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美国莱福LifeLocator® TRx雷达生命探测仪

  • 卖家[上传人]:高**
  • 文档编号:89192302
  • 上传时间:2019-05-21
  • 文档格式:DOC
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    • 1、产品名称:美国莱福LifeLocator TRx雷达生命探测仪生产厂家 权威认证 品质保证 一年保质终身维修产品品牌:北京斯达恒通销售专线:010-56215212产品简介:美国莱福LifeLocator TRx雷达生命探测仪Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (GSSI) is the world leader in the development of Ultra Wideband (UWB) Technology for locating living victims trapped at a disaster site. With cutting-edge products designed to address the most challenging applications, the GSSI name has become synonymous with accuracy, quality and reliability.The LifeLocator is internationally accepted as the standard

      2、in rescue and recovery when disasters like earthquakes, floods, explosions or similar occurrences result in victims trapped under debris piles, both natural and man-made debris as a result of structural collapses.Urban search and rescue missions are extremely difficult to perform successfully. Limited resources, harsh weather conditions and severely damaged infrastructure are often obstacles in USAR missions.The LifeLocator system uses ultra wideband (UWB) radar technology to improve the odds of

      3、 recovering living victims of earthquakes, building collapses, flash floods, avalanches and other man-made disasters.The LifeLocator TRx represents the fourth generation LifeLocator system from GSSI and employs new, dual receiver technology to increase survey effectiveness and accuracy.Whether it is a natural disaster or man-made, LifeLocator has proven to be an effective tool in detecting life signs like breathing and movement at building collapse locations. Deploy the unit to determine or rule

      4、 out areas of interest; and the unit is highly mobile, meaning more of a disaster area can be covered in much less time.Use the LifeLocator for- Earthquakes Terror Attacks Mine Disasters Building Collapses Tunnel Collapses Mudslides or Landslides, with debrisDetection Benefits The ability to accurately and non-invasively locate survivors following structural collapse with the ability to “see” through debris, dust and other obstacles The detection of motion as slight as shallow breathing, within

      5、seconds Advanced breathing detection - with breathing rate indicator Reliable non-human, non-canine USAR technology that enhances search capabilitiesSystem Benefits Dual channel antenna providing enhanced Sensor performance Low power requirements Continuous environmental noise monitoring to ensure optimal survey results Rugged, weather and water resistant components; IP65 Rated Wireless operation Complies with CE regulationsSurvey Benefits Wireless and portable system Ease of mobility over a sit

      6、e Large field of detection Unaffected by scent drift or other bio-sensitivities that affect canine detection Non-invasive technology; no probes, no cables and no wiring Completely safe for humans and animalsSystem Components Sensoro Three Lithium-Ion batterieso Battery charger Panasonic Toughpad M1 or Toughpad G1 Tableto One extended-life Lithium-Ion batteryo AC Power adapter Rugged transit case User ManualSpecifications Motion detection: up to 39 ft (12 m) Breathing detection: up to 33 ft (10 m

      7、) Detection volume: 64,000 cubic ft (1,810 cubic m)/3 minutes Wireless range: up to 100 ft (30 m) Wi-Fi Sensor unito Size: 18x18x8 in (45x45x22 cm)o Weight: 28 lbs (13 kg)o Battery life: up to 12 hours; hot-swappableo Battery type: LiOHo IP 65 Rated Panasonic Toughpad M1o Size:7.98x5.20x0.71 inches (20.27x13.21x1.80 cm)o Weight: 1.2 lbs. (0.54 kg)o Battery operating life: up to 16 hourso Battery charging time: 4.5 hours off, 5 hours ono Display: 7” WXGA 1280 x 800 with LED backlighting Panasonic

      8、 Toughpad G1 Tableto Size: 10.6x7.4x0.8 inches (26.92x18.8x2.03 cm)o Weight: 3.0 lbs (1.36 kg)o Battery operating life: up to 18.5 hourso Battery charging time: 3 hours off, 4 hours ono Display: 10.1” WUXGA 1920 x 1200 with LED backlighting美国莱福GSSI TRx生命探测仪x是一款在自然灾害发生后,用于探测倒塌建筑物下的生还者的坚固耐用的便携式设备。利用超宽带(UWB)探地雷达的原理,莱福TRx能够探测12米区域内的活动目标和十米内的呼吸行为。LifeLocator使用超宽频技术,极大地提高了由于天气、火灾或灾难性的攻击、雪崩、洪水、地震或其它自然灾害导致的结构性倒塌后的救援可能性。LifeLocator适用于生命救援,通过传感主机定位受害者甚至是浅呼吸的小运动。传感器检测到信号并实时转输到控制器。这个信息使得救援人员能够准确、迅速确定受害者的位置。产品特点:搜索最优化:莱福能快速辨别幸存者,几乎能即时探测到呼吸操作简易:用户可选择的图形界面通过使用图标来指示检测到的运动和呼吸。急救先遣队可以在几个小时内精通莱福生命探测仪的操作。便于携带:便携式,单独个人也易于操作系统中的双接收器提供了卓越的数据采集能力并增加了检测的可信度美国莱福雷达生命探测仪产品介绍北京斯达恒通科技有限公司15年专注安检、搜查与防护用品.防爆、排爆、侦查反侦类.消防救护与救援设备.警用器材与特警反恐.瓦斯抽采与防突仪表.环境安全检测仪器.防尘测尘测仪器.通风测量与测绘仪器.仪器效验与检定装置.消防堵漏器材工业自动化产品研究、销售及服务于一体的高新技术企业.官网.电话010-56215212.

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