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    • 1、2018 年连云港中考英语第二次模拟试题第卷(选择题共60分) 一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. 【原创试题】Do you know that Lianyungang is city with many beautiful sights. - Yes, the government is doing its best to make it one of most civilized cities in China. A. /, a B. /, the C. an, / D. a, the2. 【原创试题】The experience you get for yourself is _ than that from others.A. much valuable B. more value C. more valuable D. much value3. I think the man over there must be Douglas. It _ be him. He has _ to Australia.A. cant, gone B. cant, bee

      2、n C. may not, been D. mustnt, gone4. Kate says she is going to _ her job in the hospital and open her own store. Is it serious? I _ . She never means it. A. give up; wonder B. look for; agree C. keep off; suppose D. pick up; believe 5. Theres too much salt in the Chinese diet. So there is. The WHO says only 1.5 grams of salt _ for each man every day.A. is neededB. is needingC. will needD. has needed6. What a day! The car I _ seems to go wrong again. A. have repaired it B. had repaired C. had rep

      3、aired it D. have it repaired7.【原创试题】 Chairperson Xi said that education decides the today and future of the mankind the TeachersDay. A. on, thirty-two B. in, thirty-two C. on, thirty-second D. at, thirtieth-second8. The girl is so helpful that she devoted all her spare time she had _ others.A. to help B. helping C. to helping D. helped9. 【原创试题】My bicycle . May I go ? -No problem! A. broke, by yoursB. broke down, on yours C. was broken down, on yours D. is broken, on yourself10.Is Kate coming to

      4、the party this evening? No, she _ be at the party. She_ to the UK.A. mustnt; has goneB. mustnt; has beenC. cant; has goneD. cant; has been11. China Dream is a great way to gather people together and the fast development of our country.Apush forBfit forCdeal with Dcheer for12. Could you tell us _? Sometimes, if I have time A. how long you play computer gamesB. how often you go to the parkC. how soon you will see a film D. how much time you spend on homework every day13. 【原创试题】I prefer _ outside f

      5、or a trip rather than _at home this May Day holidayA. to go,staying B. going,to stay C. to go,stay D. going,staying14. 【原创试题】_,when Marx was already_, he began to learn Russian. A. In 1880s; in his fifties B. In 1880s; in fifties C. In the 1880s; in his fifties D. In the 1880s; in fifties15. Ive been waiting for the phone since 5 oclock. _ He is not only a skillful driver but he also knows the road very well.A. How long has he been away?B. Whats the matter with John?C. I dont think you should wo

      6、rry about John.D. Im afraid theres something wrong with the telephone.二、完成填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old. When I found people in trouble, I always 16 them with whatever they needed as soon as possible.At that time, I noticed that many 17 people had difficulty going to the shopping mall after heavy snow. I would spend part of a 18 Saturday knocking on my elderly neigh

      7、bors apartment doors to ask if they 19 anything from the mall. The mall was down a huge hill and I would bring back a couple of bags of necessities (必需品) for them every time. I liked it and it made them so 20, too.My friends asked me 21 I was doing and after some time some of them joined in and it became a 22 as time went by. I 23 asked for money for these, but sometimes the old ladies would 24 some in my pocket without telling me. The next time I would buy some flowers or cards for them.When I

      8、went to college, many of these people would ask my mother about me, 25 my mother didnt always know who they were. I had never told her about what I 26 to do for these people. And then she knew it through the 27 between these people and her. I started helping others when I was 12 and it has 28 until today. Now Im a teacher and teaching my students the art of true 29. At first I wrote this for my diary, but my mother said why not share it with 30. I hope this inspires (激励) younger people and the older ones as well.16. A. offered B. helped C. cared D. gave17. A. disabled B. sick C. lazy D. old18. A. snowy B. fine C. free D. busy19. A. had B. needed C. got D. took20. A. pleased B. relaxed C. surprised D. bored21. A. whether B. when


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