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    • 1、,Lesson 56,Faster than sound!,1. gold和golden填空 a _medal a _opportunity 2. 她埋头于书本。 She buries herself in books. 3. 他迟早会梦想成真。 His dream will come true sooner or later. 4. would,used to 填空。 1) I_ always get home early 2) He _ read detective fictions. But now he prefer to science fictions. 3) The river _ be clean.,gold,golden,would,used to,used to,5.填入介词 Where is the entrance_ the park? She works so hard in spite _ her illness. He failed _ keep his words. She succeeds _ finishing the work.,to/of,of,

      2、to,in,Speech:,一: 世界十大名车之一: 恩佐.法拉利 二 世界十大名车之二:兰博基尼 三 世界十大名车之三:奔驰SL 四 世界十大名车之四: 布加迪.威龙 五 世界十大名车之五:福特GT 六 世界十大名车之六:克莱斯勒ME-Four-Twelve 七 世界十大名车之七:阿斯顿.马丁DB9 八 世界十大名车之八:保时捷CarreraGT 九 世界十大名车之九:宾利欧陆GT 十 世界十大名车之十:帕格尼风之子,28.5亿元,恩佐.法拉利Ferrari,兰博基尼Lamborghin,奔驰SL,布加迪.威龙 Bugatti Veyron,福特GT,克莱斯勒ME-Four-Twelve Chrysler,阿斯顿.马丁DB9 (AstonMartin),保时捷CarreraGT Porsche,宾利欧陆GT Bentley Continenta,帕格尼风之子 pagani zonda,1.cool fortable 3.fast 4.safe 5.expensive .,Lesson 56,Faster than sound!,sound 1. n. 声音 sound voice n

      3、oise 2. v. 听起来 这听起来不错。 That sounds good. 3. adj. 等于reasonable 合理的, 有道理的 我有一个合理的建议。 I have a piece of sound advice. 4 .睡眠香甜的 have a sound sleep,n. 任何声音都可以 n. 人的声音 n. 和周围不和谐的声音, 躁音,race,excited,enter for,handsome,unusual,downhill,Listen and answer: 1.Did a lot of old cars enter for the race or not? How often is it held? 2.Did the winning car go through quickly or slowly? When did its driver have a lot of difficulty trying to stop it?,Listen and repeat:,A story,Beginning,Process,introduction,differ

      4、ent cars the winning car,Ending,summary,Read the story by yourself and divide it into four parts.,Once a year a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down

      5、 on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them ! A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour-much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.,Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race

      6、last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.,Once a year, a race _ (hold)for old cars. A lot of cars _(entered for/enter) this race last year and there was a great deal of _(excite) just before it _(begin).,is held,entered for,excitement,began,excitement n. 激动, 兴奋 to ones excitement 令某人激动的是 令大家激动的是,尽管很难,但是他仍然赢得了那个奖项。 To everyones excitement, though it was very difficult, he won the prize. excite vt. 使兴奋, 使激动 The most exciting thing is that 最令人激动的是 It excited me that 让

      7、我激动的是,Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.,1.be held for 为而举行 A meeting will be held for discussing the problem. 明天要召开一个会议来讨论这个问题。 2.enter for She will enter for a beauty contest. 她将参加选美比赛,1. 只加可数名词复数 a great many, many a+单数, a great number of 2. 只加不可数名词 a great deal of 3. 既可数名词复数又可加不可数名词 a lot of, plenty of,a great many, many a+单数, a great number of a great deal of a lot of, plenty

      8、of,water bag,Once a year, a race A lot of cars . and there was . just before.,One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them ! A few cars, however, completed the race.,1.What was one of the most handsome cars? A Rolls

      9、-Royce Silver Ghost. 2.What was the most unusual car? Benz. 3.How many wheels did it have? Three. 4.When was it built? In 1885. 5.Was it the oldest car? Yes,it was. 6.When did the race begin? After a great many loud explosions.,7.Where did many of the cars break down? On the course. 8.Did any drivers spend more time under their cars than in their cars? Yes,they did. 9.Did any cars complete the race? Yes, a few cars completed the race.,handsome 用于男性, 指“相貌英俊、温文尔雅”; 用于女性时, 指“身材匀称, 仪表端正”; 用于儿童时, 指“外貌俊秀”; 用于其他事物时, 指“悦目或大方”。 Your husband is handsome.,beautiful “漂亮的” 最普通用词, 可用于人、物、景色等。通过感官产生思想和灵魂的愉悦 。,pretty 美丽(多用于女孩或小孩),有柔美的意思 跟男性连用就表示没有阳刚气,女性化。 Money will buy a pretty dog, but it wont buy the wag of his tail. 金钱能买到一条不错的狗,但是买不到它的摇动尾巴。,good-looking adj. 很好看的,外貌美的 Good looks are not as important as kindness. 好的容貌没有好的心肠重要。,nice adj. 美好的(人,天气, 食物, 物品的品质等) 你真好。 You are s


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