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电子信息专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 杨泽清 Unit2

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    • 1、Part I Electronics Unit 2 A. Text,A. Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor,上页 下页 返回 结束,New Words and Expressions,resistor ri5zistE n. 电阻器 capacitor kE5pAsitE n. 电容器 inductor in5dQktE n. 感应器 resistance ri5zistEns n. 电阻, 阻抗 capacitance kE5pAsitEns n. 容量, 电容 inductance in5dQktEns n. 电感, 感应 terminal 5tE:min(E)l n. 终端, 接线端 voltage 5vEultidV n. 电压, 伏特数,linear 5liniE adj. 线性的,线的 ohm Eum n. 欧姆 condenser kEn5densE n. 电容器, 冷凝器 dielectricdaii5lektrik n. 电介质, 绝缘体 ceramic si5rAmik adj. 陶器的;陶瓷制品 electromotive ilek

      2、trEu 5mEutiv adj. 电动的,电测的 frequency 5fri:kwEnsi n. 频率, 周率 reactance ri5AktEns n. 电抗 proportionality prE9pC:FE5nAliti n. 比例(性), 相称,上页 下页 返回 结束,specify 5spesifai vt. 指定, 详细说明 equation i5kweiFEn n. 等式,相等 farad 5fArEd n. 法拉(电容单位) mold mEuld n. 模子, 铸型 coil kCil v. 盘绕, 卷 n. 卷, 圈 henry 5henri n. 亨利 henries (复数) be directly proportional to 与成正比 be termed 把称为, 把叫做 in the form of 用的形式,Technical Terms,voltage drop 电压降 Ohms Law 欧姆定律 electromotive force (emf) 电动势 building block 构件(标准组件),Notes,1. Between its

      3、terminals it exhibits a voltage drop which is directly proportional to the current passing through it. 在它的二端间所呈现的电压降和流过它的电流成正比。 该句为复合句, 关系代词which引导定语从句,passing through it 是现在分词短语作定语,修饰 the current,意为:“流过它的电流”。,2. One ohm is defined as that amount of resistance that will limit the current in a conductor to one ampere when the voltage applied to the conductor is one volt. 一欧姆的定义是:当加到导体上的电压为一伏时,将导体的电流限制为一安所需要的电阻值。 句中 that will limit the current 是定语从句;when the voltage applied to the conductor is one

      4、 volt 是状语从句; applied to the conductor 为过去分词短语作定语。,3. The large is the electromotive force, the more electricity the capacitor stores. 电动势越大,电容器存储的电也就越多。 此句用了 “The +形容词的比较级,the +形容词的比较级”的句式,是英语的一种常用结构,意即: 越越。 4. Inductance differs from resistance in that resistance offers an opposition to all current. 电感不同于电阻之处,在于电阻对任何电流都有阻力。 in that = since; because 是连词,引导一个状语从句, 意即: “由于,因为”。,I. Try to match the following columns: 1. fixed resistor 非线性电阻 2. the amount of resistance 对电流的阻力 3. electric field 一个二端元

      5、件 4. capacity reactance 比例常数 5. the opposition to the current 电阻值 6. nonlinear resistor 固定电阻 7. the constant of proportionality 容抗 8. a two-terminal element 电场,Exercises,1. 固定电阻 2. 电阻值 3. 电场 4. 容抗 5. 对电流的阻力 6. 非线性电阻 7. 比例常数 8. 一个两端元件,II. Choose one word from the word list below to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences. Change the form of the word where necessary:,resistors capacitance nonlinear resistance electricity inductor electrical capacitor,1. Capacitors basic function is to

      6、 store _ energy. 2. A _ is a device designed to have capacitance. 3. The property of a capacitor to oppose any change in voltage across that capacitor is called _. 4. Resistors used for special applications are _. 5. Ohm is used as a unit of _. 6. Some _ are made to have a variable resistance. 7. The larger is the emf, the more _ the capacitor stores. 8. Any _ is made of wire having resistance.,electrical,capacitor,capacitance,nonlinear,resistance,electricity,resistors,inductor,B. Reading Altern

      7、ating Current conductor kEn5dQktE n. 导体,导线 periodically 9pIErICdIklI adv. 周期性地 interval5intEvEl n. 间隔, 距离 reverseri5vE:s vt. 颠倒, 反向 hertz (Hz) 5hE:ts n. 赫, 赫兹 oscillator5CsileitE n. 振荡器赫兹 transformertrAns5fC:mE n. 变压器 code kEud v. 编码 n. 代码,Technical Terms,direct current (d. c.) 直流电 power distribution systems 配电系统 alternating current (a. c.) 交流电 alternating current system 交变电流系统 intelligence transmission 信息传送 remote vehicles 宇宙飞船,Exercises,Decide whether the following statements are true or false

      8、: 1. Alternating current is a current that moves through a conductor or circuit in one direction only. 2. The alternating current system is not only important but also complex. 3. Alternating current can be transmitted over long distances and at various voltages by the use of transformers as well as direct current. 4. The current widely used for lighting,heating and other purpose is a.c.,5. These very high frequencies of a.c. can not be generated by means of a device called the oscillator. 6. If the rate of change of current or voltage is fast enough, it is available to transmit an a. c. signal without using connecting wires between source and receiver. 7. We seldom use a.c. signals for intelligence transmission. 8. A.C. signals are widely used in radio, television and sound reproduction from tapes or records; but also in many other applications.,F T F T F T F T,

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