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电子与通信工程专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐存善 Unit 25

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    • 1、Sensor Technology,Unit 25,Sensor Technology,Sensor Technology,A sensor is a device,which responds to an input quantity by generating a functionally related output usually in the form of an electrical or optical signal,传感器是一种能够将外界的输人量转换成电或光输出信号的装置。,传感器,Sensors and sensor systems perform a diversity of sensing functions allowing the acquisition,capture,communication,processing,and distribution of information about the states of physical systemsThis may be chemical composition,texture and morpholog

      2、y,large-scale structure,position,and so onFew products and services of the modern society would be possible without sensors,传感器和传感器系统能执行各种各样的检测功能,并能够采集、获取、传递、处理和分配物理系统的状态信息。这些信息可能是化学组成、结构和构造、大型结构、位置等。现代社会极少有产品和设备不用到传感器。,多样性,获得,获取,The sensor value chain Sensor technology is distinctly interdisciplinaryFew organizations have all the competencies necessary for the realization of a sensor solution in-house,传感器的价值链 传感器技术在各学科间有明显的区别。很少有构件完全有能力在内部实现传感器的功能。,各学科间的,The realization of a sensor product requ

      3、ires tasks to be completed,ranging all the way from product definition to final product and subsequent marketing and serviceThe Figure 25-1 shows this value chain of sensor development and the main application areas,传感器产品的实现需要完成一些任务,这些任务涉及到从产品的确定到最终成品以及之后的销售和服务。图25-1所示就是传感器开发的价值链及其主要的应用领域。,Wireless sensor technology For applications within health care, industrial automation, consumer products, and security there is a strong and growing need for wireless, self-powered sensors. Radio frequency ide

      4、ntification technology (RFID) is an example of an emerging application with great potentialSensors with wireless connections and no internal power supply are anticipated to become of great importance in areas like health care,consumer products,and structural health monitoring,Energy tapping, i.e.,无线传感技术 卫生保健、工业自动化、消费品和安全等领域,对无线、自供电的传感器的应用需求很大并且呈不断增长的趋势。射频识别技术便是一个实例,显示了其巨大的应用潜力。无线连接和没有内部电源的传感器预期将在卫生保健、消费品、结构健康监测和能源发掘等领域发挥重要的作用。,射频识别技术,The Figure 25-2 illustrates a sensor field where a large numbe

      5、r of connected sensor nodes are embeddedEach node will consist of a wireless sensor often without any internal power supplyThe sensor interacts with a transceiver which is again connected to an infrastructure,possibly to a so-called sinkThe collection of data may be controlled by a managing device,图25-2所示是一个传感器现场,其中包含了大量的传感器连接节点。每一个节点都由无线传感器构成,通常不含内部电源。这些传感器与无线收发器相连接,再与其下属元器件相联,有可能是一个所谓的接收器。数据的收集由管理设备控制。,收发器,Biometric sensors This is another area where some markets are expected to exhibit strong

      6、 growth over the next yearsFingerprint identification equipment and iris scanners are examples of such markets that are spurred by the increasing demand within security,生物传感器 这是又一个领域,这个领域的市场有望在随后的几年中呈现很强的增长趋势。指纹识别设备和虹膜扫描设备就是实例,它们是由于人们不断提高的安全方面的需求而发展起来的。,指纹识别,Non-invasive non-contact sensors An increasing number of applications call for non-contact sensingLight and sound play important roles both independently and combinedHere,combinations of ultrasound and light are expected to become important

      7、in order to overcome the limitations inherent when using either light or sound independently,非插入式传感器和非接触式传感器 越来越多的应用要求使用非接触式传感器。光和声音在这个领域独立或共同发挥着很重要的作用。在此,为了克服光或声音独立使用时固有的局限性,超声波和光的组合运用预期将变得越来越重要。,超声波,固有的,Miniaturization and integration Sensors are often used in large production plantsHowever,on-line sensing often has to be done in areas with limited spaceHostile environments require robust sensors and robustness may be obtained by miniaturization and integrationIn optics,this may imply new syst

      8、em and fibre opticsIn acoustics, new non-contact methods for excitation are being devised,小型化和集成化 大型的生产设备经常要用到传感器。但是在线检测却只能在有限的空间进行。恶劣的环境需要优质的传感器,而其优良性能可以通过小型化和集成化来得到。在光学方面,这意味着新的系统和光纤的使用。在声学方面,新的非接触式声激励装置正在研发。,小型化,集成化,Novel materials New materials are needed if a number of very different functional requirements are to be fulfilled at sufficiently low costIt may be systems combining microfluidics with light generation and detectionPolymers are anticipated to play an increasingly larger role,both

      9、 due to potential low cost and due to great flexibility in functional properties,新型材料 如果想以足够低的成本实现大量完全不同的功能要求,需要用到新型材料。它可能是一些结合使用了光生成和探测技术的微流控系统。高分子聚合物预期将在这个领域扮演越来越重要的角色,不仅是因为它成本低,还由于它功能特性上具有很高的柔韧性。,Recent development of advanced microscopes has made it possible to see and even move single atoms and molecules3This opens opportunities for creating entirely new materials and processesThe technology has become known as nanotechnology and currently receives a lot of attention,新近发展的先进的显微镜已经能够看到甚至可以移动单个的原子和分子。这就为人们创造全新的材料和加工工艺提供了机遇。这就是人们通常所说的纳米技术,并且目前已受到了广泛的关注。,纳米技术,Not many companies have thus far reached the stage of commercialization, but intense research is in progress and expectations are very high,能够将这一领域的发展达到工业化程度的公司还不多,很多都只是在进行积极的研究工作,并寄予着很高的期望。,Sensor fusion and sensor networks Complex systems will often be monitored by a number of very different types of sensorsX-ray can reveal properties of weldings on-line,optics can de

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