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    • 1、,高考英语专题复习 -形容词、副词考点,PART ,形容词的语法功能 形容词的基本用法 高考中常出的考察热点和答题技巧:,大飞囊,形容词用法:,The gorgeous car looks / is awesome! His idea sounds reasonable. The barber dyed her hair red. The naughty boy made his sister cry. The old have been taken good care of.,定语,表语,宾语补足语,The+ adj表示一类人,做主语或宾语,表语,1.名词+后缀 形容词 1) ful: help-helpful, use-useful 2) al: naturenatural 3) able :reasonreasonable 4)ce-t: patience-patient 2.动词+后缀 形容词: interestinterestedinteresting amazeamazedamazing,常见形容词后缀:,-ing形容词一般修饰事物。 -ed形容词主语一般是人。,5) ty

      2、- ious: curiosity - curious,练习,1.She is a _ (nature) musician. 2 The man is a worker _(retire) last year. 3 .It will not be _(suit) for us to live in the world in the future. 4.The kid was very _ (interest) in physics. 5.We all find it _(importance) to learn English well . 6.Mary felt _(please), because there were many empty seats in the room. (2016年广东高考语法填空) 2,natural,retired,suitable,interested,important,pleased,在英语里,一般定语前置时的次序为: 限定词,形容词、分词、动名词和名词性定语。 但当几个形容词同时出现在名词之前,我们要注意其次序。 其形容词遵循的词序为:限观形龄

      3、色国材, 指:限定词(包括冠词,指示词数量), 外观(美丽等), 形状(大小高矮肥瘦),年龄;颜色;国籍;材料;用途。 a famous American university an interesting small old Italian painting a new plastic bucket,多个定语形容词排列顺序:,其形容词排列遵循的词序为:限观形龄色国材, 指:限定词(包括冠词,指示词数量), 外观(美丽等), 形状(大小高矮肥瘦),年龄;颜色;国籍;材料;用途。 。,县官行令杀国才。,。,县官行令杀国才。,一辆漂亮的黄色意大利小车。 那位魅力十足的年轻苗条的女士。,a gorgeous small yellow Italian car,that charming slim young lady.,表语形容词:它指的是那些只用于连系动词后作表语,而不能用于名词前作定语的形容词。英语中的表语形容词非常有限,归纳起来,主要有以下几类: 1.某些以a-开头形容词: absent缺席的,afraid 害怕的 alive活着的 alone 单独的,ashamed 羞愧的 , asl

      4、eep 睡着的 ,awake 醒着的 , alike 相似的 请看实例: Dont be afraid of it. 别怕。 He was alone in the house.他独自一人在家里。 若要用作定语且具有以上意义,可改用其他形容词: 误:an asleep child, an ashamed girl, an alive poet 正:a sleeping child, a shy girl, a living poet 2、某些表示健康的形容词 fine 健康的 ill 有病的 well 健康的 faint昏迷的 请看实例:he was ill and couldnt come 他病了,所以不能来。,注意 :very不能用来修饰表语形容词; afraid 害怕的,ashamed 羞愧的,除外。 He fell asleep completely. They were very ashamed of his behavior.,Friends , supper is ready now. They are fond of global tour. The twins loo

      5、k alike so much . English is well worth learning. .,改正下列句中的错误 I have to stay at home to look after my ill sister, who caught a bad cold the other day.,解析:ill表示“生病的”意思时,只用作表语形容词,不能作定语。,什么是表语形容词?,sick,b表语形容词作定语要后置。,把括号中的词放入恰当的位置 All the people at the party were his supporters. (present),c形容词修饰不定代词something,everything, anything, nothing,nobody等时,要位其于后面。 如:,Is there anything important in todays newspaper? 3任何聪明人 : anybody smart ;,2.今天的报纸上有什么重要新闻吗?,1.美好的东西:,Something nice,D. enough做副词修饰形容词时,放在其修饰的形容词

      6、后面。 They are strong enough to performance the fierce game. The singer was wealthy enough to buy such a luxury vehicle.,例: _ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. (全国) Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave,enough修饰形容词时要放在形容词之后, enough修饰名词时放在前后都可。,原级比较句型结构: 1.“as+adj/adv+as” 一样 等级比较 2. not so(as)+adj/adv+as.” 不如不等级比较 该句型常用来描述两个比较对象的 程度上的相似或不同(即平时说的“等级比较和 不等级比较”)。 例如: My computer is not so(as) heavy as y

      7、ours. 我的电脑不如你的重。,2.“as many/few+可数名词复数+as” 或 as much/ little(少的) +不可数名词+as。 前者描述数目上接近,后者描述量相近。 例如: You may get as many books as you can. 你能借多少书就借少。 “Drink as much water as you can.”the doctor said to him. 医生对他说:“你要尽可能的多喝些水。,You can t be too careful. You cant be careful enough. 你越仔细越好。,越就越好;怎么也不为过分: 主语+cant be too+adj = 主语+cant be+adj+enough,little,less,不规则变化形式,least,8,taller harder larger wider,tallest hardest largest widest,bigger hotter fatter wetter,biggest hottest fattest wettest,happier dri

      8、er earlier,happiest driest earliest,narrower cleverer abler,narrowest cleverest ablest,more difficult more popular,most difficult most popular,少数以-er,-ow,-able结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er或-est,规则变化,better,best,worse,worst,less,more,most,farther/further,older/ elder,least,farthest/furthest,oldest/ eldest,不规则变化,巧记: 特殊形式比较级 共有三对二合一 坏病两多并两好 little意思不是小 一分为二有两个 一是老来二是远,late,later,latest,fat,fatter,fattest,happy,happier,happiest,difficult,more difficult,the most difficult,careful interesting delicious beautiful Imp

      9、ortant popular,fine, nice, large,safe / big,thin heavy ,pretty, easy, thirsty, healthy,7,比较级的用法: 表一方超过另一方时, 用“比较级+than”结构; 表一方不如另一方时, 用“less+原级+than”结构. This park is better than that one. This park is less cute than that one. 2. 比较级前可加修饰词much, even, a lot, a bit, a little, still, far, yet, by far, rather. 注意: by far通常用于强调最高级, 用于比较级时一般放在比较级后面; 如放在前面, 应在中间加the.,比较级考点: 1. 表示“比.更”。用 比较级形容词+than+比较成分, than后的动词往往省略, 非正式用法than后人称代名词可用宾格。 He is younger than me. 他比我年轻。 I am a better swimmer than he(him). 2. 表“较.低; 不及.”用 less+原级形容词+than+比较成分。 I am less young than he (is).我不比他年轻。 3. 表两者之中“较.”, 用 the +比较级+of the two。 This one is the bigger of the two houses. 这所房子是两座房子中较大的。 4. 定冠词/ 指示形容词+比较级+名词表示比较意义。 The taller boy is John. 那个身材较高的男孩子是约翰。 5. 有少数以ior结尾的形容词, 如inferior(次于), junior(年幼的;下级的), prior(之前), senior(年长的,上级的), superior(优于)等与介词to连用。 This method is superio


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