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会计英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 胡卫珍 会计英语:unit 3

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    • 1、design by Hu Weizhen,会计英语 (Accounting English),Unit 3 Banking Business II,2012-07-05,Unit 3 Banking Business II,Study Guide Learn how to remit money and cash a check in a bank. Master the skills of exchanging currencies. Learn how to report the lost passbook and close an account. Specific Tasks Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check Task 2 Money Exchange Service Task 3 Reporting a Loss and Closing an Account,Introduction,1. Learn how to remit and transfer money. 2. Learn how to cash a che

      2、ck. 3. Make conversations and role play.,Task Specific Requirements,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,Skill Practicing Plan,1,2,3,4,Vocabulary Required,Listening Practice,Situational Learning,Skill Practicing,fashionable fnbl adj. 流行的 on the internet 在网上 remit rimit vt. 汇出,提交 vi. 汇款 transfer trnsf: money 转账 remittance rimitns bill 汇款单 fill out 填写 refer rif: to 参考 sample smpl bill 样单 beneficiary .benifiri n. 收款人 balance blns n. 余额 enter your password 输入密码 computer printout 电脑打印单据,Voca

      3、bulary Required,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,Tasks: First, listen for the main idea of the dialogue. Second, answer teachers questions. Where is the dialogue probably happening? What does Jenny want to do? How much money does Jenny want to remit? Is there enough money in Jennys current account? How will Jenny remit the 950 Yuan?,Listening Practice,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,Jenny has just bought some fashionable clothes on the internet and she needs to remit m

      4、oney to the seller. So she goes to the bank to transfer money. Jenny: Customer Lily: Teller Lily: Good morning, madam. Can I help you? Jenny: Yes, Id like to remit RMB 950 Yuan. Lily: Ok, please fill in this remittance bill. Jenny: Could you tell me how to fill out remittance bill? Lily: You can refer to the sample bill. Please write down the name and address of the beneficiary. Jenny: Heres my remittance bill. Lily: In cash or card? Jenny: I want to transfer RMB 950 Yuan from my current account

      5、. This is my passbook. Can you tell me my account balance please?,Situational Learning,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,Jenny has just brought some fashionable clothes on the internet and she needs to remit money to the seller. So she goes to the bank to transfer money. Jenny: Customer Lily: Teller Lily: Yes, just wait for a moment. Please enter your password. Here is your computer printout and your balance is only 900 Yuan. Jenny: Oh, please transfer 900 Yuan from this account and

      6、another 50 Yuan by cash. Here is 100 Yuan. Lily: Here is your 50 Yuan. Please keep your receipt. Jenny: Could you give me five tens? Lily: OK. Heres your change. Jenny: Thanks so much. You are really so helpful. Lily: Its my pleasure.,Situational Learning,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,How much would you like to remit / send? 您想汇多少钱? Where would you like to remit it? 您想汇到哪里? Which method of remittance would you like? 您想用什么汇款方式? Do you want the money to go T / T, M / T or D / D? 您想

      7、用电汇、信汇还是票汇? T / T: telegraphic transfer 电汇 M / T: mail transfer 信汇 D / D: demand draft 票汇 commission 酬金,收费,佣金,回扣 travelers check 旅行支票 Id be glad to cash a check for you. 我很高兴为您兑现支票。,Additional Notes,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,exchange rate 兑换率 buying rate 买入价 service charge 服务费 Please endorse your check and show me your identification. 请在支票背面签名,并出示身份证件。 Would you please countersign it here? 请将支票复签一下好吗? Every check / cheque has to be signed and countersigned. 每张支票都得签名和复签。,Addit

      8、ional Notes,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,1. Fill in the blanks and read the dialogues. Lily: What can I do for you? James: I want to (汇一笔钱到 纽约). Lily: OK, (您想汇多少钱)? James: I want to remit us $ 500 to my friend. Lily: No problem. (您想用电汇、信汇还是票汇)? James: I know T / T is the quickest way and the (费用)is high, but my friend isnt in urgent need.,Skill Practicing,remit some money to New York.,How much would you like to remit?,Do you want the money to go T / T, M / T or D / D?,commission,Task 1 Transferring Money and Cashing a Check,1. Fill in the blanks and read the dialogues. Lily: So, you can take (信汇)or (票汇), and they will take a longer time for your friend to receive the money, the procedure for (票汇)is more complicated. James: I will take M / T please. Lily: For US $ 500 to New York, the (费用)is 5 dollars. James: Here you are. Many thanks!,Skill Practicing,M/T,D/D,Task 1 Transferring Money an

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