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高三英语作文 如何写图画类作文

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  • 文档编号:89257501
  • 上传时间:2019-05-22
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    • 1、 第20讲如何写图画类作文图文并茂,笔下华章一、魔法导航(1)确定体裁。此类文章一般以记叙文或说明文为主。审题时,应仔细阅读图画及文字说明,确定文章使用的体裁。(2)确定人称。若以日记、回忆录等形式来写,一般采用第一人称;若以讲故事的形式来写,一般采用第三人称。(3)确定时态。根据图画内容及所采用的文章体裁,确定文章所要使用的时态。(4)发挥联想。这类文章一般要求发挥联想,以使上下文能更好地连贯起来,但联想要合理、适度。(5)注意详略。对于图画中的内容,要注意详略得当。如:图画中所出现的时间、数字或言论要一词不漏地写清楚,而有些过程或原因则可适当简略。二、常用句式1.用于描述图画或引入话题的句式:(1)As is described in the picture,.(2)As is shown in the picture,we can see clearly. 2.用于记叙事件经过或分析现象的句式:(1)At first.then.five minutes later.finally/in the end.(2)Some.;some.;others.(3)More and more

      2、people have come to realize the importance of. 3.用于发表议论或进行总结的句式:(1)If such measures were not taken,the problem would be more serious.(2)We can conclude from this picture that.(3)As has been stated,we must.三、典题示例真题在线(2015福建)请阅读下面图画,按要求用英语写一篇词数为120左右的短文。内容要求:1.描述画面;2.概述其含义;3.谈谈个人感想。注意:1.短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、行文连贯;3.文中不能出现考生的具体信息。参考词汇:凿,钻boreIn the picture, 审题谋篇文章体裁图画类作文中心人称第一人称第三人称主体时态一般现在时一般过去时要点布局第一段:描述图画(抓住主要“画意”,避免面面俱到)第二段:概述画面透露的含义扩展句1:说明故事来源扩展句2:分析小男孩凿壁偷光的原因扩展句3:从学习方法、学习习惯角度阐释如何学会学习

      3、第三段:具体谈谈个人感想扩展句1:点明故事给我们的启示扩展句2:给出自己的建议阅卷现场考场作文:In the picture,we can see a boy in rags.He was siting at a table with a pile of books on it.(1)He was reading a book attentively with the help of a weak ray of light coming in through a small hole in the wall.As is known to us that this is a story from an ancient Chinese idiom.So poor was the boy that he couldnt afford even a candle.Thus,in order to read at night,he bored a hole in the wall to “steal” light from his neighbors house.What we can lear

      4、n from the story is that we should do what we can acquire knowledge when faced with difficult situations.(2)When we try to improve ourselves by learning,we can make good preparations for the future.文章提升:1.修改错误:1)sit的现在分词应先双写t,然后加-ing,故应将改为。2)As处于形式主语的位置,故应将As改为。3)此处应用不定式作目的状语,故应将acquire改为。2.提升建议:1)用强调句型对画线(1)中的with the help of a weak ray of light coming in through a small hole in the wall进行强调: 2)将画线句(2)改为Only when引导的倒装句: 参考范文:In the picture,we can see a boy in worn clothes,sitting at a shabby wo

      5、oden table with a pile of books on it.A weak ray of light came in through a small hole in the wall and he was absorbed in his reading.This is a well-known story from an ancient Chinese idiom.The boy,being poor,couldnt afford even a candle,so he bored a hole in the wall to “steal” light from his neighbors house to read at night.The moral of the story is:spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.Of course,things are totally d

      6、ifferent today.It is not the story itself but what is reflected in the story that counts.Hard work pays off.We should take pains to improve ourselves through learning and get prepared for the future.四、高分秀场下面是英语老师推荐的两本课外阅读书,请根据以下提示用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。1.说明你会选择哪一本书阅读;2.该书的大概内容;3.你选择该书的理由。 答案全解全析三、典题示例1.修改错误:1)sitting2)It3)to acquire2.提升建议:1)It was with the help of a weak ray of light coming in through a small hole in the wall that he was reading a book attentively.2)Only when we try to improve ourselve

      7、s by learning can we make good preparations for the future.四、高分秀场One possible version:Of the two books recommended by my English teacher,I prefer “Everyone Is Beautiful” by Caroline,which,as the title suggests,is about why and how to respect others and how to be ourselves at the same time.As a teenager,I often wonder why on earth people are so widely different from one another.Some are smart and beautiful.Others are plain-looking and slow in learning.I envy many of my classmates who are better than me in one way or another,which often makes me feel inferior.What will “Ev

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