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    • 1、Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development,1,1.1 Encouraging Signs/Continuing Challenges 1.2 Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 1.3 Meeting human needs while protecting the environment,Chapter 1 Living Sustainably on the Earth,2,1.2 Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development,3,1.3 Meeting human needs while protecting the environment,Principles of Sustainable Development,4,2.1 Roots of the environmental crisis 2.2 leverage points,Chapter 2 The Root Cause of the

      2、 Environment Crisis,5,1. Religious Roots,2.1 Roots of the environmental crisis,2. Some Cultural Roots,Democracy Industrialism Frontierism,3. Biological and Evolutionary Roots,The inability to respond long-term threats Denial to the environmental crisis Overconsumption Acquisitiveness and greed,4. Psychological and Economic Roots,5. Putting It All Together,6, 3.1 Human settlements: networks of (unsustainable) systems 3.2 Whats wrong with human systems: why are they unsustainable? 3.3 Making syste

      3、ms sustainable: applying the principles of sustainable development,Chapter 3 Environmental Protection by Design: Restructuring Human Systems for Sustainability,7,Human systems. Our lives depend on a variety of systems, such as waste management, transportation, energy, and agriculture. Note that some systems provide inputs needed to make others run. All systems produce waste, handled by our waste management system.,3.1 Human settlements: networks of (unsustainable) systems,8,A study of human syst

      4、ems suggests that they are unsustainable for three basic reasons:,(1) They produce levels of pollution that exceed the local, regional, and even global capacity to absorb and render them harmless; (2) they deplete finite nonrenewable resources; (3) they use renewable resources such as forests faster than they can naturally regenerate.,3.2 Whats Wrong with Human Systems: Why Are They Unsustainable?,9,3.3 Making Systems Sustainable: Applying the Principles of Sustainable Development,1. Operating P

      5、rinciples:,Creating a society that is sustainable requires a number of steps: (1) population stabilization (2) growth management (3) Efficiency (4) renewable energy use (5) recycling (6) Restoration (7) sustainable resource management,2.Applying the Operating Principles to Human Systems,10,4.1 Homeostasis: Maintaining the Balance 4.2 Evolution: responding to change 4.3 Human impact on ecosystems,Chapter 4 Principles of Ecology: Self-Sustaining Mechanisms in Ecosystems,11,4.1 Homeostasis: Maintai

      6、ning the Balance,1.Homeostasis in Natural Systems,2. Factors that Contribute to Ecosystem Homeostasis,Growth factors-tend to increase population size Reduction factors-tend to decrease population size,Biological / biotic factors -Predators Nonbiological / abiotic factors-rainfall, temperature,3. The Resilience of Ecosystems(生态恢复力),4.Resisting Changes from Human Activities,5.Population Control and Sustainability,6.Species Diversity and Stability,12,4.2 Evolution: Responding to Change,5.Coevolutio

      7、n and Ecosystem Balance,4.Speciation: How New Species Form,3.Natural Selection: Natures Editor,2.Genetic Variation: The Raw Material of Evolution,1.Evolution by Natural Selection: An Overview,13,4.3 Human Impact on Ecosystems,1.Tampering with Abiotic Factors,2.Tampering with (损害) Biotic Factors,3. Simplifying Ecosystems,4.Why Study Impacts?,14,5.1 Human cultural evolution: our changing relationship with nature 5.2 The sustainable society: the next step 5.3 Achieving a sustainable human populatio

      8、n: the challenges 5.4 Stabilizing the human population: some strategies,Chapter 5 Achieving a Sustainable Human Population,15,6.1 hunger, malnutrition, food supplies, and the environment 6.2 barriers to a sustainable agricultural system 6.3 solutions: building a sustainable agricultural system,Chapter 6 Creating a Sustainable System of Agriculture to Feed the Worlds People,16,6.2 Barriers to a Sustainable Agricultural System,Reasons for the unsustainable decline in food production: 1. Soil Erosi

      9、on(土壤侵蚀) 2. Desertification: Turning Cropland into Desert 3. Farmland Conversion 4. Declines in Irrigated Cropland Per Capita 5. Waterlogging(水渍) and Salinization(盐渍化) 6. Soil pollution 7. Politics, Agriculture, and Sustainability,17,6.3 Solutions: Building a Sustainable Agriculture System,1. Protecting Existing Soil and Water Resources 2. Overcoming the Economic Obstacles to Soil Erosion Controls 3. Soil Enrichment Programs 4. Increasing the Amount of Land in Production 5. Increasing the Productivity of Existing Land: Developing Higher-Yield Plants and Animals 6. Developing Alternative Foods 7.Eating Lower on the Food Chain 8. Reducing Pest Damage and Spoilage 9. Creating Agricultural Self-Sufficiency in Less Developed Nations 10. Legislation and New Policies: Political and Economic Solutions 11. Ending War,18,7.1 Biodiversity: signs of decline 7.2 Causes of extinction and the decline in biodiversity 7.3 Why protect biodiversity? 7.4 How to sa


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