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    • 1、武威六中2018-2019学年度高三一轮复习过关考试(五)英 语 试 卷第卷第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题的四个项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIf youve never travelled abroad, looking for a fun destination as your next vacation can be tough. Whats the food like? What attractions can I find? How do I get around? Dont settle for just any cityits important that your getaway suits all of your needs.Our top suggestion: London, UK. A new study by WeekenGO, an online weekend getaway portal and app, shows Englands capit

      2、al has been ranked the best city to spend the weekend, especially for film fans. According to the study, Berlin, Germany was the most recommended destination for millennials, while Vienna, Austria took the top spot for vacationing families. Zurich, Switzerland was also voted the best destination for baby boomers.Each city in WeekenGOs Top 100 was graded using a number of categories, including ease of finding accommodations, cultural events, number of green spaces, and safety. Check out the best

      3、cities in the world for every type of traveler below:For those who love to stroll: Graz, Austria ranks as the worlds most walkable city.For nature lovers: Stuttgart, Germany ranks No. 1 for most green spaces.For fussy travelers: Rome, Italy has the most accommodation options.For the party crowd: Shanghai, China ranks No. 1 for club options.For curious travelers: Vancouver, Canada ranks No. 1 for the most cultural events.For women going solo(单独):Oslo, Norway has been ranked the safest place for w

      4、omen.1The writer is possibly from _. A. a culture club B. a net company C. a travel agency D. a trade company2Which might be the best choice for the Browns with two children to have a holiday? A. London. B. Vienna. C. Berlin. D. Zurich.3Which of the following might be a good choice for a single female nature lover? A. Oslo and Rome. B. Oslo and Stuttgart. C. Rome and Graz. D. Graz and Stuttgart. BThe sun shone over the heads of children playing along Luxembourgs paved road. We parked Tokkis stro

      5、ller(婴儿车)and stepped into the theatre to wait for the show to begin. There was a rustling sound behind us, and my son turned to stare at a grandmother unwrapping cookies for her granddaughters snack, offering one to me, but the girl opposed. I politely shook my head. “You dont have the right,” the grandmother said quickly to her charge. French children either have the right to do something or they dont.Evidence of this strictness is everywhere, including Annecy, in the countrys southeast. One ra

      6、iny afternoon, Tokki and I took shelter in the town library as a kindergarten class walked into the room. They neatly hung their purple pinafores (围嘴) on hooks.We spent the next day on a lawn overlooking Lac dAnnecy. Family members gathered in the open air while girls in Sunday dresses played badminton. When a girl started to scream, I observed the French mother in action. Marching the girl into a field in full view of everyone, the mother left her alone crying over there. After what feels like

      7、endless time, the child calmed down and they walked away hand in hand. Is the mother too strict? Or do I want to be more like her?French parents do not panic in the face of crisis, but I am not a French. On our last night in Annecy, in my desperation to feed the baby on schedule, we sat down at a caf where we didnt need to line up. As Tokki screamed, I became so stressed that I turned to our hotel leaving my husband at the cafforgetting he was about to find out whether he had won a festival priz

      8、e.(He did win.)4What can be learned about the author of the passage? A. She was bored with her childs scream. B. She was travelling in France. C. She didnt approve of French parenting style. D. She is a single parent.5According to the passage, French parents can be described as _. A. serious and impatient B. clever and hardworking C. loving and strict D. considerate and humorous6The author mentioned the incident in the caf mainly to show _. A. when baby screams, it is hard to deal with B. she ca

      9、res about her husband very much. C. she felt sorry for her husband because of her ignorance. D. it is hard for her to stay calm in the face of crisis.7What would be the best title for the passage? A. The Love of Parents Is Selfless. B. The Importance of Strictness in Education. C. A Mothers Witness to French Parenting. D. An Unforgettable Experience in France. C This activity will melt away the pounds, build your body and leave you on an emotional high. Yet the form of exercise, the fitness trend of the year , does not require gym membership or a personal trainer. All you need to do is walk.Walking is a fresh alternative to complicated aerobic(需氧的) routines and overpriced gym membership , says personal trainer Lucy Knight, author of a new


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