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souvenir 扬州旅游纪念品英文介绍

  • 卖家[上传人]:101****457
  • 文档编号:89231819
  • 上传时间:2019-05-21
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:2.79MB
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    • 1、TRAVELILNG TO YANGZHOU,AMONG HAZY VERNAL HUES,烟花三月下扬州,Yangzhou ,known as a city of gardens and alleys. It is a proud retainer of ancient Chinese architecture, art, culture, traditional gardens and parks, cuisine, and commerce in a beautiful mixture of modernity with its rich 2,500 years history.,Let us say something about,ABOUT FOOD,Skin Wraps Water -the elegant entertainment with a hundred years history,Soup packets (汤包) Boiled Shredded Dry Bean Curd (大煮干丝) Yangzhou fried rice (扬州炒饭) Three luxu

      2、ry banquets (三头宴),Yangzhou pickles,Yangzhou jade,Leather sugar,ABOUT SOUVENIRS,Yangzhou lacquer,Yangzhou paper-cut,Yangzhou three knives,扬州酱菜,牛皮糖,扬州玉器,扬州漆器,扬州剪纸,扬州三把刀,Yangzhou pickles are the flavoring buffets of the banquet.(宴席上调味佳品) It has four characters , like fresh, sweet, crisp, and tender (鲜、甜、脆、嫩).It is famous in the whole world, especially popular at home and abroad. dozens of varieties ,like milk cucumber(乳黄瓜), assorted vegetables(什锦菜),and so on.,Yangzhou pickle,Leather sugar is one of

      3、 Yangzhous specialties. It tastes sweet, and has a layer of sesame seeds outside(外部裹以芝麻). Leather sugar submits translucent form(晶莹剔透), and not sticky teeth(不粘牙). It has different kinds of tastes, like Sesame taste(芝麻味), JinJie taste(金桔味)and so on.,Yangzhou leather sugar,Yangzhou is one of the important jade origins in China. Since Han Dynasty, the cutting jade skill(琢玉技艺) in Yangzhou was good. In Tang Dynasty, the skill of cutting jade was well-known throughout the country. Also there were many

      4、 famous craftsmen(名匠) in both Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. In addition, people all say, “Hetian jade, Yangzhou work”(和田玉,扬州工),Yangzhou jade,Yangzhou lacquer has a long history, as early as two thousand years ago in Xihan Dynasty, and it has a quite craft level. To the Yuan Dynasty, Yangzhou has become a national lacquer ware production center(全国漆器制作中心). The late Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou lacquer is already flourishing export trade(出口外贸), and the products are sold to Europe, America and other countries, annual sales of more than 20,000 pieces.,Yangzhou lacquer,Yangzhou is one of the earliest Chinese paper-cut popular regions. In the Tang and Song Dynasty, people usually have the saying “paper-cut makes a spring”(剪纸报春). Yangzhou paper-cuts design is delicate and beautiful, with high technical content and high appreciation value.,Yangzhou paper-cut,Kitchen knife,Barber knife,Trim knife,Thank you !,

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