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    • 1、熟 词 生 义根据语境选择划线部分的汉语意思1. ache I was aching to tell him the good news. ( B ) A、疼痛 B、渴望2. act (1) It takes about 20 minutes for the drug to act. ( C ) (2) He is always acting an experienced man who has seen everything. ( A ) (3) The act is passed by the Congress finally. ( D ) (4) Hamlet eventually kills Claudius in Act 5. ( E ) A、装作 B、行动 C、起作用 D、法案 E、一幕3. acknowledge (1) He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. ( B ) (2) She acknowledged his help in the letter. ( C ) A、承认 B、对打招呼 C、感谢 D、告知,确认4. adva

      2、nce She asked for an advance on her salary. ( C ) A、前进 B、提前 C、预付款5. affect (1) The audience was deeply affected by his lecture. ( C )(2) His left lung is affected by cancer. ( B ) A、影响 B、(疾病)侵袭 C、感动6. against (1) The skyscraper stands out against the blue sky. ( B ) (2) He saved money against old age. ( C ) A、反对、逆 B、以为背景 C、防备 D、倚在,靠在7. air (1) She began to work with an air of quiet confidence. ( B )(2) We have no wish to air the matter. ( A ) A、公开 B、神态,样子 C、空气8. allow The new seatbelt allows the

      3、 driver greater freedom of movement.(A) A、允许,准许 B、承认 C、使有可能9. allowance His father gave him an allowance of $,1,000 a year. ( B ) A、允许 B、零用钱 C、允许量10. appetite He has an appetite for music while his brother likes playing football.( B ) A、胃口 B、爱好 C、食欲11. appreciate At that time, we didnt fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.( C ) A、欣赏 B、感激,感谢 C、意识到12. argue Mary argued me into buying a new skirt.( B )A、争辩 B、说服 C、争论13. arrest (1) The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease. ( C ) (2)

      4、Her warning tone arrested my attention. ( B ) A、逮捕 B、吸引某人的注意 C、阻止14. aspect He is a man with an impressive aspect.( B ) A、方面 B、外表,外观 C、方位,朝向15. balance (1) I must check my bank balance. ( B ) (2) The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects. ( C ) A、平衡 B、差额,余款 C、使均衡16. bear (1) He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. ( B ) (2) That apple tree bears well. ( C ) A、忍受,容忍 B、显示,带有 C、结果17. behaviour Many experts are studying the behaviour of the A

      5、IDS virus. ( B ) A、行为 B、性能,特点 C、举止18. blank The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. ( C ) A、空白,空格 B、空白的 C、没表情的,茫然的19. blue (1) Hes been feeling blue all week as a result of his failure in the exam.( C )(2) Her hands were blue with cold. ( A ) A、发青的 B、蓝色 C、忧伤的20. build He is a man of strong build. ( C ) A、建造 B、锻炼 C、体格21. cap He capped my story with an even funnier one. ( C ) A、帽子 B、覆盖,笼罩 C、胜过,超过22. celebrate He celebrated her for her courage. ( B ) A、庆祝 B、称颂,赞扬 C、举行(仪式)23. charge If

      6、the red light comes on, it means the battery isnt charging. ( C ) A、负责,管理 B、收费 C、充电24. class The party tries to appeal to all classes of society. ( B ) A、班级 B、阶层,阶级 C、种类,类别25. command Dr. Yang commands a great deal of respect as a surgeon. (C ) A、命令,指挥 B、精通 C、赢得、博得26. commit She didnt want to commit herself on that matter. ( B ) A、犯(错误、罪行) B、承担义务(责任) C、调拨供使用27. conclude He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks. ( A ) A、结束;完成 B、下结论,推论出 C、决定28. conduct Plastic and rubber wont conduct elec

      7、tricity, but copper will. ( C ) A、指挥 B、带领 C、传导29. consume The fire consumed the entire building. ( C ) A、消耗,花费 B、消费 C、烧毁;毁灭30. contain Hearing such a fun joke, he is too excited to contain his laughter. ( B ) A、包含,含有 B、抑制,控制 C、容纳31. count (1) It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. ( C ) (2) He said that he counted me as his dearest person. ( B ) A、计算,数数 B、把认为 C、有价值,重要32. course The main course was roast duck. ( C ) A、过程 B、课程 C、一道菜33. cover (1) They were hoping to cover 40 mil

      8、es yesterday. ( B ) (2) You will have to pay an extra amount to cover the cost of insurance. ( C ) A、覆盖 B、走完(一段路程) C、(钱)够支付34. credit Much of their success can be credited to the famous expert. ( B ) A、信用,信誉 B、把归功于 C、相信,信任35. cross (1) Dont be so cross with me! ( D ) (2) A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. ( C ) A、穿越,横过 B、十字 C、混合物,杂种 D、生气的36. damage (1) He claimed $7,000 damages from the taxi company. ( C ) (2) Whats the damage of the journey? ( D ) A、损坏 B、伤害 C、赔偿金 D、费用37. dismiss He just laughed and dismissed the suggestion as unrealistic. ( B ) A、解雇,开除 B、拒绝考虑(想法,意见等) C、解散38. do (1) Ten bottles of


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