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工业工程专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 周跃进 任秉银 Chapter 12

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    • 1、Chapter 12 Scientific Literature Translation,The architecture of scientific literature advocates preciseness, accurate concepts, strong logic, concise style of writing, outstanding emphases, neat and less changeable sentence type. Prefix statements are used frequently, that is, the main information is put forward as far as it could. And main information is transferred through the subject. In a word, the architecture features of scientific literature are: clear, accurate, concise, and tight.,Arch

      2、itecture Features of Scientific Literature,Grammar Features of Scientific Literature,Scientific literature is a carrier of science and technology. It is used to present the nature of science and technology objectively. It requires rigor logic and it should specify the viewpoints of authors objectively. Thus the present tense, indicative mood, modal verbs such as Can and May, the passive voice, post modifiers are used often in scientific literature.,The use of present tense in scientific literatu

      3、re,Scientific literature uses more present tense and the indicative mood of the verb to show general narration with timeliness, namely narrate the fact or the truth. Objectively to state definition, theorem, equation, formula and chart, etc. For example: (1)The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 (2)AIDS is spread by direct infection of the bloodstream with body fluids that contain the AIDS virus. 艾滋病传播是由血液和带有艾滋病病毒的体液直接感染引起的。,The use of moda

      4、l verb,(3)Force is a vector which has both magnitude and direction. 力是一种向量,它既有大小又有方向。 (4)Hooke law states that the strain developed is directly proportional to the stress producing it. 胡克定律表明,应变与引起应变的应力成正比。,In Scientific literature, the using frequency of modal verbs “can” and “may” is a little higher compared with others. This is because these two modal verbs can be used for expressing objective possibility, while others stress more on subjectivity.,(1)Anyone with a personal computer, a modem a

      5、nd the necessary software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. 任何人只要有一台个人电脑,再有一个调制解调器和必要的软件,就可以把电脑连接到电话线上,然后就能申请上网。 (2)The modern digital computer is an electronic machine that can perform mathematical or logical calculations and data processing functions in accordance with a predetermined program of instructions. 数字计算机是能够完成数字和逻辑运算,并能够按照事先编制好的程序进行数据处理的电子设备。,The use of passive voice,Scientific literature inclines to use the passive voice. The statistics shows, the passive voice of

      6、predicate in scientific literatures amounts to 1/3 at least. This is because scientific literature put more emphasis on stating the fact, method, performance and characteristic objectively. Compared with active voice, passive voice expresses more objectively, which helps to concentrate the readers attention on narrating objects, reality or the course.,(1)Atoms can be thought of as miniature solar systems, with a nucleus at the center and electrons orbiting at specific distances from it. 原子可以被看成是

      7、一个微型的太阳系,原子核在其中心,而电子以一定的距离绕核做圆周运动。 (2)Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine. 应当注意机器的工作温度。 In addition, if the first person and the second person are used too much, it will cause the impression that the material is assumed subjectively. So try ones best to use the third person to narrate, adopt the passive voice.,(1)Electrical energy can be stored in two plates separated by an insulating medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to sto

      8、re electrical energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in farads. 电能能被储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板内。这样的装置被称为电容器,其储存电能的能力被称为电容,电容的测量单位是法拉。 (2)We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance .It is measured in farads. 我们能把电能储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属板内。我们把这样装置称为电容器,把其储存电能的能力称为电容,我们以法拉为电容的测量单位。,The subjects of each sentence in(1)are: Electrical energy Such a device Its abil

      9、ity to store electrical energy It (Capacitance) They all include more information. Being placed at the beginning of the sentence, they are very striking. Four subjects are different totally, which prevents from dull repeating. The front and back are consistent, smooth naturally. It shows that passive structure can accept the succinct and objective result. 51,The use of post modifiers,It is one of the characteristics of scientific literature to use a lot of post modifiers, too. The common modifiers are prepositional phrase, adjective or adjective phrase, adverbial word, individual participle and attributive clause, etc.,Prepositional phrase,The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 由于摩擦而产生的力称之为摩擦力。 Adjective or adjective phrase Antarctica is a continent very difficult to reach. 南极洲是一块很难到达的大陆。,Since 1930 dozens of objects smaller than atoms have been discovered 1930年以来,发现了几十种比原子还小的物质。 Semiconductors have properties different from those of conductors and insulators 半导

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