连续的, 它将转换成 “STOP”. “RESET” indicates that a manual or automatic depth adjustment has been made and Orienteer has yet to acknowledge receipt of the reset. “RESET” 表明进行了手动或自动调整, 且定向软件此时才接收到复位信号 “REF” flashes to indicate that the draw works reference point (coil and layer) has not been

      3、 set. “REF” 通过闪烁来表示还没对绞车的参考点(缆圈和层数)进行设置 “Slips:” IN, OUT, IN or OUT. Indicates whether the drill string is in or out of slips. When enclosed in square brackets the displayed bit depth should not be considered accurate. This occurs for a period of 7.5 seconds when setting or pulling slips. “Slips.” IN(内), OUT(外), IN 或OUT. 表示钻柱是在卡瓦内或卡瓦外. 当其被围在方形支撑架中时, 关于钻头深度的显示值是不精确的. 当放置或拖动卡瓦时, 这种情况会持续7.5秒钟. “Connection:” when pulling slips the length of drill pipe added during the connection is calculated and di

      4、splayed. “Connection.” 当拖动卡瓦时, 在计算和显示连接的过程中, 钻杆的长度以被加入 “Hookload” weight of string currently supported by the hook. “Hookload”(大钩载荷) 大钩当前所承受的钻柱的重量 “SP” hookload threshold for detection of setting/pulling slips. This is subject to a +-5% hysteresis. “SP” 为了检测是否为放置/拖动卡瓦 , 而标出的大钩载荷的极限. 该值易受到一个+/-5%滞后作用Accurate depth tracking using rotary layered使用旋转层进的方法进行精确的深度跟踪To achieve accurate depth tracking the following steps must be followed:为了实现精确的深度跟踪, 请按以下步骤进行:a) Remove any existing correction factors 去掉

      5、所有现存的较正参数b) Setup draw works configuration 对绞车配置进行设定c) Set draw works reference point 设定绞车参考点d) Establish a hookload threshold setting 设定大钩载荷的极限值e) Set current bit depth 确定当前钻头深度f) Correct any errors present 更正当前存在的任何错误a) Remove existing correction factors 去掉所有现存的较正参数From the main menu select “Depth Control” to access the depth control menu: 在主菜单中选择” Depth Control”, 进入”深度控制”菜单|-|*| 其中: adjust bit depth 调整钻头深度|1) Adjust Bit Depth 4) Scaling Factor | reset bit depth 重置钻头深度|2) Reset Bit Depth 5) Co

      6、nnection Offset| set depth units 设定井深单位|3) Set Depth Units D) Exit| scaling factor 比例参数|-| connection offset 连接偏移 exit 退出Select “Scaling Factor”. Set the scaling factor to one.选择 “Scaling Factor”. 设定该参数为1Select “Connection Offset”. Set the offset to zero.选择 “Connection Offset”. 设定偏差为零b) Setup draw works configuration: 对绞车配置进行设定To achieve accurate depth tracking it is essential that the draw works configuration is set up correctly. From the main menu select Calibrate Sensors. The calibrate menu c

      7、ontains four options:为了获得精确的深度跟踪, 非常有必要对绞车进行正确设定. 从主菜单中选择 Calibrate Sensors. 在calibrate 菜单中包含4个选项|-|其中: draw works data 绞车数据|*| reference point 参考点|1) Draw Works Data 4) Factory Defaults| hookload sensor 大钩传感器|2) Reference Point | factory defaults 生产厂商默认值|3) Hookload Sensor D) Exit| exit 退出|-|Option 1) provides access to the configuration parameters that allow calculation of travelling block movement compensated for drum layering. Selection of option 1) displays the first half of the current draw works calibration:选项 1 ) 可以提供配置参数, 以便将游动滑车的移动补偿到滚筒层上. 选择 选项1), 显示第一半关于当前游动滑车的标定值|-|其中: layer 1 coil length 第一层上一个线圈的长度|*| rope diameter 大绳的直径|Layer 1 coil length: 3.141ft A) Down| coils per layer 每一层上缆线的圈数|Rope diameter: 0.125ft C) Edit|Coils per layer: 36.00 to 36.00 D) Exit|-|Scrolling down using A shows the remaining settings: 按下 “A”, 显示剩余设置 |-|其中: lines in derrick 钻塔上的缆线数|*| counts per rev 每一次回转所进行的计数|Lines in derrick: 10 A) Up | counts INCREASE as blk goes UP 计数值随着滑


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