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    • 1、Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,Period 1 Introduction& Reading,Brainstorming!,How many kinds of vehicles do you know?,sedan,carriage,rickshaw,in old times,horse,bike,motorbike,car,taxi,train,bus,truck,tractor,Tram: a vehicle for passengers which runs on electricity along metal tracks in the street,a ferry: a boat that carries people or goods across a river,a boat,a ship,helicopter: an aircraft with large metal blades on top which turn around very quickly to make it fly,plane,rocket,spaceship,c

      2、able car,a vehicle for carrying people into space,a vehicle used for carrying things into space.,In nowadays bike/ bicycle, bus, train, tram (电车), motorbike, car, taxi/ cab, ferry, ship, boat, helicopter, plane, horse, camel, truck/ lorry(货车), tractor(拖拉机), cable car (缆车), rocket, spaceship,different kinds of vehicles,taxis, bicycles, motorbikes, buses, cars, tractors, trucks,trams, trains,ferries, ships ,boats,helicopter, planes, spaceships, rockets,bicycle buses ferry helicopter motorbike truc

      3、k boats cars spaceships ships planes taxis trains trams tractors rockets,Suggested answers,Match the verbs with the means of transport,bicycle bus ferry helicopter motorbike horse ship plane camel taxi train tram,Exercise2: practice in conversations,A: Here a bus is coming B: Do you want to get on it? A: No, I dont. There are lots of people getting off,Group talk: Describe one of your journeys.,How old were you? Where did you go? How did you travel? And whom did you go with? What was your feelin

      4、g? And tell something about your unforgettable experiences,Tips: I first travelled a long distance by _ when I was _. I went with _ from _ to _. Q:When talking about experience, what factors should you pay attention to?,Who , when, where, what, why& how,useful words & expressions,means refer to ride drive distance,means,n. (often pl.) a method or way 方法,方式(属单复数同形) e.g. The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的旅游方式是乘飞机。 All means have been tried.=Every means has been tried. 所有方法都试过了 -Can I ha

      5、ve a look at your stamp collection? 我可以看看你的集邮吗? - By all means.(当然可以。),means,Further expansion: mean v. 意欲,打算 mean to do sth. 打算做; mean doing 意味着; mean to have done sth.=had meant to do sth. 原打算做某事实际未做。 phrases: by all means 当然;务必 by no means 决不;并没有 the means of transport 交通方式 by means of 用,依靠,refer to,a. 提到;说起 e.g. Dont refer to that matter again. 别再提那件事 b. 参考;咨询;查资料 e.g, If you dont know what this means, refer to the dictionary. 如果你不知道这是什么意思,就查查字典 c. 有关; 针对 e.g. The new law doesnt refer to lan

      6、d used for farming. 这条新法令并非指农用土地。 d. 提交作决定或采取行动 e.g. You should refer this matter to the head office for a decision. 你应当把这件事儿提交总部决定。,refer to,phrases: refer to /turn to the dictionary 查字典 look sth. Up in the dictionary 查字典 refer to as 将称为 refer to sth./sb.提到,意指,涉及 When it comes to 当谈及/提及/涉及时 e.g. Some people may know little about basketball , but when it comes to the Litte Giant Yao Ming , they must be familiar with him. 有些人可能吧不知道篮球,但当谈到小巨人姚明时他们一定很熟悉,ride,用作名词: go for a ride in a car 乘车出去兜风。 Can

      7、 I have /take a ride on your bike? 我可以骑你的自行车吗? What a ride! 多棒的旅程啊! b. vt. ride on a train.,drive,vt.&vi. 驾驶;用车送;驱赶;迫使;飞跑;猛冲 phrase: drive sb. mad. 使某人发疯; drive off/out 赶走; drive sb. away 把某人赶走; drive sb.into a corner逼得某人走投无路,Ride vs. Drive,ride-乘。可以乘车辆,也可以乘其他工具(如马、自行车等);指车辆时,是乘车而不是开车。 drive-驾驶,驱赶。宾语为车辆时,意为“驾驶”,是别的东西时,意为“驱赶”。当两者用作名词,表示一段车程时无区别,如:an hours ride=an hours drive,distance,a. c.n.&u.n. 距离;间距 e.g. A good cyclist can cover distances of over a hundred miles a day. 自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百多英里. b.

      8、c.n.&u.n 远方;远处 e.g. At a distance of six miles you cant see much. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。 c. u.n. (空间或时间的相距) e.g. Distance is no problem with modern telecommunications. 在电信发达的今天, 相距遥远已不再是什么问题了. d. u.n.(人际关系的)冷淡,疏远 e.g. Is his distance a result of snobbery or shyness? 他态度冷淡是因为他势利眼呢, 还是因为他腼腆?,distance,phrase: in the distance在远处 at a distance相距,相隔 from the distance 由远处 distance learning 远程教育 keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离 keep ones distance from与保持一定的距离,distance,adj. distant “远的,久远的,疏远的,冷淡的” e.g. Instead of stopping to speak, she passed by with only a distant nod. 她没有停下来谈话,只是冷冷地点了一下头走了过去。 The airport is about ten miles distant from the city. 机场距离城市大约十英里远.,Multiple choice,The dog looked dangerous, so I decided to _ from it. keep my distance stay keep a distance keep my distant,homework,Review what we learned in this class and do the exercise 4 ,5 on page 80 Try to read the text as many as possible,


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