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    • 1、连云港市2014年英语中考试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分1. Lee Min-ho is actor from South Korea. He sang Chinese pop song on the 2014 CCTV New Years Gala.A. the; anB. /; the C. an; aD. a; /2. _ will the fog and haze last?Ive no idea. There is no sign of an end.A. How soonB. How far C. How longD. How often3. This book on idioms is interesting. Id like , where did you buy it, Simon?In the Amazon Bookstore,A. itB. this C. thatD. one4. I could control my feelings at the moment. The song brought back so many childhoo

      2、d memories.A. reallyB. hardly C. nearlyD. clearly5. China is going to a manned space station around 2020 to explore more space.A, set upB. put up C. wake upD. turn up6. A persons life is like a road lots of difficulties.Yes, so we need positive energy.A. byB. with C. alongD. during7. A Bite of China 2 includes eight episodes. It the stories of more than 150 people t and over 300 types of food.A. findsB. proves C. coversD. imagines8. Beijing and Zhangjiakou applying to host the 2022 Winter Olympi

      3、c Games in 2013.A. beginB. began C. have begunD. had begun9. I know by what time you want the project to be done?By the day after tomorrow. you finish it on time?A. May; CanB. Must; Need C. Could; MustD. Need; Would10. Mr. Black used to be busy. But now hes tired and , so he has plenty of time to exercise.A. hardB. calm C. freeD. nervous11. The six students from Lianyungang got the first prize in the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition in Jiangsu. exciting news it is!A. WhatB. How C. What a

      4、nD. How an12. Nobody knows which learn will win the2014 World Cup in Brazil.Yes. That is the of the beautiful game.A. questionB. luck C. hopeD. magic13. I missed the beginning of The Voice of China yesterday evening. ! But you can watch the re-play tonight.A. Hurry upB. What a pity C. Try your bestD. I don t think so14. Jack, could you tell me for travelling this summer?We plan to go and see the beautiful sea in Hainan.A. where your family will go B. how will your family goC. how your family wil

      5、l go D. where will your family go15. I didn t expect to see you studying at the library so early in the morning. , huh?A. Every dog has its dayB. Many hands make light workC. The early bird catches the wormD. Too many cooks spoil the broth二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每題所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly before the deadly disaster of the typhoon. Bernadette Tenegra, a 44-year-old high school teacher, was in her 16 which was on the bank of a river. T

      6、he Tenegra family _ 17 together in their shelter to keep away from the storm. They thought that the powerful storm would die out soon as it did 18 .So they were just hanging on there.But things didnt happen 19 they had thought, the water rose with a frightening speed and their 20 house fell down, sweeping away the occupants (居住者),including Tenegras husband and her other daughter. They were able to struggle to 21 , but the 6-year-old Tenegra was 22 against the strong wind and water, along with sh

      7、arp deadly debris(残骸). Bernadette made her way to the child and was holding her and kept 23 her to keep on.“I crawled(爬) over to her, and I tried to pull her up. But she was too 24 and wasnt able to make it. It seemed she had already 25 , ” Tenegra said, crying. “I screamed but it didnt work.The mother said 26 that she would never forget the last words of her daughter before 27 , “Ma, just let go, just let go. Save 28 . I love you forever.“Yolanda” , the super typhoon destroyed a great number of

      8、 houses and buildings. The 6-year- old Tenegra 29 her life. She has just seen a small part of this wonderful world 30 that short lifetime, while the whole world witnessed all the beauty of her.16. A. familyB. schoolC. buildingD. home17. A. marchedB. stayedC- arrangedD. collected18. A. in the pastB. in the dayC. in the endD. in the future19. A. whileB. beforeC. as D. since20. A. woodenB. goldenC. hiddenD. modem21. A. strengthB. warmthC. safetyD. difficulty22. A. fightingB. beatingC. touchingD. preventing23. A. invitingB. orderingC. trainingD. telling24. A. sleepyB. weakC. impatientD. careless25. A. given hackB. given awayC. given upD. given off26. A. excitedlyB. sadlyC. angrilyD. confidently27. A. arrivalB. breakC. choiceD. death28. A. myselfB. yourselfC. himselfD. herself29. A. lostB. savedC. spentD. changed30. A. aboveB. belowC. duringD. beyond三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AKatherine


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