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中西方建筑文化差异 中英文版

  • 卖家[上传人]:suns****4568
  • 文档编号:90322094
  • 上传时间:2019-06-11
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:5.21MB
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    • 1、The Differences in History and Culture between Chinese and Western Architecture,Chinese and the west with different regions, history and culture also have different architectural philosophy. Meanwhile, the Chinese people and westerners also have quite differences on aesthetic standards, character and temperament. All these impact the local arts of architectural design. 地域和历史文化截然不同的中西方也有着不同的建筑理念。同时中西方的人审美观念、性格气质也有着相当的差异,这些都在无形地影响着当地的建筑设计艺术。 Therefore, at first, we specially discussed some differe

      2、nces on the root of the architecture between the east and the west. Herein, I take Greece as the western representative.因此,特地在此探讨一下东西方的建筑根源上的一些差异。在这里,以希腊为西方的代表。,Building materials, reflected the different between Chinese and western material culture and philosophy of the differences.,Judging from the building materials, in modern architecture not produced before, all the world has developed mature construction system, including belong to eastern architecture of Indian architecture inside, basica

      3、lly, are for major construction materials to bricky build, belongs to the brick structure system. Such as the pyramids in Egypt, ancient Greek temple, Roman chichen itza, the ShuShuiDao, in Europe in the middle ages, the church. All are built with stone material, notting have is not the “stone“ in the history of historical left testimony.,Only in Chinese ancient buildings (including neighbouring Japan, Korea and other regions) is the wood to do the main frame houses, belong to timberwork system,

      4、 thus is known as “wood history“.,The layout of architectural space, reflect the different characteristics between Chinese and western system culture, the difference.,China whatever building, from housing to the palace, almost is a pattern, similar to the “quad“ mode. The beauty of Chinese architecture is a kind of “collective“ beauty. For example; Beijing palace, the Ming tombs Ming temple, qufu,Firstly, we discuss the perceptional architecture in Greece. The ancient Greek architecture pursued

      5、plastic arts, and each building seemed to be a sculpture. They pursued harmony and considered that human body was the most harmonious and beautiful shape in the world. The physical beauty is well reflected in their architectures. For instance, the Doric order represented male model is resolute and magnificent. The Ionic order represented female model is gentle and graceful. As shown in graphs:,The first difference,首先我们来讨论一下希腊建筑的感性化。古希腊建筑追求造型艺术,每个建筑就如一个雕塑品。他们追求和谐,并认为人体是世界上最和谐最美的形体。人体美在他们的建筑上得到了很好

      6、的体现,如代表男体的多立克柱式刚毅雄伟,代表女体的爱奥尼柱式柔和端丽。,多立克柱式是古典建筑的三种柱式中出现最早的一种(公元前7世纪),(另外2种柱式是爱奥尼柱式和科林斯柱式),它们都源于古希腊。 特点是比较粗大雄壮,没有柱础,柱身有20条凹槽,柱头没有装饰,多立克柱又被称为男性柱。来显示刚劲和力量。 最早的高度与直径之比为6:1,后来改至7:1。著名的雅典卫城(Athen Acropolis)的帕提农神庙(Parthenon)即采用的是多立克柱式。,这多立克式的是高浮雕,甚至圆雕,强调体积,爱奥尼式的是薄浮雕,强调线条。 这两种柱式,确实可以说是分别典型的概括了男性和女性的体态与性格,不仅是像维特鲁威所说的那样简单地模仿男体和女体的比例。,。 Next, we explored the spirit of ethics in Chinese architecture. Contrary to the tendency of pursuing formal beauty, attractive appearance and sculpture in Greece, the Chines

      7、e people dont pursue the external beauty but consider that the architecture is the place of living, thinking and cultivating moral, and should focus on ethics. 接下来探讨中国建筑的伦理精神。与希腊人追求形式美、造型美、雕塑感的倾向相反,中国人不求外在形式的美感,而是认为建筑是生活、思考、养德的地方,应以伦理为重点,The first difference,群体和谐的思想是中国建筑美学的特征,也正是中国建筑的独特理念。因此中国建筑以向水平方向发展为主,极力削弱个体建筑的突出。这种形式的布局,不是以单体建筑的造型取胜,而是以群体的对称、呼应、错落有序形成整体气势。 中国人有着令人惊讶的对建筑群体的驾驭能力。 The thought of group harmony is the characteristics of Chinese architectural aesthetics, but also the unique ideas

      8、 of Chinese architecture. Therefore, Chinese architecture is mainly in horizontal development, as to weaken the highlight of the individual architecture greatly. This kind of layout became dominant depending on the overall momentum of the symmetry, concert and good order among groups instead of the modeling of individual architecture.Chinese people have surprising control ability to the architectural groups.,The first difference,The first difference,In the group harmony of Chinese architectures,

      9、 it is characterized by “courtesy” of the Confucianism. “Courtesy” is the criteria of dividing into the differences among people. Therefore, it has clear expression on the primary and secondary in architecture. The architectures with different grades have the corresponding position, form, color and roof styles, etc. All these also reflected the ethics of Chinese architecture.For instance, in the Forbidden City, all the buildings are arranged in a certain courtesy order, so as to show the tremendous momentum.中国建筑的群体和谐中,以儒家的“礼”的思想为特色。“礼”是一种划分人与人之间差异区别的标准,因此,建筑中有着鲜明的主次表达。不同级别的建筑有着与自身级别相应的位置、形式、色彩、屋顶样式等等。这也正体现了中国建筑的伦理观念。,The first difference,图 故宫,The second difference on history and culture between Chinese and western architecture is the spirit of democracy in the west and autocratic and hierarchical thinking in China .中西方建筑历史文化的第二个差异是西方的民主精神和和中国的专制等级思想。,The second difference,在古希腊建筑中,大型建筑往往依地势而建,并不强调中轴对称和等级思想。如雅典的建筑卫城中,建筑物的安排顺应地势,布局方式自由活泼,给人的感觉是生机勃勃多于庄严肃穆。,The second difference,图 雅典卫

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