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基础英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 茆有柏 程宏琦总主编 梁健卫主编 section 1

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  • 上传时间:2019-05-26
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    • 1、,基础英语,一、普通名词的概念 普通名词是人、事物、动物或意念的名称。 二、普通名词的分类 1. 表示亲属关系的普通名词 grandfather (grandpa)(外)祖父father (dad) grandmother (grandma)(外)祖母 mother(mom)母亲 son儿子 daughter女儿 brother兄弟 sister姐妹,uncle叔、伯、舅、姨夫 aunt姨、姑、伯母、舅 cousin堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐妹,Examples: (1)This is my father and this is my mother. (2)Is this your father? No, its my uncle. (3)Who is this? It is my aunt.,Work in pairs: (1)Who is this? Its my(祖父). (2)Is this your(堂兄)? Yes, it is. (3)Is this your(女儿)? No, it isnt.,Introduce your family: There are five peo

      2、ple in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother and I. We are very happy. 2.表示职务或身份名称的普通名词 worker工人 teacher老师 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民 singer歌手 manager经理,secretary秘书 player运动员 student学生 shop assistant店员 policeman警察 Examples: (1)What do you do? I am a worker. (2)What does your father do? He is a driver. (3)What does your mother do? She is a singer.,Work in pairs: (1)What do you do? I am a (学生). (2)What does your(叔叔)do? He is a(经理). (3)What does your(姐姐) d

      3、o? She is a(护士). 3.表示运动项目名称的普通名词 basketball 篮球volleyball排球,football足球 pingpong乒乓 tennis网球 baseball棒球 swimming游泳 running跑 high jump 跳高,Examples: (1)I like running. (2)I dont like tennis. (3)Do you like baseball? Yes, I do. Work in pairs: (1)Do you like(排球)? Yes, I do. (2)Do you like(篮球)? No, I dont.,专业基础词汇: speciality 专业CNC(Computer Numerical Control)machine 计算机数控机床manufacturing 制造业electrization 电气化heat treatment 热处理drawing 制图maintaining 维修computer 计算机casting 铸造forge 锻压weld 焊接,1.表示地点或场所的普通名词 fact

      4、ory工厂 school学校,hospital医院 farm农场,office办公室 shop商店,airport机场 cinema电影院,company公司 hotel旅馆,garden花园 park,post office邮局 zoo动物园,restaurant饭店 supermarket超市,police station 警察局 bank银行,Examples: (1)Where are you going? I am going to the hospital. (2)Where is she going? She is going to the zoo. (3)Where is he going? He is going to the farm.,Work in pairs: (1)Where are you going? I am going to the(超市). (2)Where is she going? She is going to the(邮局). (3)Where is he going? He is going to the(饭店).,2.表示衣服名称的普通

      5、名词 shoe鞋 shirt衬衫 skirt裙子 hat帽子 coat外套 jacket夹克 pants裤子 sweater运动衫 sock袜子 clothes衣服 suit西服,Examples: (1)Can I help you? Yes, I need a jacket. (2)What can I do for you? Well, I want to buy a pair of socks. Work in pairs: (1)Can I help you? Yes, I need a(运动衫). (2)What can I do for you? Well, I want to buy a pair of(鞋).,专业基础词汇: cutting process 切削加工part 零件stainless steel 不锈钢eqs 均等on 开off 关assemble 装配product 产品nonmetal 非金属,1.表示物品、工具、机器名称的普通名词 学习用品 pencil铅笔 pen钢笔 pencil case 文具盒 ruler尺子 book书 desk书桌 ba

      6、g包,xamples: (1)Whats in your bag? There are some books in my bag. (2)Is there a book in your bag? Yes, there is ./No, there isnt,Work in pairs: (1)Whats in your bag? There is(一个文具盒) in my bag. (2)Is there(尺子) in your pencil case? Yes, there is.,家居用品 sofa沙发 door门 floor地板 radio录音机 TV电视 bed床 chair椅子 telephone电话 computer电脑,计算机,Examples: (1)Whats in your room? There is a sofa in my room. (2)Is there a bed in your room? No, there isnt. Work in pairs: (1)Whats in your room? There are (一些椅子) in my room.

      7、 (2)Is there a(电脑) in your room? Yes, there is.,交通工具 bike自行车 bus公交车 car小汽车 boat船 plane飞机 taxi出租车 train火车,Examples: (1)How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. (2)How do you go home? I go home in my car. Work in pairs: (1)How do you go to school? I go to school by(公车). (2)How do you go to work? I go to work by(出租车).,2.部分时间类词的名称是普通名词 year年 month月 week周 day日 morning早上 evening傍晚 night晚上 hour小时 minute分钟 second秒 quarter一刻 half an hour半小时 afternoon下午,Examples: How many days are there in a year? There are 365 days in a year. Work in pairs: (1)How many days are there in a(周)? There are 7 days in a(周). (2)How many minutes are there in a(小时)? There are thirty minutes in a(小时).,专业基础词汇: lever 杠杆gear 齿轮cam 凸轮crank 转动曲柄spring 弹簧、发条belt 带pulley 滑轮shaft 轴screw 螺丝钉ball bearing 球轴承wheel 车轮access 存取、访问,1.表示动物名称的普通名词 dog狗

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