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    • 1、2017年中考英语专题训练词汇检测1its good to have a(健康的) eating habit2His father always(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely3John is interested in(化学)4The Blacks are going to have their garden(浇水) this weekend5Reading is important,for it can open up an(未知的)world to us6Sue always has great(勇气)to face difficulties and thats why we all respect her7Be polite,HenryIts rude to(指向) at others like that8To my surprise,the 3yearold boy can spell all those words(正确地)9With the development of science and technology,more and

      2、more(机器人)are used in factories10Drinking tea is a(传统的) custom in China11Everest is a natural(奇迹)Many people expect to explore it12There are three months in spring,including March,April and(五月)13Most drivers in Suqian are(礼貌的) enough to let people walk across the street first14All my classmates went to the old peoples home(除了)Enic because he was ill15Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue (上升)this summer16When was the new crosssea (桥)in Lianyungang completed?In April,201617Com

      3、e on,SandyEverybody will be lucky or (成功的) sometime in their lifeThanks,Ill try again18Flight 846 (降落) safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers19On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his (粗心)20Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very(真实的)21Each different part of China has its own special forms of(传统的)art22Mrs Wang,a new(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend23Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long(历史)24We all know that the ea

      4、rth is not the(中心) of the universe25They were(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday26I could feel my heart(跳动) fast when I heard the news27The floor will feel even(光滑的) after it is mopped by me28Dont drink the ( 污染 ) waterIt will make you ill29To my parents,my health(要紧)more to them than anything else30All(建议) are welcomePlease give them to us at anytime31Something must be done to stop the virus (扩散)32The little boy his head when he heard what his mother said(垂下)33I think these

      5、cameras are those(导演)Please look after them34The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is to attract 10million visits each year(预计)35Ice fishing,a popular winter sport,is(相似的)in many ways to regular fishing36We need to learn new words and more(语法)to understand English better37They wanted to(发送)everyone emails to ask for help38I was told that Apple Pay is one of the(最安全的)way to pay on the Internet39Jack has many story books and he often(分享)them with his friends40My father is interested in(收集

      6、)stamps41His family is not rich enough to(买得起) a house42To our surprise,there was no salt in the fishDad did the cooking(粗心地)43Here is the(菜单),can you tell me what you will order?44My dream is to be a teacher in the(将来)45Everyone is here(除了) TomHe is absent because of his illness46This big meal gives me energy for the afternoon (整个的)47of patients are treated in the hospital every day(千)48He climbed the window and saw what he could take away(穿过)49It is my to be together with you(愉快)50Yangzhou Tai

      7、zhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou TaizhouAirport(国际的)51Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of themost beautiful college campuses(世界的)52Any person who does something the law will be put into prison(违反)53fireworks lighted up Shanghai Disneyland on March 29,2016(首次)54Danny Bowman is crazy about taking photos of(他自己)55The boy learns to play the piano every evening(星期二)56This is probably thepainting Ive ever seen(丑陋的)57The man seems to be in his(四十)58Please tell me the(总的,大体的)idea

      8、of the passage after you read it59The boy who won the drawing competition is the(骄傲) of his class60The robot caught a virus and no longer worked (正常地)61My friends in Australia say that they now have hot days,with temperatures in the(三十)62Helping others is the most (有价值的) thing in the world63People like (分享) things through WeChat now64Could you tell me the(高度)of Qomolangma?65He has just come back after living(在国外)for almost ten years66The copy of Evangeline has many(有帮助的) notes at the back67The t

      9、wins looked the same,so I often(弄错)one from the other68Do you know the(首都)of America?69Mum sometimes (混合) vegetables together to make a salad for us70To catch her attention,I (摇动)my head and held up my hat to her71I have no interest in TV adsI think it (简直)a waste of time to watch them72Today,I consider myself the (幸运的)man on the face of the Earth73Can you help me divide the cake into two (半)?74I never learned to raise cows and (也不)did they75The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin is (赞扬)as theArt Palace of Nature76The enemies


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