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    • 1、Nanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsGraduation Thesis ProposalCollege of International EducationMajor: International BusinessTopic: The compare of Electronic Commerce in South Korea and ChinaStudent Name: ID Number: Location: Jiangning Campus Advisor: Mi ChuanminTitle: Associate professorDate: 1. According to the Graduation Thesis , each student is required to write a summary in about 1500 to 2000 words by referring to scientific papers:写一个综述,对于你研究的问题,目前的国内外的研究状况。Research situation

      2、 at home and abroad:Electronic commerce is a developing concept. IBM proposed Electronic Commerce in 1996. One year later in 1997, the company proposed the concept Electronic Business.According to the history,American was the first country that proposed the concept of Electronic Commerce.Since 1997 July the United States government officially issued policy framework for global electronic commerce,E-commerce has become the core of economic activities in 21 Century.The electronic phase in the whol

      3、e process of trade and trade activities, which can be done all by network.Electronic Commerce emphasis on corporate transactions and co-operaion with enterprises. As the developing of economic,electronic Commerce have a great develop.Many conturies in the world take serious of electronic Commerce.Electronic Commerce is the key driving force for economic growth in the future.China and South Korea are both asia countries that have prosperous electronic commerce market.The two countries realized th

      4、at the imporant of e-business! Who win the e-business, who will win the world?Application of computer in China has been 40 years of history, but the electronic commerce only 10 years.On September 20, 1987, Chinas first email across the Great Wall to the world, opened a prelude to Chinas use of the internet.In recent years, with the continuous development of Internet technology, internet users in China showing explosive growth, various kinds of network companies have emerged,especially small and

      5、medium-sized enterprises are aware of the importance of Internet business, many business are shifting to the Internet.The popularization of network knowledge and Hundreds of millions of Internet users promote the development of E-Commerce.At the end of 1993, Chinas started national economy informationization project - gold project, at present there are thirteen projects are under construction, involving customs, finance, trade, education, health, business, agriculture and many other sectors to p

      6、articipate. Since carry out the gold project, Chinas e-commerce infrastructure has obtained fast development. In January 2010, China Internet network information center released, the China Internet network development state statistic report shows that by the end of 2009, the scale of Chinese Internet users reached 384 million, increased by 28.9% over the previous year, the proportion of the population increase from 22.6% to 28.9%, which collected 233 million netizens, 60.8% of Internet users in

      7、general; Internet penetration rate reached 22.6%, slightly higher than the global average (21.9%); Domain name for a total of 16.82 million domain utilization is increasing; Domain name registrants of 3.23 million websites in China, network number to continue steady growth.With the development of the Internet network, the electronic commerce relyed on it also got rapid development, electronic commerce trade increased rapidly. According to the Chinese B2B research center released shows that in 20

      8、09 Chinas e-commerce market turnover reached 3.4 trillion yuan, increased by 41.2% over 2008; Among them, the B2B transactions reached 3 trillion yuan, that is 95.2% of the overall e-commerce trading, electronic commerce has enjoyed record deal size.Affected by the global economic slowdown in 2012, China e-commerce market somewhat fall after a rise, Chinas e-commerce market scale amounted to 8.1 yuan. In view of the market structure, network shopping breakthrough trillion yuan mark.China electri

      9、c business industry in 2013 will enter a period of adjustment, like Jingdong, Suning, Dangdang and other comprehensive business platform in the strong development and at the same time, the development focus from the scale to move closer to the profit direction, Taobao and tmall mall as Alis, still occupies the absolute share of Chinas electronic commerce. As early as in 1987, the South Korean government began to carry out government information project, in 1999, the South Korean government proposed the cyberkorea21 plan, and the promulgation of the regulations on electronic commerce framework.South Korea electronic commerce construction started earlier, development quickly, network spread widely, especially e-commerce infrastructure construction is particularly prominent. According to south Korean intelligence communications data of South Korea


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