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电子信息专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 杨泽清 Unit 22

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    • 1、,Unit 22 Text A. Software,New Words and Expressions,documentation dRkjumen5teiF(E)n n. 文件 oriented 5C:riEnt adj. 导向的 utility ju:5tiliti n. 效用, 有用 interpreter in5tE:pritE n. 解释程序, 翻译员 translator trAns5leitE n. 翻译程序, 翻译器 conjunction kEn5dVQNkF(E) n. 关联,连接 specialize 5speFElaiz vi. 专攻, 专门研究,specific spi5sifik adj. 特殊的 n.特效药 notation nEu5teiF(E)n n. 符号, 表示法 engage in 从事于, 参加 Technical Terms a specialized application program 专用应用软件 a sequence of computational steps 计算步骤序列,Notes,1. Software is a broad

      2、er concept that refers to programs, programming procedures, and associated documentation related to a systems operation. 软件是一个广义的概念, 指程序、程序设计过程以及与系统操作有关的文档。 句中 associated 和 related 都是过去分词, 用作定语。短语 relate to (with) 意为:有关, 与的关系(to)。 例如:He relates well to people. 他人缘好。 2. System software consists of those internal programs which make the hardware function in such a way that the computer system becomes meaningful to the user. 系统软件由内部程序组成,这些程序驱动硬件运作使得计算机系统对用户变得有意义。 句中 which 引导一个限制性定语从句, 修饰名词 programs

      3、;在这个定语从句中,that 引导一个状语从句,表示结果; make the hardware function 此处的function 是动词原形做宾语的补足语,意为:运行。,3. An application program is software that, in conjunction with system software, instructs the computer how to do the job. 一个应用程序是与系统软件相结合,指导计算机如何完成任务的软件。 句中 thatinstructs 是一个限制性定语从句, 修饰名词 software; in conjunction with system software 为方式状语。 4. It helps the user work faster, and thus more efficiently than if the job was done manually. 应用程序帮助用户更快捷地工作,这样就比用人工完成效率高得多了。 连词 than 后面是一个省略了主句 it is 的比较状语从句。,5. In or

      4、der to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of a sequence of computational steps, each of which may be effectively performed by a human agent or by a digital computer. 为了解决一个计算问题,其方法必须通过一个计算步骤的序列予以说明,该序列中的每一步可以由人或数字计算机实现。 each of which是非限制性定语从句,which 指代 a sequence of computational steps。 6. Some programming languages are created to serve a special purpose (e, g. controlling a robot), while others are more flexible general-purpose tools that are suitable for many

      5、 types of applications. 一些程序设计语言的产生是为了服务于特殊的目的(例如控制机器人),而其它一些程序设计语言则是比较灵活的通用工具,可适用于许多类型的应用。 这是一个并列复合句。句中 while 是并列连词,引导一个并列句;that are suitable 是定语从句。,Exercises I. Try to match the following columns: 1. programming procedures 计算步骤序列 2. associated documentation 系统表示法 3. interpreters 开发程序 4. a specialized application program 定向任务 5. a sequence of computational steps 程序设计过程 6. developing program 解释程序 7. oriented tasks 专用应用软件 8. systematic notations 相关文档,1. 程序设计过程 2. 相关文档 3. 解释程序 4. 专用软件 5. 计算步骤序列 6.

      6、 开发程序 7. 定向任务 8. 系统表示法,II. Choose one word from the word list below to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences. Change the form of the word where necessary: programmer application software user category program programming specialize 1. Computer _ means a series of instruction that guides a computer through some process. 2. System _ is to support software; for example, the operating system. Contrast with application program. 3. The programs, which perform user-oriented tasks, are _

      7、software.,program,software,application,4. An application program helps the _ work faster. 5. _ application program performs a specific task and cannot be changed to perform a different task. 6. A person engaging in the activity of programming is referred to as a _. 7. _ is referred to the task of developing programs for the solution of computational problems. 8. Every language must have instructions that fall into the following familiar_.,user,Specialized,programmer,Programming,categories,B. Rea

      8、ding New Words and Expressions layout 5lei7aut n. 布局,版面设 texture 5tekstFE n. 纹理, 构造 gallery 5AlEri n. 图库, 美术馆 academic 7AkE5demik adj. 学术的, 学院的 predetermine 5pri:di5tE:min v. 预定 transition trAn5siF(E)n n. 转换, 变调 sorter 5sC:tE n. 分类, 整理 newsletter njU:z9letE n. 时事通讯 alter 5C:ltE v. 改变, 变更 pixel 5piksEl n. 像素 edit 5edit vt. 编辑, 校订,Technical Terms,Photoshop 图象处理软件 (为美国ADOBE公司出品) clip art images 艺术剪贴画 clip gallery 图库 audio clip of a Model T car horn T型轿车鸣号 的声音剪辑 stock photo libraries 照片存储库,Exercises,Decide whether the following statements are true or false: 1. Presentation graphics software is used to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a group. 2. We can use 3D (three-dimensional) to enhanced text, charts, and graphical images used in a slide. 3. With any software we can incorporate objects from the clip gallery into your slides to create multimedia presentations. 4. When building a presentat

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