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高中英语词汇突破专练(unit 1)

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  • 文档编号:89492399
  • 上传时间:2019-05-25
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    • 1、高中英语词汇突破专练Unit 1 词汇范围abandon adjustment练习时间参考书目书 籍 名 称版次起止页码 备 注高中英语词汇手册10版1至9页大32开本,共551页新课标高中英语词汇3500袖珍版1至4页64开本,共199页高中英语词汇突破11版1至5页A4开本,共245页练习词汇重点词汇able, ability, aboard, academic, about, above, abroad, absence, absent, absorb, accept, accident, accurate, accuse, achieve, achievement, act, action, active, activity, actual, add短语词组及固定搭配be (not) about to do sth, above all, in ones absence, be absent from, be absorbed in sth, have / get access to, by accident, take into account, account for, a

      2、ccuse sb of (doing) sth, be accustomed to, take (an) action, take an active part in, add to, addto, be addicted to, in addition, adjust to, accompany sb to, take action, to the best of ones ability; make ones acquaintance (make acquaintance of sb.); be adequate to高中八级词汇abandon, abnormal, abolish, abortion, abrupt, absence, absolute, abstract, absurd, abundant, abuse, academy, accelerate, access, accessible, accommodation, accompany, accomplish, accountant, accumulate, accuracy, accustomed, ackno

      3、wledge, acquaintance, acquire, acquisition, acute, adapt, adaptation, addicted, addition, adequate, adjust, adjustment1. 根据英文释义选用下列单词填空(每空一词)abrupt; abandon; abuse; abolish; abundant; acquaintance; adjustment; accuse; accuracy; accumulate 1) _ to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for2) _ to officially end a law, system etc. especially one that has existed for a long time3) _ sudden and unexpected; seeming rude and unfriendly4) _ to deliberately use something for the wrong pur

      4、pose or for ones own advantage5) _ to say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad6) _ something that exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enough 7) _ the ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistake 8) _ someone you know, but who is not a close friend9) _ to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc. over a period of time 10) _ a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation; a chang

      5、e in the way that someone behaves or thinks2. 根据汉语意思写出下列英语短语及词组1)首要的是 2)不在;缺席 3)专心于;全神贯注于 4)指责某人做某事 5)偶然;无意中 6)把考虑进去 7)陪同某人去(某地) 8)对有瘾;对入迷 9)积极参加某事 10)采取行动做某事3. 单项选择1) The criminal had planned to escape from the prison, but his attempt proved to be an _.A. abortion B. accident C. adventure D. alarm2) The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library. (2009年高考浙江卷)A. acquaintance B. accuracy Caccess Dacquisition3) After the earthquake, the first

      6、 thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families. (2010年高考湖北卷)A. occupation B. accommodation C. equipment D. acquisition4) This library takes pride in its rare book _.A. acquaintance B. adjustment C. adaption D. acquisition 5) After receiving the news, immediate _ was taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading. A. activity B. adventure C. action D. measure6) Many animals have _ that help them escape from their enemies. The coats of some animals are colo

      7、ured to adapt to its surroundings.A. adaptations B. acquisitions C. adjustments D. additions7) The _ of a large parking lot will increase the amount of people that can shop in the supermarket. A. admission B. addition C. adjustment D. adaptation8) Coming to another country to study requires a big _ and it take a while to fit in.A. admission B. addition C. adaptation D. adjustment 9) The train came to an _ stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.A. abnormal B. absolute C. abrupt D. absu

      8、rd10) He is too pride, and considers himself perfect. He always believes what he does is _ correct. A. absolutely B. abruptly C. abnormally D. abundantly11) The pictures by Picasso are really _. I cant understand them without caption. A. abrupt B. abstract C. concrete D. addictive12) It is _ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work. A. allergic B. amateur C. annual D. absurd13) The schools here offer different after-class activities. For them social skills are more important than _ achievements. A. adequate B. active C. abundant D. academic14) Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids. (2009年高考江西

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