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    • 1、译文商业银行信贷风险管理研究在我国商业银行的业务中,资产通常包括贷款、证券投资、现金存款以及其他四种类型的资产,比如贸易,在这些资产中,信用贷款业务是一种业务,是我国商业银行的主要的业务种类,在商业银行的所有业务中,信用贷款占据了信用资产中很大一部分比例。在西方商业银行中,信用资产通常占据40%到50%,而在我们国家,商业银行的这一比例要更高一些,大约在50%到50%。信用风险是银行的主要的操作风险之一,也是银行管理过程中最主要的一个挑战,因此,银行对于信用风险的管理,通过设立特殊的机构去处理,采取多种手段来解决,但是,因为银行贷款业务中的大部分信用风险是多种多样的贷款业务,是最主要的资产,所以在信用管理方面,商业银行的贷款业务是相当宽松的,而且,其他的管理也是不平衡的,这是由于贷款企业无形资产的过度集中增加了银行的信用风险。因此,加强信用资产的风险管理对于商业银行的发展也是非常重要的。首先,对当前商业银行的信贷风险环境进行分析。(1)过时的信贷风险识别和度量技术我们国家的商业银行的发展历程更短一些,数据样本相对较小,不能够有效提取信息和原因,潜在的数据库需要长期的积累才会更加完善,在




      5、贷风险管理已经变成了一个很重要的问题,我国商业银行的信贷风险预防和控制是最紧要的问题,必须引起足够的重视,并且采取有效的措施及早预防。尽管在目前,大多数银行都把谨慎、分离、分立的行业编制体系作为信贷政策审批的基础,但贷款项目个性化突出,差异很大。项目预算,还款来源不确定等高风险的因素的存在。因此,中国的商业银行需要加强信贷风险的研究,完善相关管理机制。英文原文Commercial bank credit risk management researchU wei-quan ZhaoAssets of the business of commercial banks in our country, generally including loans, securities investment, cash deposit and four types of assets, such as trade, among them, the credit loans business is business, is the main business types of commercial ba

      6、nks in china, in all the business of commercial bank, a large proportion of credit assets. In western commercial banks, credit assets generally around 40% to 50%, the proportion of commercial banks in our country , this ratio is higher, at 50% to 50%. Credit risk is to point to a bank in one of the main risk of operation, is also the main challenges facing the bank management in the process of, therefore, the management of credit risk on bank, through set up specialized agencies to deal with, ta

      7、king various measures to deal with, but because most of the credit risk of banks loan business, is a variety of bank loan business, the main assets, so in terms of credit risk management, the loan business of commercial bank is relatively loose, and other management is not balanced, this is due to the excessive concentration of loan business enterprise intangible assets to increase the banks credit risk. Therefore, to strengthen the risk management of credit business is also very important for t

      8、he development of commercial banks. First, the current situation of commercial bank credit risk analysis (1)The credit risk identification and measurement of outdated technologyOur country commercial bank development time is shorter, the relatively small data samples, and cannot effectively extract the information of reason, the underlying database need long-term accumulation will be more perfect, in a short period of time cant form a complete system of customer data. And our countrys commercial

      9、 banks generally do not attach importance to establish credit database, coupled with the commercial bank also has a variety of management of the medium caliber inconsistent, inconsistent data, and in some credit database has been established, data doubt the authenticity and integrity of the system, these problems directly cause the bank credit risk objectively and fair evaluation. At the same time, our country commercial bank credit risk management is still very poor means and technology, many foreign advanced credit risk management tools have been used, especially the credit risk evaluation and the credit risk prevention technology, etc. (2) The lack of credit risk treatment meansCredit risk management is the need to will be down to the lower management process of credit risk, credit risk is objective existence, which means that the bank will take a certain amount of credit risk. In our country, credit ri


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