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english culture, royal family tree - 英国皇室家族

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  • 文档编号:89184466
  • 上传时间:2019-05-20
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    • 1、Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II *HRHPrince Philip (Queens husband) Birth date 21st April 1926 Title: Duke of EdinburghQueen since 6th February 1952 Birth date: 10th June 1921 HRH Princess Anne HRH Prince Andrew HRH Prince EdwardDiana Spencer (1st wife of Prince Charles)Princess of Wales (“The Peoples Princess”)Birth date 1st July 1961 Death date 31st August 1997 HRH Prince Charles (Prince of Wales)Heir to the throne of the UKBirth date: 14th November 1948 HRH Catherine “Kate” Middleton Duchess of

      2、 Cambridge Birth date: 9th January 1982 Officially married to WilliamHRH Prince William HRH Prince HarryBirth date: 21st June 1982 Birth date: 15th September 1984Duke of Cambridge Prince of Wales*HRH: His Royal Highness, Her Royal HighnessInteresting facts:What is the surname of the British Royal Family?Its Windsor. The original surname was Saxe-Coburg-Ghota, but in 1917 King George V renounced to the German titles and decided to adopt the name of one of its Castles, which is in Windsor. This wa

      3、s an act of respect towards the anti-German feelings that were increasing after the beginning of World War I.Why isnt the Queens husband a King?In the British monarchy, the husband of a female monarch (or the wife of a male monarch) does not have any special status. For example, Prince Philip was a prince from birth; he was the son of Prince Andrew of Greece. His titles were Prince of Greece and Denmark. When he married Elizabeth of England in 1947, he gained the title “Duke of Edinburgh, Earl o

      4、f Merion, and Baron of Greenwich”. When Elizabeth became Queen in 1952, he was granted the title Prince Consort.Why is Prince Charles called “Prince of Wales”?This is the title granted to the heir to the throne. This tradition began in 1301, when King Edward I, having completed the conquest of Wales, gave the title to his elder son Prince Edward (later Edward II).Who will be the next King?The official heir to the throne of the UK is Prince Charles. This means that he will become king when his mo

      5、ther, Queen Elizabeth, dies or retires. However, as the Prince of Wales is not very popular among the people, he might abdicate and pass the throne to his elder son, Prince William.What are the duties of a Sovereign?The Monarch of the United Kingdom is Head of State, Head of the Armed Forces (the Queens the only person who can declare war on another country), Head of the Commonwealth and Head of the Church of England (the spiritual leader of the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury). Every day Queen Elizabeth has to read and sign a box full of documents and reports written by the Ministers and by the Commonwealth Officials. She also receives important guests (foreign heads of State, religious leaders) and spends most of her time travelling around the country visiting schools, hospitals or factories.

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