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电子与通信工程专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐存善 Unit 17

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    • 1、Unit 17,Multimedia Technology,Electronic and Communication Engineering English,电子与通信工程专业英语,多媒体技术,Unit 17 Multimedia Technology,Multimedia Technology,多媒体技术 1. 什么是多媒体 动画、声音、图像、文本、视频、照片等都是媒体元素。 多媒体是指结合两种或多种媒体类型,达到生动地表达一种思想的作品,作品通常有声音和视频的支持。典型的多媒体产品使用计算机开发和控制。,1What is Multimedia Some elements of media are:animation, sound, graphics, text, video, photography. Multimedia involves the combination of two or more media types to effectively create a sequence of events that will communicate an idea, usual

      2、ly with both sound and visual support1. Typically, multimedia productions are developed and controlled by computer.,Text,多媒体并不是新词,该词已被使用了几十年,用来描述伴随有磁带录音或者幻灯片同步磁带的幻灯片报告。在商业介绍中幻灯片和解说相结合的形式已经十分流行和成功。,Multimedia isnt new, and the term has been used for decades to describe slide presentation accompanied by audio tape (slide/tape). The combination of slide and narration has been both a popular and successful form of business presentation.,Text,在20世纪70年代,幻灯片放映方式被引入到计算机中,计算机可控制多个投影仪,计算机技术配合这些投影仪产生一种快节奏的

      3、切换方式和生动的效果。磁带声道中含有信号,这些信号触发投影仪按事先所设置的方法放映。,Multimedia isnt new, and the term has been used for In the 1970s the slide show format was introduced to the computer, this technology allowed the computer to control numerous projectors, coordinating them in a manner that produced fast-paced dissolves and effects.2 Taped soundtracks would contain cues that triggered the slide projectors to do what it was programmed to do.,Text,In the 1980s PCs were designed to “cut” a graphic element and “paste” it int

      4、o another document. Since then software and hardware developers have been scrambling to integrate various forms of media into the personal computer.,到20世纪80年代,计算机已设计成可以切割图像元素并把图像元素“粘贴”到另一个文件中,从那以后,软件和硬件开发商们开始争相把各种形式的媒体集成到个人计算机中。,Text,Text,2Multimedia Assets Effective multimedia applications depend on the most effective use of various materials referred to as assets or resources. There are various multimedia resources: 1) Text There are 3 major advantages generally associated with screen-based te

      5、xt compared with paper-based text: the ability to spontaneously update the screen, the reactive capability, and the ability to incorporate special effects.,2. 多媒体资源 生动有效的多媒体效果依赖于对各种各样的被称为资产或者资源的材料的充分使用。多媒体资源有各种各样的形式: 1)文本 与纸质文本相比,屏幕上的文本有三个主要的优点:能自然地刷新屏幕,具有反应能力,并可以产生特殊的伴随效果。,2) Audio Interactive audio can add a particular dimension of reality to multimedia systems. Until recently, audio-based subject domains - such as music, linguistics, languages etc. have been virtually ignored. Also, the effic

      6、iency of interaction between the human and the machine could have been greater had sonic interaction and audio enhancements been available sooner.3,2)声音 交互的声音可以给多媒体系统增加一个特别真实的元素。以前,基于声音的领域例如音乐、语言学、语言等实际上被忽略了。如果能更快地实现声音交互和音频质量的提升,那么人和计算机之间的交流将变得更加生动。,Text,3)图片 当要使用图片的时候,设计者必须选定最经济有效的方法去制作图片。在多媒体应用的规划阶段,设计者必须选择技术和软件最适当的组合,从而再现和产生新的图像。,3) Pictures When using images the designer must decide on the most economical and efficient method to generate them. At the planning stage of the application the des

      7、igner must decide the most appropriate combination of technology and software to be able to reproduce and create new images.,Text,4) Video images Portable video recorders have made it relatively easy to capture real-time video images. Video can be incorporated into multimedia applications using two different processes. The first involves using a video source connected to the computer via a controller card. This technology has been referred to as interactive video. A more integrated process conve

      8、rts video from analogue into digital format that can be manipulated by the desktop computer.,4)视频 手提式的视频录像机可以很方便地拍摄实时视频图像。通过两种不同的方法可以把视频与多媒体应用结合起来。其一是通过控制卡把视频源连接到计算机上,这种技术称为交互视频。更完整的方法是把视频从模拟信号转换成可以被计算机处理的数字的格式。,Text,3. 多媒体的应用 多媒体有各种各样的分类方法。可以按市场分(如家庭、商业、政府和学校),按用户分(如儿童、成年人、教师和学生),或者按门类分(如教育、娱乐和参考资料等)。这里我们把它们归为7大应用领域,并逐一详细阐述。,3. Multimedia Applications There are various ways to group multimedia titles.4 They can be classified by market (such as home, business, government and school); by user (su

      9、ch as child, adult, teacher and student); or by category(such as education, entertainment, and reference). Here we group them into seven application areas and to look at each in a more detail.,Text,1)Reference Encyclopedias, census data, yellow pages, atlases and street directories are examples of CD reference titles. In many cases they are electronic versions of reference books. The challenge for the developer is to make it easy for the user to find the desired information and to effectively use other multimedia elements such as sound, video and animation.,1)参考资料 CD参考资料有很多,如百科全书、户口普查资料、黄页、地图集和街道目录等。在大多数情况下它们是参考书的电子版本。开发者要做的是使用户可以很方便地查到想要的信息并有效地利用其它媒体元素如声音、视频和动画。,Text,2)教育 教育者的目标是促进学习帮助学生获得整体的知识,获取特定技能和成功地立足于社会。教育者面临的最大挑战就是学生的多样性,尤其是他们的学习方法是各种各样的。有些学生借助于联想学得比较好,有些学生则借助于实验学得比较好,,2)Education The goal of the educator is to facilitate learning - to help the student gain a body of knowledge, acquire specific skills and function successfully in society. But one of t

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