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    • 1、201 9年十一学校九年级英语 一模跟踪卷一、单项选择 根据语境选择最佳答案1.Boys and girls, you are in the examination room at this moment. As long as we fight on with the _and efforts, the result will finally end in success.A. wisdomB. wiseC. wisdom2._! This is a chance to make your dream come true. Believe in yourself. Confidence leads to success. Good luck!A. Take it easyB. Take pride inC. Take it seriously3.- Do you think English is very important?- Yes. English is _ language that all of the students should try to learn it wel

      2、l.A. such a usefulB. so usefulC. such an useful4.Which is the best way to Harbin West Railway Station?-By subway. It is _ ride from your home to the station.A. a fifteen minutesB. fifteen minutesC. a fifteen-minute5.The competition is coming, but the players level is still a little low. -Dont worry. The coach will _ to train for it.A. put in more effortB. put to better useC. put on more weight6.- Time is of great value. We should never _ todays work till tomorrow. - Yeah. To cherish(珍视) time is

      3、to cherish life. Life never returns.A. put offB. part withC. put on7.It _ an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it needs a lifetime to forget someone. Be kind to others. They will bring happiness to you.A. costsB. takesC. spends8.Everyone may make mistakes in his life, but not everyone knows _. Finding the way to the mistakes is more important than escaping from them.A. what should he do with themB. how he should do with themC. how he should deal with them9.What do you do when

      4、you feel _? -I usually watch interesting movies to cheer myself up.A. offB. sadlyC. down10.If you keep working with your courage(勇气) and belief, you can reach the stage(舞台) on which you can show all your _.A. furnitureB. talentsC. collections11.How do you like the movie you saw last night? - It was really moving that almost all the people ended up _ their eyes outA. to cryB. cryingC. cry12.Is it hard work that brings success? The answer is “YES”. Success follows only those _ work hard. The harde

      5、r you work, the luckier you will get.A. whichB. whoC. what13.- Where has Jack gone?- He _ has gone to the library to return his books, because I saw him holding some books and running out of his room.A. probablyB. especiallyC. completely14.Would you mind my opening the window?-_, there is too much noise outside.A. Never mindB. Youd better notC. Go ahead15._ ,as one of the greatest mysteries in Britain. is how it was built , but we do know they must have been hard-workingA. Big BenB. StonehengeC.

      6、 Qomolangma16.Although online shopping is convenient(方便的), it is important for people to do it carefully. _ are some right online shopping tips. Always shop at safe websites No needs to research more Buy from the companies(公司) you know Web addresses with special or strange information are safe The safest method of payment is with a credit cardA. B. C. 17.Jack is a hard-working student in Grade Nine. He spends one third of a day at school and sleeps ten hours every day. She uses the rest time to

      7、do some other activities. Then she spends_ minutes playing the piano on weekends.Doing homeworkExercising Having dinner Reading Watching TV Playing the piano 2 hours Three quarters The same as watching 2 hours Half an hour ?A. 15B. 30C. 7518.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters doesnt have the same sound?A. poemB. positionC. period19.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A. purpose wiselyB. traffic safetyC. method worth20.Which stress of the follow

      8、ing words is different from the others?A. increaseB. Spirit.C. insect二、完形填空 根据短文内容选择最佳答案A few years ago my husband and I were on an island for a long weekend with our four-year-old daughter. As we went back and forth about_21_to do next, my daughter jumped in and told us_22_what she wanted to do. I want to go to the butterfly museum, she said._23_we walked into the main area of the museum, we saw_24_beautiful butterflies. They all flapped(扇动) their colorful wings.My daughter was jumping up and d

      9、own, and I knew we had made the_25_decision to come to the museum. She was having so much fun.I turned to our museum tour guide and asked curiously, How long do butterflies live? About ten days. She said. What can butterflies do in ten days? I asked. The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, They make the world_26_a more beautiful place.I never thought about the butterflies_27_that. After we said goodbye, I couldnt stop_28_about what the guide had said. She was right. We all have something to offer the world with the time we have. When we focus our attention_29_taking care of each other every day, we can make a difference, Like


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