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金融英语测试题自测 打印版

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  • 文档编号:89492202
  • 上传时间:2019-05-25
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    • 1、第一章:1、equity(股本) 2、financial system 3、portfolio(投资组合) 4、bond 5、stock 1. another way for Intel to raise funds to build a new semi-conductor factory is to sell stock in the company. Stock represents ownership in a firm and is, therefore a claim to the profits that the firm makes. For example, if Intel sells a total of 1000000 shares of stocks, then share represents ownership of 1/1000000 of the business2. A mutual fund is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy

      2、a selection, or portfolio, of various types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds. The shareholder of the mutual fund accepts all the risks and returns associated with the portfolio. If the value of the portfolio rises, the shareholder benefits, if the value of the portfolio falls, the shareholder suffers the loss.第二章:1、commodity money 2、fiate money 3、bank note4、Treasury Bill 5、money supplyMost countries today have an “independent” central bank, that is, one which operates under rules desig

      3、ned to prevent political interference. Examples include the European Central Bank, the US Federal Reserve, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Reserve Bank of India, the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, etc. Some central banks are publicly owned, and others are, in theory, privately owned. In practice, there is little difference between public and private ownership, since in the latter case almost all profit of the bank are paid to the government either as a tax or a transfer to the governmen

      4、t.Central banks implement a countrys chosen monetary policy. At the most basic level, this involves establishing what form of currency the country may have, whether a fiat currency, gold-backed currency ( disallowed for countries with membership of the IMF ), currency board or a currency union. When a country has its own national currency, this involves the issue of some form of standardized currency, which is essentially a form of promissory note: a promise to exchange the note for “money” unde

      5、r certain circumstances.第三章:Interest rate Inflation monetary policy Federal Reserve Act Discount loan Serious disagreements existed over whether the central bank should be a private bank or a government institution. Because of the heated debates on these issues, a compromise was struck. In American tradition, Congress wrote an elaborate system of checks and balances into the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which created the Federal Reserve System with its 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks.All natio

      6、nal banks (commercial banks chartered by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) are required to be members of the Federal Reserve System. Commercial banks chartered by the states are not required to be members, but they can choose to join. Currently, around one third of the commercial banks in the United Stated are members of the Federal Reserve System, having declined from a peak figure of 49% in 1947.第四章:Exchange rate Consolidation payment and settlement system China Banking Regulatory

      7、 Commission deposit insurance 在国务院的领导下,中国人民银行依法独立实施货币政策、履行人行职能、开展人行业务,其决策不受地方政府、各级政府部门、公共组织或者任何个人的影响Faced with the complicated and severe economic situation both at home and abroad, in line with the changing situation, the PBC, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, resolutely studied and implemented the scientific development approach, earnestly fulfilled its responsibilities as the central bank, responded promptly to the intense impact of the international fin

      8、ancial crisis, pressed ahead with developing the coordination mechanism for financial regulation, strengthened the monitoring and assessment of financial risks, speeded up the designing of the deposit insurance system, enhanced the central bank asset management, promoted healthy development of wealth management products, and effectively maintained financial stability and safety.第五章:P/E ratio Stock exchange P/B ratio List H-shares Through public listing, the aforementioned four banks have establi

      9、shed market-oriented capital supply mechanism, standardized information disclosure, and strengthened restrictions on the performance of senior management. So, the capital market played an increasingly prominent role in establishing efficient operation mechanism of modern financial enterprises. In addition, the consecutive listing of BOC and ICBC on the A share market also enhanced the overall investment value on the market.In 2006, relevant authorities conducted further feasibility studies on the shareholding reform scheme of ABC, taking into the consideration of building new soc

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