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新编剑桥商务英语module 4

  • 卖家[上传人]:101****457
  • 文档编号:89418105
  • 上传时间:2019-05-24
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    • 1、Module 4,4.1 Advertising,Vocabulary: Types of advertising,mailshots TV commercials word of mouth brochures, Sample newspaper adverts banners spam,1. Pizza delivery firms often do _ in the local area. Its cheap but lots of people probably throw the leaflet away. 2. _ reach millions of people but they are so expensive. 3. I tend to listen to my friends recommendations more than anything else so _ is probably the most effective. 4. People use _ less and less because they can just go online if they

      2、want to find out whats available. 5. Its great when you get a free _ because you can really see what its like. 6. I suppose its good if youre looking for a job locally and _ are relatively cheap. 7. Im not sure about _. When I visit a website, I dont think I even notice them. 8. It used to irritate me but my new anti-virus software seems to block any _ from my inbox.,TV commercials,word of mouth,brochures,sample,newspaper adverts,banners,spam,mailshots,Work in pairs. Think of one more advantage

      3、or disadvantage for each type of advertising in exercise 1. Think about issues such as:,cost location number of people who see it how long they see it for,Types of advertising,Listening: Advertising on the web,1. Listen to someone who runs a web-business giving a presentation to a group of marketing managers on how to successfully advertise on the Internet. Which techniques does he mention?,- have competitions or give something for free,- use search engines to put your name at the top of the lis

      4、tings,- get links on other sites,- through a site review,- get free advertising,- have a memorable domain name,- email campaigns (spam),- send out a monthly newsletter,2. Listen again and choose the best ending A, B or C for each sentence 1 5.,1. The speaker compares throwing adverts into the air to _. A. Internet advertising. B. wasting money on advertising. C. advertising with leaflets. 2. His first piece of advice is to _. A. make sure people find you on the search engine. B. make sure people

      5、 visit the search engine. C. set up a search engine. 3. Spend plenty of time on _. A. promoting others on your site. B. creating links to increase traffic. C. recommending your product on other sites. 4. The speaker _. A. thinks email can be effective. B. is doubtful about using email. C. never sends marketing emails. 5. Its a good idea to _. A. give free samples away at the beginning. B. make the website free to visit. C. offer something free to encourage people to return.,Listening script,Spea

      6、ker: Imagine you have a new product or a new service and you want the world to know about it. One way would be to write the advertisement onto ten or a hundred or a thousand pieces of paper and drop them from the sky over your town or city. Someone on the ground might pick one up and read it. Maybe two or three people. On the other hand the wind might blow them away. Now imagine doing the same thing but this time throwing them into the air with adverts for every other product or service in the w

      7、orld. You probably wouldnt do it, would you? Well, unfortunately, that;s what its like to advertise on the Internet. Trying to make your product, service or website known to the rest of the Internet community can be very, very frustrating. Not only making it known, but getting visitors to actually visit the site can seem impossible. But there are ways to overcome the impossible when advertising on the Internet, as long as you follow three rules. So, rule number one, the first thing is to remembe

      8、r that people use search engines. So whenever someone types in a keyword linked to your business, your site needs to appear in the top 50 or so listings in all of the major search engines. Any lower and no one will ever find you.,My second rule is that its a good idea to spend some useful time and effort on getting your links on other sites. This is an excellent, though very time-consuming way to increase visitors. You can do this by sharing links with other companies, so they have a link on you

      9、r site and you put one on theirs. Or perhaps through a site review which recommends your products. Also remember that the more links you have elsewhere, the more likely people are to find you through a search engine. So those are my three starting points for anyone thinking of web advertising. Before we finish dont forget that a memorable domain name that people can easily type will help. Email campaigns can work and are an easy way to get traffic to the site though it doesnt last long. What might be better is to have a monthly newsletter, which people sign up for. Ive found this to be very effective and more positive than sending spam. Then there are contests with prizes or anything free maybe some software or cool graphics. Once youve got people visiting the site, keep statistics on how many people visit per day and how often pe

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