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    • 1、北京大学附属中学2019届高考英语仿真模拟卷(一)第一节、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 共15分)Poetry is never far away from our daily lives. Many of us grew up reciting classic poems, learning to enjoy this beautiful art form thats able to use just a few lines (1) _ (convey) such rich meanings. The Chinese Shijing, which dates back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, has a (2) _ (1ong) history than the Homeric epics. Even today, classic poems (3)_(appreciate) by a lot of people. To recognize the unique (4)_ (able) of poetry and capture its c

      2、reative spirit, World Poetry Day is held by the United Nations on March 21 each year to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression. The Chinese Poetry Congress (5)_(feature) classic poetry is extremely popular. The competition saw over 1 00 hopeful participants taking part in (6)_number of challenges. The participants, (7)_ages range from 7 to 70, include students, farmers, teachers and foreign competitors with an interest (8)_ Chinese literature. And even TV series involving poetry

      3、are very (9)_(success). For example, in The Legend of Zhenhuan, one of the dramas most moving songs was adapted from a poem (10)_ (write) by Wen Tingyun of the Tang Dynasty. 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 共30分) The day I received my letter of acceptance to New York University, I was extremely excited. It was my dream university, and my _11_ were pleased for me. But they also hadnt_12_ _me to get into such a competitive school. In fact, the best thing they ever did for me was to 13 me from doing things

      4、14 indeed, when I was inelementary school, they offered to buy me a present 15 I got a C.It 16 when I was in third grade. An only child inan Asian family, I had just 17 with my family from Taiwan to LosAngeles. Months into third grade, Ideveloped a strong feeling of 18 about getting badgrades. Seeing my anxiety, Dad said, “Kate, tell you what.If you get a C or 19 , Ill buy you a present. If youscore higher than that, I wont buy you anything, becauseyou wont 20 it.”Clearly my dad wasnt the 21 Asi

      5、an tiger parent, pressuring me to work tirelessly for the best 22 , andneither was my mom. They didnt want to push me. Theywanted me to be 23 and healthy. Dads 24 of a“failing grade”gift amazingly 25 my worries and pressure. Whats more, I 26 getting As and Bsthroughout high school, but withoutthe added stress andfear of failing. I think it was my parentslack of stress ongrades that gave me 27 to encourage my own desire forachievements.I now realize I was_28_ when I thought I didntreceive a prese

      6、nt from my dad that day. He gave me twoinvaluable _29_: the space to develop my own desire forexcellence, and the healthy mind to _30_ it.11. A. friendsB.classmatesC.parentsD.relatives12. A. convincedB.pushedC.recommendedD.helped13. A.discourageB. keepC.inspireD. protect14. A. perfectlyB. positivelyC.passivelyD. proudly15. A.thoughB. ifC.unlessD. before 16. A. cameB.appearedC. remainedD. happened17. A.travelledB. movedC.returnedD. left18. A.worryB.embarrassmentC.guiltD.anger19. A.higherB.lessC.m

      7、oreD. lower20. A. acceptB.receiveC. needD.make21. A.normalB. typicalC.generalD.common22. A.reputationsB.subjectsC.majorsD.grades23. A.energeticB.smartC.outstandingD. happy24. A.offerB.supplyC.purchaseD. persuasion25. A.piled onB. removedC. gave offD.solved26. A. held onB.turned outC.ended upD.set about27. A.hopeB.timeC.roomD.choice28. A.shockedB.unfortunateC. puzzledD.mistaken29. A. giftsB.suggestionsC. toolsD. experiences30. A.trackB.catchC. achieveD. act第二部分阅读理解(共两节40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 共30分)AT

      8、his wonderful new tour is our first tour by train of Italy, and is based on pretty Lake Orta. Tour attractions include four of Italys most beautiful lakesOrta, Como, Maggiore and Luganoas well as historic Varallo, Monte Rosa, and Lake Maggiores Borromean Islands. One of the most attractive features is our base, the charming family-run 3-star Giardinetto Hotel, located in lovely gardens right on Lake Orta, and with wonderful lake views. Dinner is included here every night in its lakeside restaura

      9、nt.Travel by Eurostar Train*St Pancras (England) / Paris (France): 12:29/ 15: 50*Paris (France) /Turin (Italy) :07:42/ 13:17*Novara (Italy) / Paris (France):08:44/ 15:15*Paris (France)/ St Pancras (England) : 17:13/ 18: 20AvailablePrice05-April-2019Sold out10-April -2019Sold out15- April-2019995Giardinetto HotelThe Charming 3-star Giadinetto Hotel is located in lovely gardens right on the lake and has wonderful views. Facilities at this friendly, family-run hotel include a heated pool, a lakeside restaurant serving excellent local cuisine, a bar, and comfortable


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