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    • 1、20182019学年度上学期月考试卷高三英语时间:100分钟 满分:120分范围:高考范围 第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AYou probably know who Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is, but you may not have heard of Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell if you are not interested in foreign literature. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who is your favorite?Jane Austen (16 December, 1775-18 July, 1817)Jane Austen, a famous English writer, was born at Steventon, Hampshire. She began wri

      2、ting early in life, although the prejudices (偏见) of her times forced her to have her books published anonymously (匿名).She wrote many books of romantic fiction about the gentry (贵族). Her works made her one of the great masters of the English novel. Only four of her novels were printed while she was alive. They were Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma(1815).Charlotte Bronte (21 April, 1816-31 March, 1855)She first published her works, including

      3、Jane Eyre, under the false name of Currer Bell. Her first novel, The Professor, was rejected by many publishers. It was not printed until 1857. She is famous for her novel Jane Eyre (1847), which was very popular when it was printed. Jane Eyre was a strong story of a plain, brave, clever woman struggling with her passions, reasons, and social condition.Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (8 November, 1900-16 August, 1949)She was an American author and journalist, a lifelong resident and native of Atlant

      4、a, Georgia. One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, the American Civil-War-Era novel, Gone with the Wind, for which she won the National Book Award for Most Distinguished Novel of 1936 and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937. In more recent years, a collection of Mitchells girlhood writings and a novel she wrote as a teenager, Lost Laysen, have been published. A collection of articles written by Mitchell for The Atlanta Journal was republished in book form.21. Why did Jane Au

      5、sten publish her books with a false name?A. She lacked confidence. B. She was not well educated.C. Women were discriminated. D. Women were well protected.22. Which novel was set in the background of war?A. Sense and Sensibility. B. Gone with the Wind.C. Lost Laysen. D. The Professor.23. Who won the most prizes for her works?A. Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell. B. Charlotte Bronte.C. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. D. Jane Austen.24. What can we infer about the women mentioned in the text?A. They were a

      6、ll fond of poetry. B. They all died in their forties.C. Their works were once rejected. D. They are famous for their great works.BUS scientists say they have poured cold water on the theory that washing hands with hot water kills more germs (细菌) than unheated water. The small study of 20 people found using water at 15C (59F) left hands as clean as water heated to 38C (100F).National Health Service (NHS) recommends that people wash their hands in either cold or warm water. In this study, scientis

      7、ts at Rutgers University-New Brunswick wanted to find out if popular assumptions about the benefits of warm or hot water and official guidance on hot water given to the food industry in the US - held true. They asked 20 people to wash their hands 20 times each day with water that was 15C (59F), 26C (79F) or 38 degrees (100F). Volunteers were also asked to experiment with varying amounts of soap. Before they started the tests, their hands were covered in harmless bugs. Researchers say there was n

      8、o difference in the amount of bugs removed as the temperature of the water or the amount of soap changed.Prof Donald Schaffner said: “People need to feel comfortable when they are washing their hands but as far as effectiveness goes, this study shows us that the temperature of the water used did not matter.”However, the researchers accept their study is small and say more extensive work is needed to determine the best ways to remove harmful bacteria.In the UK, NHS experts say people can use cold

      9、 or hot water to wash their hands. They say hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds and stress the importance of using enough soap to cover the whole surface of the hands. Their guidance focuses on rubbing hands together in various ways to make sure each surface of each hand is clean.25. What does the underlined phrase “poured cold water” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A. Proved. B. Created. C. Contradicted. D. Accepted.26. After they washed their hands with either hot or cold water,_.A. volunteers nearly had the same amount of germ removedB. volunteers all talked about American food industryC. volunteers still had much germ on their handsD. volunteers all didnt feel very comfortable27. How do researchers feel about their study?A. It is popular. B. It is incomplete. C. It i


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