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实用物流英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 高芳 1_3 3-10

  • 卖家[上传人]:E****
  • 文档编号:89454354
  • 上传时间:2019-05-25
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:2.86MB
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    • 1、Module 3 Procurement & Supply Strategies,Project 10 Improving the Efficiency of Procurement,Objectives,1. get some idea about how to improve the efficiency of procurement.,2. find ways to improve your English skills and performance on how to describe and discuss about how to improve the efficiency of procurement.,3. master the basic words and expressions about general description of how to improve the efficiency of procurement.,Contents,lead-in,If you are a purchaser of a company, do you think w

      2、hat aspects of work we should make some change in order to improve the efficiency of procurement? -Use the TCO strategy to trade-off all the costs involved in procurement to achieve the balance between purchase price, discount, purchase volume, logistics cost, life cycle costs, etc.,Activity 1, Task 1,Learn Material 1: Negotiating Skills: Purchasing Strategy,Which negotiating skills does this passage mention?,Know the product/service value. Understand your seller and their motivation. Research p

      3、urchase prices of similar items. Know in advance what you will spend. Poker face dont show your hand. Be willing to walk away.,Activity 1,Learn the new words., Task 1,Activity 1 Task 2,Make a dialogue according to the following situation.,Suppose you are a purchasing manager of a company, you are going to buy a car for the president of your company. His favourite car is BMW. The following are 3 popular models of BMW in 2010. Negotiate with the seller and manage to purchase your favourite car at

      4、your price by taking advantage of the purchasing skills we have learned above.,Activity 1 Task 2,Make a dialogue according to the following situation.,Material 1: 2010 BMW M5,MSRP $85,700 - $85,700 Invoice $78,845 The 2010 M5 is a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sports sedan, available in one trim only. The M5 is equipped with a standard 5.0-liter, V10, 500-horsepower engine that achieves 11-mpg in the city and 17-mpg on the highway. A 7-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standard, and a 6-s

      5、peed manual transmission with overdrive is optional.,Activity 1 Task 2,Make a dialogue according to the following situation.,Material 2: 2010 BMW M6,MSRP $102,350 - $108,150 Invoice $94,160 - $99,500 The 2010 M6 is a 2-door, 4-passenger luxury sports car, or convertible sports car, available in two trims. Both trims are equipped with a standard 5.0-liter, V10, 500-horsepower engine that achieves 11-mpg in the city and 17-mpg on the highway. A 7-speed manual transmission with overdrive is standar

      6、d, and a 6-speed manual transmission with overdrive is optional. The 2010 M6 is a carryover from 2009.,Activity 1 Task 2,Make a dialogue according to the following situation.,Material 3: Average User Rating,MSRP $85,500 - $85,500 Invoice $78,660 The 2010 X5 M is a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sport-utility, available in one trim only, the Base. The X5 M is equipped with a standard 4.4-liter, V8, 555-horsepower engine that achieves 12-mpg in the city and 17-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed automatic t

      7、ransmission with overdrive is standard. The 2010 X5 M is all-new for 2010.,Activity 2 Task 1,Discussion Extend a discussion over the following case and answer the questions. 1) Have you ever heard of Unilever? Could you list some of its famous brands? 联合利华 Unilever is a joint venture by British and Chinese firms. Famous brands: clear-清扬, Lipton-立顿, Comfort-金纺,LUX 力士, Dove多芬, Ponds 旁氏,OMO-奥妙,Signal 洁诺,Hazeline-夏士莲, China-中华,Activity 2 Task 1,Discussion Extend a discussion over the following case

      8、and answer the questions. 2) What are major series of Unilevers products?Could you name out some of its divisions? Foods; home care ; personal care UK, China, Canada, Malaysia, Australia, etc.,Activity 2 Task 1,Discussion Extend a discussion over the following case and answer the questions. 3) What has Unilever done to improve its procurement system? Implement Ariba Inc.s Buyer application E-procurement conducting reverse online auctions sourcing suppliers managing requests for proposals demand

      9、planning consolidating procurement across multiple divisions,Activity 2 Task 1,Material: Case: Integrated Electronic Sourcing Systems at Unilever Material Learning New words and terms Learning,Activity 2 Task 2,Turn your discussion into a dialogue with your partner and perform it on class. A: Have you ever heard of Unilever Company? B: A: It is a joint venture with the U.K., which is called 联合利华 in China. It specializes in . B: A: It is a very large multinational company. It is successful in operating a worldwide supply chain by advanced purchasing and logistics applications. B: A: They use applications(应用软件) such as B: A: Yes, information technology is very important in modern supply chain management. B: ,Summary,Homework,Thank You !,

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