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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、PART 1My name is - . You can call me-.I am an assistant and working for a communicating company which sells equipment I like my job for the chance to practice myself and learning some practice knowledge in administration.PART 2When we talking about/ make reference to /it comes to what is important in*, there are three point for this problem.1/2/3. To my point, 1 is the most considerable/significant/important/crucial/ reason, because/for the reasons below:Positive reason1. Increase sales/profits/

      2、 customer loyalty/ employee/staff satisfaction.2. Appealing to/attract potential customer/client. 3. Enrich product category.4. Launch/carry out market research,analysis client habit and demand.5. Provide us with convenience.6. Stimulate customers desire, tap staffs potential.7. Is an essential element in company operating/management8. Broaden marketing area, enlarge our customer scope , 9. Save time/ cost/space relieve stress/burden10. have good advance preparations,Passive reason1) Bring great

      3、 loss to both individual and the whole cooperation.2) Great mass of time= a waste of time 3) Do harm to our harmony/safe/environment/health.4) Raise the financial burdenPART 3Are you ready? Shall we start? Youre right/As is known to all/ Sounds exciting. The first thing to do is of course to make travel and accommodation arrangements, such as choosing an airline offering good services and the flight of the right time so that we can arrange things well and in an effective way. In addition/at the

      4、same time/whats more, it would be useful / beneficial / advantageous / assistant to know about some business customs in the US, including commonly accepted business practices, ways of doing business, and laws and regulations, etc. People attach much importance to formal agreement and contracts with detailed terms and conditions. It will be easier for our company to gain an larger marketing performance, if we take actions/measures/steps to deal with/manage/handle /settle/resolve/figure out this p

      5、roblems/issues. We have different approaches/ways/measures to Completing Tasks. Raise the attractive of our company, and build up/accelerate/grow in /promote/boost /improve/increase the customer loyalty. Establish/set up/build a/an suitable/ adequate /proper/appropriate Pricing/ advertising/ ProductStrategy. Example 1Asisknowntoall,itisveryimportantforacompanyto *.Ithinkacompanyshouldtryeverypossiblewayto *.First,itshouldalwaysmakesurethatitprovidesitscustomerswithqualitygoodsandafter-salesservi


      7、itscurrentcustomerssatisfiedwithitsproductsandservices,andatthesametimeitshouldstayaheadofthemarketthroughproductandpricingstrategies.附 商务知识首先是Marketing,一般presentation部分考官会给三个题目供你选择,可以说必有一道是关于Marketing的,所以这方面的材料要好好准备。以下是我当时准备的一些常用材料。I.PricingStrategy1.theproductitself:thecostofproducingplusyourexpectingprofit2.similarproducts,therivalfirms:Whataretheirprices?Whatareyourproductscompetitiveadvantages?Inwhataspectdoesyourproductsuperiortoothers?Thiscanaddextravaluetoyourproduct.3.targetcustomer:Whe



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