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    • 1、声明:本资料由考试吧(E)收集整理,转载请注明出自http:/服务:面向较高学历人群,提供计算机类,外语类,学历类,资格类,会计类,工程类,医学类等七大类考试的全套考试信息服务及考前培训.BEC高级精讲班第8讲讲义Homeworkreview学习重点1 Homework review2 Vocabulary study 3 What is e-business?4 The advantages of e-business5 Oral practice6 Business passage reading7 HomeworkI. Homework review1.Changes in Mobile Phones Ownership in Europe, the USA and Asia in the period 2000, 2003 and 2008 (Forecast)In 2000, mobile phones represented 5% of all telephones in Europe, 10% of all telephones in the USA, and 2% of

      2、 all Asian telephones.In 2003, the percentage of all telephones that were mobiles in Europe and the USA increased by 10% to 15% and 20% respectively. Asias percentage of mobiles rose by 8% to 10%.A 2008 forecast suggest that Europes percentage of mobiles will rise another 5% to 20%. The USA will have mobiles as 35% of all telephone, a rise of 15%, and Asias increase will be dramatic, from 10% in 1998 to 30% in 2003, a leap of 20%.It seems that mobile phone use will increase dramatically, especia

      3、lly in Asia. 2.Homework 1Report on adopting new practicesIntroductionThe aim of this report is to explain two new practices learnt from the JK Toys and recommend them into implementation in our company.FindingsThe key findings are outlined below.n HotdeskingThe limited work space of our company has always been one of the biggest problems, and what we could predict is that employees will expect a better working environment. JK Toys is the pioneer of the hotdesking practice. After implementation,

      4、they found it flexible and effective to arrange more shift work, and better use of office equipment. The similar situation brings us a positive expectation.n Childcare serviceMost of our employees are not able to take care of their children because of their busy schedule. Considering the total number of employees who are struggling with this tough situation, we plan to set up a kindergarten. All children of our employees aged below 6 are welcome. The kindergarten in the JK Toys are free of charg

      5、e and can be a tool of motivation. Employees would enjoy their job with much more dedication, and that is also our purpose.ConclusionsIt is clear that new practices should be adopted into our company to improve the current situation. We could foster a better working environment in the future.RecommendationsIt would be advisable to test these two practices for 2-3 months in order to ensure a positive effect in our company.Homework 2Report on Introduction of Two New PracticesIntroductionThis repor

      6、t aims to introduce two advanced practices Total Quality Management (TQM) and Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory system, and the benefits of adopting them.New practices from UP CorporationUP Corporation has implemented TQM and JIT inventory system for approximately ten years. By now, owing to the success of implementing these two approaches, it has become the market leader of the car manufacturing industry.Introductions and BenefitsTQM is an organization-wide effort to infuse quality into every activi

      7、ty in a company through continuous improvements. It focuses on teamwork, increasing customer satisfaction and lowering costs. Obviously, it will greatly reduce the cost of dealing with the defective products and disgruntled customers. JIT inventory system is a control system that schedules materials to arrive precisely when they are needed in the production line. This system has tremendous advantages. In particular, it reduces the level of an organizations inventory to zero, which will free prod

      8、uctive capital for other company uses.ConclusionsTo sum up, the introduction of TQM and JIT inventory system into our company will boost our production efficiency, improve quality of our products, lower the costs and enhance customer satisfaction.SuggestionsIt is strongly recommended that training of these two approaches should be given to our staff. As both of these systems require strong coordination from people in different departments, team spirit and communication skills should be emphasize

      9、d in the training course.infuse verb1 transitive formal to fill something or someone with a particular feeling or quality 把.注入; (向) 灌输 be infused with somethingHer books are infused with humour and wisdom.infuse something into somethingThese new designers are infusing fresh interest into the New York fashion scene.2 intransitive and transitive if you infuse tea or herbs, or if they infuse, you leave them in very hot water while their taste passes into the water 泡茶,浸渍VocabularystudyVocabulary Study(1) 一词多义单词-facilityfacility nounplural facilities1 facilities plural rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设施,设备All rooms have private facilities (=private bathroom and toilet). 所有的


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