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实用物流英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 高芳 1_4 4-14

  • 卖家[上传人]:E****
  • 文档编号:89455754
  • 上传时间:2019-05-25
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:2.66MB
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    • 1、Module 4 Inventory Management Methods,Reading & Listening & Speaking,Project 14 Applying Collaborative Replenishment Programs,Contents,Objectives,1. understand what Collaborative Replenishment is and how to make it help minimize inventory risk.,2. find ways to improve your English skills and performance on how to describe and discuss about Collaborative Replenishment.,3. master the basic words and expressions about general description of Collaborative Replenishment.,lead-in,1. When we have to ke

      2、ep inventory, we use the ABC Classification to determine the quantity of stock for different items; when we use a MTO or ATO strategy, we use JIT to minimize inventory; when we need to forecast market demand, what kind of inventory replenishment program shall we use? Collaborative Replenishment Programs,Activity 1 Task 1,Discuss the following materials and distinguish the three replenishment programs.,Quick Response (QR) Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) Profile Replenishment (PR).,Activity 1 Task

      3、1,Learn the new words and terms. Learn the Term Definition,Activity 1 Task 2,Fill in the blanks according to the passage and translate the sentences into Chinese.,1) Replenishment programs are designed to _ the flow of goods within the supply chain. There are several specific techniques for collaborative replenishment, all of which build on supply chain relationships to rapidly replenish inventory on the basis of joint planning or actual _ experience. Specific techniques for collaborative invent

      4、ory replenishment are _, _, and _.,streamline,sales,quick response (QR),vendor-managed inventory (VMI),profile replenishment (PR),Activity 1 Task 2,Fill in the blanks according to the passage and translate the sentences into Chinese.,2) Quick Response (QR) is implemented by sharing retail _ for specific products across supply chain participants to facilitate right product assortment availability when and _ it is required. With fast, dependable order _, inventory can be committed as required, res

      5、ulting in increased turnover and improved availability. 3) The distinguishing factor between QR and VMI is who takes responsibility for setting target _ levels and making _ decisions. In QR, the retailer makes the decisions. In VMI, the _ assumes more responsibility and actually manages a category of inventory for the retailer.,sales,where,response,inventory,restocking,supplier,Activity 1 Task 2,Fill in the blanks according to the passage and translate the sentences into Chinese.,4) In VMI, by r

      6、eceiving daily transmission of retail sales or warehouse shipments, the supplier assumes responsibility for replenishing retail inventory in the required quantities, colors, sizes, and styles. The supplier commits to keeping the retailer in _ and to maintaining inventory _. In some situations, replenishment involves _ or direct store delivery (DSD) designed to eliminate the need for warehousing between the factory and retail store. 5) The PR strategy extends QR and VMI by giving suppliers the ri

      7、ght to anticipate future requirements according to their overall knowledge of a _ category. Given PR responsibility, the supplier can _ retailer involvement by eliminating the need to track unit sales and inventory level for fast moving products.,velocity,cross-docking,merchandise,simplify,store,Activity 2 Task 1,Material: Category Management Learn and filling in the blanks. Category Management is a _ concept in which the total range of products sold by a retailer is broken down into discrete gr

      8、oups of similar or _ products; these groups are known as product _. New words and terms Term Definition,retailing,related,categories,Activity 3 Task 1,Dialogue 1 Learn the new words and terms. Words run out of 用光、耗尽 kiloliter drum 千升桶 be concerned about关(担)心 break down 抛锚 Terms assembly line 装配流水线 Materials Replenishment Program 物料补给计划,Activity 3 Task 1,Dialogue 1 Listen to the following dialogue, decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and summarize the main idea of th

      9、e dialogue.,1) _ Huang is Zhangs supervisor. 2)_ They are talking about the replenishment of machines. 3)_ They decide to select one supplier who can deliver free of shipping charge on orders in small quantities but more often. 4)The dialogue is mainly concerned with .,F,T,inventory replenishment,F,Activity 3 Task 2,Learn and Perform the dialogues in pairs orally on class. Dialogue: Inventory Replenishment,Activity 4 Task 1,Q: 1)What kind of company does Wal-Mart belong to? Please give a brief introduction to its history, operating status, and major assets. Sam and Bud Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962. By 1967, the company owned twenty-four stores, with $12.6 million in sales. The company was incorporat

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