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    • 1、曾都一中枣阳一中 襄州一中宜城一中上学期高二期中考试英语试题时间:120分钟 分值:150分第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Here are 4 extreme sports which are popular in the west countries among the young. Volcano Boarding Racing down an active 2,380 ft volcano at a speed of 50 mph with only a board for protection is considered by many thrill-seeking sports

      2、fans as the coolest. Thousands of travellers head to the foothills of Nicaraguas Cerro Negro Mountain every year to take part in the new sport. Surfers, dressed in protective jump suits, knee-pads and helmets, can reach a speed of up to 80 km/h on their special boards. Since its creation, in 2005, the volcano boarding has attracted more than 10,000 participants. Cliff Diving Cliff diving is defined as the perfection of diving into water from a high cliff. From the rough rocks, divers take a jump

      3、 into the water beneath. This dangerous sport originated from the Hawaiian Island of Lanai in 1770. Kahekili, the king, demanded that his men leap off high cliffs and enter the water to prove their courage and loyalty. Today, after centuries, the activity has expanded into a sport. Slackening A balance sport, slacklining uses nylon ropes stretched tight between two fixed points. It is different from tightrope walking it is like a large rubber band. The lines tension can be adjusted to suit the p

      4、erformer and different types of movement. Christian Schou holds the Guinness World Record title for the highest slackline at 3,280 feet (1000 meters) 3 Eiffel towers high. Zorbing Ball Effectively throwing yourself down a slope in a giant ball, or “zorbing”,is one of the latest extreme sports. This bizarre sport, invented in 2000, involves a giant plastic ball, which has two skins, one inside the other. The person zorbing is in the area between the skins. Then others will roll the ball down a hi

      5、ll.21. Which sport can you experience when you visit Hawaii?A. Zorbing ball. B. Slacklining.C.Cliff diving.D. Volcano boarding.22. What is most needed during the performance of slacklining?A.A sense of balance.B.Agood tightrope.C.A large rubber band.D.Asense of direction.23. Where can readers read this passage?A.An official report.B.Apopular magazine.C.A guide book. D.Ascience journal.B When he was young, Louis Armstrong was taking “Creole jazz”, also called dance music, and combining it with tr

      6、umpeter (号手)Buddy Bolden, to create what would eventually become todays jazz. Armstrong accomplished this with almost no formal training. What little training he did have began when he was placed in the New Orleans Colored Waifs Home at the age of 12, after a run-in with the police. The punishment turned out to be a mixed blessing, for he also had the opportunity to play in a real band. While at the Waifs Home, Armstrong also got the chance to hear some of the citys finest musicians. Cornetist F

      7、reddie Keppard performed in a nearby club. So did trumpeter and bandleader King Joe Oliver, who took the boy under his wing and taught him how to read music and work on his playing technique. When Oliver left for Chicago, Armstrong chose to stay in New Orleans and work with some of the other top musicians of the day. In Chicago, King Oliver offered him a place in his band in 1922. It became Armstrongs biggest challenge yet the band had no parts written for trumpet, so he was forced to listen to

      8、King Oliver and improvise (即兴创作). Soon, Armstrongs undeniable talent was getting notice. Even classically trained musicians would come to hear the incredible sounds this young man created.Lil Hardin, the bands piano player and the future Mrs. Armstrong, explains that Oliver kept Armstrong in the second trumpet-chair so that Oliver would still be “King”. Hardin convinced him to leave the band. Armstrong moved to New York City in 1924 to join Fletcher Hendersons band and then flew solo. In 1925, A

      9、rmstrong put together the Hot Five, expanding his popularity even more. Armstrong recorded his first composition, Cornet Chop Suey, one of the most copied jazz solos of all time. This monumental 1928 recording blends artistry, endurance and showmanship that has rarely, if ever, been matched in jazz.24. What does the underlined word “this” refer to in the second paragraph?A. To play dance music. B. To work with Buddy BoldenC.To play a jazz instrument well.D. To create modern jazz music.25. Who taught Louis Armstrong how to play music in the early time?A.Buddy Bolden. B. Lil Hardin.C.King Joe Oliver.D. Cornetist Freddie Keppard26. Why did Louis Armstrong leave King Olivers band?A. Because he wanted to get married in New York.B. Because his talent could not develop complet


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