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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、商务英语合同,一般条款复习,一般条款 定义条款 合同转让条款 完整合同与修改 保证与担保条款 解除与终止条款 违约条款 争议解决条款 不可抗力条款 杂项条款,General clauses Definition Clauses Assignment Clauses Entire Agreement/Modification to be in writing Indemnification and Warranty Rescission and Termination Default Clauses Dispute Resolution Force Majeure Miscellaneous,一般条款之定义条款,As used in this Agreement, any gender shall be construed as including all other genders and the singular shall be construed as including the plural and the singular, as the sense requires. 本协

      2、议所用某一性别应解释为包含其他性别,单数应被理解包括复数,视句子需要复数包括单数。,一般条款之定义条款,常用句型结构: 1. Shall be(construed as)结构: 2. Shall mean或means结构: 3. Shall refer to 4. 此外,也偶有直接使用is/are的情形:,被解释为 专有技术 合同产品 技术文件 替代、代替,construe know-how contract product technical documents in lieu of,Supplementary material,In lieu of: 一般出现在英文合同中表示“替代” In place of, instead of,Exercise: “Acceptance“ means the acceptance by the Buyer of the Contract Plant which certifies the Suppliers fulfillment of the Contract in respect of any Performance Test requir

      3、ed thereunder in accordance with Article 25.3 (Acceptance) hereof. 验收系指买方接受合同设备,证明供应商就本协议第 25 条第 3 款规定所要求的性能测试合格,完成合同履行。,1. NO ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall transfer or assign any rights or delegate any obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written consent of the other party. Any purported transfer, assignment or delegation by either party without the appropriate prior written approval shall be null and void and of no force or

      4、 effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, without securing such prior consent, each party shall have the right to assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations to an Affiliate provided that such party continues to be liable for the performance of its obligations and either party shall have the right to assign this Agreement and the obligations hereunder to any successor of such party by way of merger or consolidation or the acquisition of substantially all of the business and assets of

      5、 the assigning party relating to the Agreement.,一般条款之合同转让条款,不得转让,未经对方事先书面同意,无论自愿还是法律运用,任一方不得转让本合同项下任何权利或让渡任何义务。任何未经事先书面批准的任一方所企图的转让或让渡一概无效。尽管前述,未获得该事先同意,任一方应有权转让本合同或本合同的任何权利或义务给关联公司,但该方继续对其义务的履行承担责任并且任一方应有权通过实质兼并、合并或并购本协议关联的转让方的业务和资产的方式转让本协议或本协议项下的义务给其继受方。,转让权利 让渡义务 事先书面同意 无效、失效 尽管前述 有权做某事 兼并、并购、收购,assignrights delegate obligations prior written consent Null and void notwithstanding the foregoing have the right to do Merger, consolidation and acquisition,Exercise: This Agreement may not be assig

      6、ned without prior notice by either party. Such assignment is subject to the mutual consent and approval of any such assignment. 未经事先书面通知,本协议不得转让。上述转让以双方同意和对任一转让的许可为准。,一般条款之完整合同与修改,Entire Agreement This Agreement with Exhibits embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings relation to the subject matter hereof. 本协议及其附件包含本协议双方间完整协议和磋商,取代以前所有与本协议标的有关的协议和磋商。,包含 取代 标的物 条款 最终协议 与有关 有约束力的,embody supersede subject matter

      7、terms and conditions final understanding with respect to bound,Supplementary material,With respect to, in respect of , in respect thereof 表示与本合同/协议/条款有关的问题 此外,Pertaining to, pertaining thereto也表示“涉及,与.有关” 。,Exercise: This Agreement, including all exhibits and schedules hereto, as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, contains the entire agreement between the parties relative to the subject matters hereof. This Agreement or the Articles of Organization may only

      8、 be amended or modified by a writing executed and delivered by Members owning not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Membership Interests, provided, however, that the provision in Paragraph 3.1 concerning appointment and election of Managers shall not be amended without the consent of the persons then entitled to serve as Managers. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of

      9、 this Agreement and the application of such provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby, and the intent of this Agreement shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. The designations of Members and Managers as used herein shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context.,完整合同: 本协议含其所有附件附表,可根据本协议条款随时修正,包含双方就本协议标的有关的完整协议。本协议或组织章程仅当拥有不少于 75%成员利益的成员以书面形式签发交付始可修改或修正,但是如果第三节第一条有关任命的规定和经理的选任未经有资格出任经理的人等同意不得修正。如果本协议的任何规定或该规定对某人或某情形的适用在任何程度上应为无效或无法执行,本协议其余部分和该部分对其他人或其他情形的适用不得因此受影响,本协议的目的应按法律所允许的最大程度予以执行。在本协议中使用的成员或经理的指定应包含单数、复数,男性、女性或上下文所需的中性。,WARRANTY: The Seller warrants that all commodities will conform to the description set out in Clause 1. Save as aforesaid all representations, conditions and warranties of whatsoever nature are hereby excluded and extinguished. 卖方保证所有商品符合第一条规定的规格说明。除了前述(除上述所有陈述)本协议在此排除和废止的任何性质的声明、条款或担保。,一般条款之保证与担保条款,与一致 阐述 除非 条款 保证、担保 补偿、赔偿,Conform to Set out Save as Conditions


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