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    • 1、XGD-C20/600高低压稀油润滑装置High-Low Pressure Thin Oil Lubrication Equipment使 用 说 明 书Operation Instruction编号:1008034-ZY-SMSerial No: 目录CONTENT1用 途General2主要性能参数The main specifications3结 构 特 点structure feature4工 作 原 理Working principle5安装、调试、试运转 Installation, test and trial operation6维护与安全技术 Maintenance and safety technique7稀油润滑装置系统图principle drawing of lubrication station8稀油站润滑装置形图 contour dimension drawing of lubrication station1、用途General application:本高低压稀油润滑装置主要由低压齿轮泵装置(2台)、高压柱塞泵、双筒网式过滤器、板式冷却器、油箱、阀门、管

      2、道等组成,油站为整体式油站,本装置由稀油润滑站、仪表配套组成。This H.P&L.P oil lubrication station consists of a gear pump unit(2sets), high pressure plunger pump, double tube mesh filter, oil cooler, oil box, valves, pipes. The whole system is in a detachable structure. This lubrication unit can be divided into lubrication station, a gauge and instrument panel.2、 主要性能参数Main specifications:2.1低压供油系统Low pressure oil supply system:2.1.1齿轮泵型号gear wheel pump model: CB-B600 公称流量Nominal flow rate: 600L/min公称压力Nominal pressure: 0.6M

      3、Pa系统工作压力System work pressure: 0.2-0.4MPa电机型号Nominal pressure: Y180M-4B5转 速Rotation speed: 1430 r/min功 率Power: 18.5kW 2.1.2过滤器Filter:型 号Model: SPL80X SPL65X过滤精度Filtering accuracy: 0.08 mm 0.04mm过滤面积Filtering area: 1.31 m20.83m22.1.3板式冷却器Oil cooler: 型 号Model: C6-1.0/60-NB 冷却面积Cooling area: 60m2 工作压力Operation pressure: 1.0MPa热交换系数Heat exchange ratio: 300 kacl/m2.h.水耗量Water consume: 53 m3/h2.1.4电加热器Electric heater:型号Model: HRY5-220/6功率Power: 6kW6=36kW2.1.5油箱外形尺寸Oil box outline dimension: (LWH)370023

      4、00 1260 油箱有效容积Effective volume of the oil box: 6.5m32.1.6油站外形尺寸Oil station outline dimension:(LWH)4700220026002.2高压系统HP system:2.2.1 高压泵型号High pressure pump model: SC-108 公称流量Nominal flow-rate: 108 L/min 公称压力Nominal pressure: 40MPa 系统工作压力System work pressure: 14Mpa(暂定interim) 电机型号Motor type: Y250M-6/b35 转速Rotation speed: 970r/min 功率Power: 37kW3、结构特点structure feature:3.1油站为分体式结构(见外形图),油站工作原理图(见系统图),润滑站由低压供油系统与高压供油系统组成,低压油出口除直接提供齿轮润滑外,同时对高压泵吸油口供油,两台高压泵将高压油提供给补偿装置形成十六路高压供油系统直接将高压油输送至各油腔。The oil sta

      5、tion is in a detachable structure (please refer to the contour drawing ). The graphic operation principle please refers to the system drawing. The lubrication station includes two units - one oil high-pressure supply unit and one low-pressure oil supply unit. The outlets of L.P oil supply unit not only supply lubricating oil to the gears, but also supply oil to the inlet of H.P pumps. 2 sets of HP pumps offer H.P oil give1 set of compensate set, Offer 16 HP oil supplying outlets forming whole HP

      6、 oil system that directly pumps the H.P oil to oil reservoirs.3.2油站在正常工作时,低压泵一台工作,一台备用,齿轮泵出油口压力经安全阀调定约0.7MPa,流经过滤器,过滤精度80m,再流经油冷却器,由电磁水阀的自动启停控制出口油温为3842范围。At normal operation ,one low pressure pumb will work and another will be spare.The oil outlet pressure of gear wheel pump is set to 0.7Mpa by safety valve. The oil flows through a oil filter whose filtering accuracy 80m, a oil cooler. The oil temperature at the automatic start /halt outlet of electromagnetic water valve is controlled between 3

      7、842.3.3冷却器后低压油出口,一部份通向齿轮箱提供润滑,一部份向高压泵吸口供油,在高压泵进口安装有过滤器,过滤精度40m,保证提供给高压泵工作的润滑油为高清洁度的润滑油,以提高高压泵的工作寿命。两台高压泵同时工作,两台高压泵与两台补偿装置的十六路出口与静压油膜轴承各油腔连接。高压系统工作压力由压力变送器通过数显控制仪控制,低压系统工作压力由压力变送器通过数显控制仪进行控制,保证高低压系统的正常工作。Low pressure oil after cooling unit partly goes to the gear box as lubrication oil , the other part of it goes to the oil inlet of high pressure pump as inlet oil. At the oil inlet pipe of H.P pump a filter with filtering accuracy 40m is mounted to guarantee the oil supplying to the HP pump as hi

      8、gh cleanliness quality lubricating oil. By this way the working life of the HP pump is improved. 24 sets of HP pump work together, 2 sets of HP pump and 2 sets compensate set so 16 sets of HP oil outlet pipes connect to the oil reservoirs of static pressure oil membrane bearings. The unit operating pressure of the H.P system is controlled by the electro connecting pressure gauges. A digital control gauge through a pressure transducer controls the unit operating pressure of the L.P system in orde

      9、r to guarantee the normal operation of HP unit.4、工作原理Working principle:4.1低压供油系统工作压力0.4Mpa,高压系统公称压力为31.5Mpa,高压系统可根据工作需要调整高压系统的工作压力,高低压系统工作压力由溢流阀调节,在运行中由电接点压力表和压力继电器(或压力开关、或压力变送器和数显表)控制,保证高低压系统的正常工作。The working pressure of the Low pressure oil system is 0.4 Mpa,The Nominal pressure of the high pressure oil system is 31.5MPa, The operating pressure of high pressure system may be adjusted according to operation requirements.The work pressure of high pressure oil system which is adjusted by overflow valve ,During


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