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    • 1、Study on the Impacts of Urbanization on theServices Efficiency-A case of Chongqing cityA Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement forthe Masters Degree of EconomicsByJiangyuSupervised by Prof. Zeng Guo-pingSpecialty:Industrial EconomicsSchool of Public AffairsChongqing University, Chongqing, ChinaMarch, 2014重庆大学硕士学位论文摘要中文摘要城市化的质量与水平已经成为一个国家或者地区整体经济发展状况的重要参考指标,我国自改革开放后开始进入城市化加速发展阶段,国内的城市化水平逐年快速提升,对于我国的经济发展有着重要的促进意义。工业化是城市化出现的直接推动因素,但是随着城市化发展到一定程度,服务业将逐渐取代工

      2、业化成为国民经济中的重要发展动力,因此在城市化背景下分析和研究服务业效率有着重要的现实意义。当前,重庆市的城市化发展已经进入加速时期,服务业产值在国民生产总值中的比重逐年增加,服务业效率也得到了不同程度的提升。但是由于种种客观原因,当前重庆市的服务业效率从整体而言还存在着较大提升空间。本文在借鉴和参考现有研究成果的基础上,通过基础数据收集与分析,以重庆市城市化进程的推进为研究背景,以定性分析和定量分析的方法与手段分析和研究重庆市服务业效率在城市化推进过程中所受到的影响,并提出相关改进建议与措施。本文首先对城市化、服务业和服务业效率进行概念界定,并从理论角度分析城市化对服务业效率的影响因素。其次,从重庆市当前的城市化和服务业效率发展现状出发,介绍重庆市在城市化和服务业发展过程出现的基本特征;第三,从时间角度、空间角度以及行业内部层次角度采用相关性分析、三阶段 DEA模型以及灰色关联分析等方法以 2001年到 2012年重庆市的经济统计数据为基础,研究重庆市城市化对服务业效率的影响;最后基于上述理论研究和实证分析的研究结论,从人口流动、服务业转型、服务业内部结构优化以及城乡统筹发展等角度提

      3、出了具有针对性的改进建议与措施。本文的研究工作包括了理论分析、定性研究和定量分析等方面,对于在城市化背景下分析服务业效率受到的影响有着一定的理论参考价值与实际意义。关键词:城市化,服务业,服务业效率,重庆市I重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要ABSTRACTThe quality and level of urbanization has become an important reference for theoverall economic development of the country or region. Since the beginning of reformand opening up in China, and the urbanization development stage into the domesticlevel of urbanization rapid increase year by year, has an important significance inpromoting role in Chinas economic development.

      4、Industrialization is an importantfactor that directly promotes the emergence of urbanization. But with the developmentof urbanization to a certain extent, services will become an important impetus to thedevelopment of the national economy. The analysis and research in service efficiencyhas an important practical significance in the context of urbanization.Currently, Chongqing urbanization has entered a period of accelerating, servicesector in GDP increased year by year and the proportion of serv

      5、ice sector efficiency hasalso been improved. However, due to various objective reasons, there is still a largeroom for improvement in the efficiency of services from Chongqing overall currently.In this thesis, drawing on the basis of existing research results and references, by usingthe qualitative and quantitative analysis methods and means analysis and researchservices in Chongqing to promote efficiency in the process of urbanization will beaffected, and make relevant suggestions and measures

      6、to improve the service efficiencyof Chongqing through basic data collection and analysis to promote the process ofurbanization in Chongqing as the research background.Firstly, urbanization, service efficiency and service definition is researched in thisthesis, and the factors affecting the efficiency of urbanization on the service industry isalso analysis from a theoretical perspective. Secondly, from the current status of thedevelopment of urbanization and efficient services in Chongqing, this

      7、thesis introducesthe basic features of Chongqing in the process of urbanization and the development ofemerging services. Thirdly, from the point of view of time and space within the industrylevel angle and angle using correlation analysis, three-stage DEA model and the methodof gray correlation analysis to 2001 to 2012 economic statistics is based in Chongqing,the effects of urbanization on services in Chongqing efficiency is researched. Finally,based on the above theoretical and empirical analy

      8、sis of research findings frompopulation movements, service transformation, optimization of the internal structure ofthe service industry as well as urban and rural development point of view put forwardII重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要suggestions and improvements targeted measures. The research work in thesis includestheoretical analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, etc, which has a certaintheoretical reference value and practical significance for the analysis in the context ofurbanization affected the efficiency of the service industry.Key words: Urbanization, Services, Services Efficiency, Chongqing CityIII重庆大学硕士学位论文目录目录中文摘要.I英文摘要.


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