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焊接专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 洪宇翔 Unit 7

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  • 上传时间:2019-05-25
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    • 1、Part Mechanics,Unit 7,Text,Properties of Metals Strength Hardness Wear Resistance Toughness,Plasticity,Figure 1-1 Comparison of Brinell and Rockwell hardness values,Ductility Malleability Brittleness Machinability and Weldability,New Words and Phrases,characteristic ,kriktristik n. 特征,特性 strength stre n. 强度 hardness h:dnis n. 硬度 toughness tfnis n. 韧性 ductility dktiliti n. 延展性 plasticity plstisiti n. 塑性 indentation ,indentein n. 印痕,凹痕 abrasion brein n. 磨损 fracture frkt v. & n. 破裂,破碎 rupture rpt v

      2、. & n. 破裂,断裂 deformation ,di:f:mein n. 变形 shock k v. & n. 冲击,震动,brittleness britlnis n. 脆性 malleability ,mlibiliti n. 有延展性,可锻性 compressive strength 压缩强度 tensile strength 拉伸强度 shear strength 剪切强度 mechanical property 机械力学性能 wear resistance 耐磨性 ultimate strength 极限强度 Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度 Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度 physical property 物理性能,Notes,1 The properties of metals are the characteristics that determine how the metal will react under varying conditions. 金属材料的性能是指金属在不同条件下的反应行为。 句中the properties of

      3、metals是主语,are是谓语,characteristics是宾语,that引导宾语从句修饰characteristics。 2 Brittleness is the property of a metal that causes it to fracture rather than deform when loads are applied. 脆性是指材料在载荷作用下不产生明显变形而直接发生破坏的行为。 句中rather than译为“不是”,连接两个并列成分,when引导状语从句充当全句的状语。,Exercises,. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What are the two principal types of properties of metals? 2. What are the four types of strength a machinist should be familiar with? 3. What are the two primary hardness tests

      4、 used by industry? . Choose the best answer according to the text. 1. Hardness is the ability of a metal to ( ). A. Resist shocks B. Resist indentation C. Resist being flattened D. Resist abrasion,2. What is the ability of a metal to be extensively deformed called? A. Plasticity B. Ductility C. Malleability D. Brittleness 3. What property of a metal is the opposite of brittleness? A. Toughness B. Hardness C. Ductility D. Plasticity,Translating Skills,科技英语翻译方法与技巧被动语态 1. 特别强调被动动作或被动者时,翻译时仍译成汉语的被动句

      5、。例如: (1) 译成“被、由、受,给”等汉语中表示被动概念字。 In erosion, also commonly called die wear, material is actually removed from the die surface. 模具腐蚀,通常称为模具磨损,实际上就是模具表面的材料在压力的作用下被移去。 Carbon steel is made from pig iron that has been refined and cleaned of most impurities. 碳钢由生铁经过精炼除去大部分杂质后制成。,(2) 译成“是的”。 Many car engines are cooled by water. 许多汽车发动机都是用水冷却的。 2. 根据汉语语言习惯,将英语被动句转换成主动句。 (1) 将英语被动态动词转化为主动态动词,英语被动句的主语作相应转换。 Die life and die failure are greatly affected by the mechanical properties of the die materials u

      6、nder the conditions that exist in a given deformation process. 在给定的成形工艺条件下,模具材料的机械性能对模具寿命和模具失效有很大影响。,(2) 利用汉语中常用的“将、使、把”等表示主动意义的字,译成汉语主动语态。 Once the soaking is complete, the part is removed from the furnace and allowed to cool to room temperature in still air. 保温完成后,将工件从炉中取出,使其在静止的空气中冷却到室温。,Reading Material,Heat Treatment of Metals,New Words and Phrases,annealing ni:li n. 退火 normalizing n:mlaiz n. 正火 tempering temp n. 回火 soak suk v. 保温 hardening h:dni n. 淬火 quenching kwent n. 淬火,骤冷 gear gi n. 齿轮 submerge sbm:d v. 浸没,淹没 sprocket sprkit n. 链轮,heat treatment 热处理 critical temperature 临界温度 quenching medium 淬火介质 internal stress 内应力 case hardening 表面淬火,

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