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    • 1、(PS:笔者购买了自考培训网站的视频课程,上课时一字一句整理的笔记。老师上课讲的重点都通过加粗、涂色等方式标注出来了。已顺利通过该门课程。视频中缺少莎士比亚部分,因此笔记也缺少相应部分,介意者请勿下载,谢谢)Old and Medieval English Literature Who were the master of England? The Celts.(Celtic English) England was conquered by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Normans.The Anglo-Saxons brought the Germanic language and culture.The Normans brought a fresh wave of Mediterranean civilization: Greek culture,Roman law and the Christian religion. Old English Literature: from about 450 to 10

      2、66 (Anglo-Saxon period) The Germanic tribes brought:The Anglo-Saxon language, the basis of Modern EnglishA specific poetic tradition, which is both bold and strong,mournful and elegiac in spirit. The Old English poetry can be divided into two groups:the religious group and the secular one.The religious group is mainly on biblical themes.Genesis A,Genesis B and Exodus are based on the Old Testament while The Dream of the Rood comes from the New Testament. Beowulf,a typical example

      3、of Old English poetry,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. 贝尔武甫是英国上古诗歌的典型,在今天被誉为盎格鲁萨克逊的民族史诗。It presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural  world under a wise and mighty leader.The poem is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends. 1066 Norman conquest starts the medieval period which covers about four centuries. After the conquest,three languages co-existed in Engla

      4、nd.French became the official language used by the king and the Norman lords;Latin became the principal tongue of church affairs and in universities;and Old English was spoken only by the common English people. In the second half of the 14th century,English literature started to flourish with the appearance of writers like Geoffrey Chaucer,William Langland,John Gower,and others. Romance which uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular l

      5、iterary form in the medieval period.骑士文学也是中世纪盛行的文学形式,这种文学以叙述性的散文或散文歌颂骑士的冒险以及其他的英雄事迹。 Geoffrey Chaucer is the greatest writer of this period. It is Chaucer,for the first time in English literature,presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life in his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales.在英国文学史上第一次向我们展示了当时英国社会的一幅包罗万象的现实主义画卷,他在代表作坎特伯雷故事集中塑造了一系列来自社会各阶层的生动的人物形象。 John Dryden called C

      6、haucer the father of English poetry. Edmund Spenser paid tribute to him as his master;many of Shakespeare's plays show thorough assimilation of Chaucer's comic spirit.埃德蒙斯宾塞尊之(乔叟)为自己的导师;莎士比亚的许多戏剧都与乔叟的喜剧精神有契合之处。  Chapter 1 The Renaissance Period The Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world.Generally,it refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It first started in Italy,with the flowering of painting,sculpture and literatu

      7、re. The Renaissance,which means rebirth or revival,is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events,such as the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture,the new discoveries in geography and astrology,the religious reformation and the economic expansion.(文艺)复兴,顾名思义即重生、复苏,是由一系列历史事件激发推动的,其中包括对古希腊罗马文化的重新发现,地理天文领域的新发现,宗教改革及经济发展。 The Renaissance,therefore,in essence,is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of

      8、 those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe,to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie,and to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.因此,文艺复兴从本质上来讲是欧洲人文主义者竭力祛除中世纪欧洲的封建主义,推行代表新兴城市资产阶级利益的新思想,恢复早期宗教的纯洁性,远离腐败的罗马天主教廷的一场运动。 The Renaissance was slow in reaching England not only because of the England's separation from the Continent but also because of its domestic unrest.文艺复兴浪潮波及到英国的速度缓慢,不仅因为英国远离欧洲大陆,而且还因为其国内的

      9、动荡不安。(The War of Roses玫瑰战争) But it was not until the reign of Henry VIII(from 1509 to 1547) that the Renaissance really began to show its effect in England.而直到亨利八世统治期间,文艺复兴的春风才吹入英国。 With Henry VIII's encouragement,the Oxford reformers,scholars and humanists introduced classical literature to England.Education,based upon the classics and the Bible,was revitalized,and literature,already much read during the 15th century,became even more popular.基于古典文学作品及圣经的教育重获生机,而十五世纪就被广泛传阅的文学作品至此就更

      10、加流行了。Thus began the English Renaissance,which was perhaps England's Golden Age,especially in literature.自此,英国的文艺复兴就开始了。英国,尤其是英国文学进入了黄金时代。 Among the literary giants were Shakespeare,Spenser,Jonson,Sidney,Marlowe,Bacon and Donne.这个时期涌现出莎士比亚、斯宾塞、约翰逊、西德尼、马洛、培根及邓恩等一大批文学巨匠。The English Renaissance had no sharp break with the past.但英国的文艺复兴并未使新文学与旧时代彻底决裂。Attitudes and feelings which had been characteristic of the 14th and 15th centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and Reformation.仍带有十四、十


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