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实用物流英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 高芳 1_5 5-15

  • 卖家[上传人]:E****
  • 文档编号:89455885
  • 上传时间:2019-05-25
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:3.81MB
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    • 1、,Project 15 Obtaining the Skill in Warehousing,Module 5 Warehousing & Distribution Services,Objectives,1. understand the classification and role of warehouses.,2. find ways to improve your English skills and performance on how to de- scribe and discuss about warehous- ing troubles.,3. master the basic words and expressions about warehousing.,Contents,lead-in,Are inventory and warehousing really the same thing? Why or why not?,Comparison between Inventory & Warehousing,Activity 1 -Words & Terms,L

      2、earn the new words and terms.,Activity 1 -Task 1,Look at the following pictures and express orally what you have observed.,Activity 1 -Task 1,Warehousing exists in both production and distribution.,Activity 2 -Task1,Look at the following figure and find out in what stages of supply chain logistics warehouses exist.,Activity 2 -Task1 Material Flow Process in Warehouses,Part C,Part B,Part A,Module 1,Module 2,Assembly operation,Plant warehouse,Regional warehouse,Local warehouse B,Local warehouse A,

      3、Direct warehouse,Retailers/customers,Raw materials,Part D,Part E,Production/Assembly,Distribution,Activity 2 -Task1,What does the above picture suggest? Warehouse operations are possible to occur in both _ and _ stages. They may be various _ services.,production,distribution,value-added,Activity 3 The Role and Classification of Warehousing,A warehouse plays a multifaceted role in the integrated logistics system. a transportation consolidation facility a reservoir for production overflow product

      4、mixing sites facilitate production safety valve smooth out production runs provide customer service,Role 1: A transportation consolidation facility,consolidation,Role 2: A reservoir for production overflow,This function, known as stockpiling, can take a variety of forms, including (1) seasonal production-level demand Example: corn (2) level production-seasonal demand Example: sunscreen,Role 3: product mixing sites,Mixing,Customer W Customer X Customer Y Customer Z,Transit mixing point Product D,

      5、Role 4: Facilitate production,Order assembly (1),Lead supplier DC,Assembly plant,Role 4: Facilitate production,Order assembly (2),Retail DC,Retail store,Role 5: safety valve,Role 6: Smooth out production runs,- total production cost per unit decreased significantly with long production runs. - stores the product that outpaces current demand.,Role 7: Provide customer service,- help fill a customers order faster at the closest warehouse instead of the manufacturing plant. - reduces complaints.,Act

      6、ivity 3 Role and Classification of Warehousing,Activity 3 Classification of Warehousing,Summary of passage,An effective warehouse system means quicker delivery, fewer stockouts, and better customer service. The result is higher levels of customer satisfaction and more sales.,Activity 3 -Task 2,Fill in the blanks according to the passage and translate the sentences into Chinese. 1) consolidation overflow - safety 2) delivery - stockouts,Activity 4 listening & Speaking,Task 1 Listen to the dialogu

      7、es once and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and summarize the main idea of the dialogue.,Task 1,Key terms in dialogue 1,lead time 订货间隔期 pilfering 偷窃 retail price 零售价 overhead (日常)开支 contractual negotiations 为签订合同而进行的谈判,Task 1,1)_ The company is likely to be a manufacturer of gifts and toys. 2)_ The goods will be transported in full containers. 3)_ The storage costs cannot be added to the retail price of the products. 4)The dialogue is mainly concerned with _ _.,

      8、T,T,F,sharing storage costs through a supply chain,Task 2,Perform the dialogue in pairs orally on class.,Task 3 Create a new dialogue on warehousing according to the following situation.,A: Warehouse manager B: Business developer Occasion: one month before the Spring Festival Hints for the dialog creation: 1)What sort of products should be stored for distribution?,2) How to improve warehousing and distribution efficiency of the above products?,Task 4,Translate the following paragraph into Chines

      9、e. Warehousing goods and products has become a high-tech undertaking. Space, maintenance, cost, durability and expandability are major concerns when companies begin planning any warehouse product. 货物与产品的仓储已成为一项高科技行业。空间、维修、成本、耐用性和扩展能力是企业开始为任何产品制定仓储计划时主要需考虑的问题。,Activity 5 Case study: Food-Town,Questions for discussion,Brief introduction to the new stores inventory management principles and warehousing concepts and how these can be used to achieve lower prices 2) Suggestions to make Food-Town more competitive with the incoming retail supermarket,Case study: Food-Town,Material 2: Term Definition Anchor Store: A large business establishment, such as a department store or a supermarket, that is prominently located in a shopping mall, usually at one end. The anchor store attracts customers who are then expected to patronize the other shops i

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