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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Aspen Plus 11.1 安装过程详解A1:运行第一个压缩文件里的setup.exe.A2:下一步A3:选择第一项,浏览查找license.datA4:找到光盘X:cracklicense.datA5:图中M:是我的光盘盘符.A6:同意授权协议.A7:选择Standard Install(标准安装)A8:确认安装目录(默认)A9:选择安装组件,其中Aspen Plus 11.1为必须安装,其它可多选.注意不要选择带WEB功能的.A10:授权文件管理为图中所示.A11:不使用Aspen Framework Server.A12:确认安装的组件,开始安装.A13:共有35个组件,这是第七个,还剩36分钟完成安装.A14:自动安装组件.A15:重新启动电脑,重新为FLEXLM选择license.dat(如图)A16:从启动菜单中找到Aspen Plus User Interface.运行.恭喜你,软件可以正常使用了!全部安装完成后,可以运行CD4中的SP1,升级.至于升级后的情况,我个人感觉不到有太多差别.如果以后想安装或删除某个组件时,重复以上步骤!希望仔细对照后,按图中所示进行安装

      2、.金豆子儿2006-11-16Installing the Aspen Process Manual .AES-2006 !Winodws XP Professional . Installation successful Winodws XP Home . It does not work because you can not install IIS + t# M4 |3 ! e4 DWindows Vista . Not tested 1) Go on Add/Remove components of the windows and install the IIS (Internet Information Services) . alternately you can install this feature from the Windows installation CD . 2) Open the IIS . To find the IIS go to Administrative Tools (Control Panel) . Leave it open . will b

      3、e used later . # V0 X# g7 N3 I/ t: s4 UZ9 o2 T; k! B3 3) Heres what the name of your computer . Go to System Computer Name . may want to consider changing the name of the computer to a simpler expression (requires restart) . 1 e1 K1 Y4 J9 N5 z0 O4 M9 e# Y% i4 a( EIn some cases the installer of the AES2006 not allow you proceed with the installation without first completing a field that is being asked . They use the following criteria: % P) l8 D5 lM. d2 T- F- When the installer suggest some expre

      4、ssion . simply accepted . * Q* B/ d( P6 Y4 N( U: J- If possible leave the text boxes blank or skip the step . make it! - If youre required to enter any expression . enter the name of the computer . whenever possible! 4) Start the installation of the AES2006 as MAGNITUDE . / J- j& g, a xI installed all the software in the package aes2006, except the two applications below: - Aspen OnLine - Aspen Online Deployment 5) At some point of the installation process will emerge the following screens: - ro

      5、cess Intranet manual configuration - Set manual process database y/ f$ w, O( Ge - Information . saying this: To complete the configuration of the web application you will need to add the application to IIS . I will not remember the order in which these screens appear . But the important thing is: : P2 R0 v! m+ h. a7 Yt A+ r/ ?$ E0 v5 b. I- You must do as described in step 3 and be attentive to the bottom of the page . # l) V1 d# L u1 A+ j- If you see some words in red at the bottom of the page y

      6、ou should take an action before continuing . as typing something or click on Create Database . 9 e o* S! e1 a2 a, f. P- When the screen: Set manual process database . Type tab . select Direct database access 0 X+ p; J2 x+ T$ + ?8 Q1 o5 m4 M8 ?* W+ & 7 Q* M6) When the screen information - Return to the IIS . - Expand the tree on the left . 5 T6 K4 i* e+ H; h& W2 R7 j- Click right on Web Site standard . go into new Virtual directory . - Name this virtual directory as roMan . - Point the following

      7、address to this directory: .AspenTechAspen Process Manual 2006Web - Now that the directory has been created . right click on it . click properties . , r8 H4 j- T, o0 W3 J- In ermissions for implementing select . scripts and executable - In Protection Application . select Lower (procedure for IIS) + k6 J! w; y+ % a- Make sure the box A directory located in this computer is selected and that the directory pointed confers with the above . - Go the tab: directory of security 4 l/ j |0 O* * I$ X- Cli

      8、ck the first Edit button . - Select only the following box: Certification of the windows integrated - Accept the changes . close the IIS and proceed with the installation . - It may appear an error message . do not worry . 2 l$ G7 C4 E$ V# J4 i7) When you finish the installation . 3 R0 S8 M. cI- J4 l D$ - Open Internet Explorer 3 8 u. O1 ( X4 # + R) c) N9 N- Access the following address: http:/computer name/proman/proman.asp . - If you see a window asking username and password . use the term com

      9、puter name for both . this is the importance of step 3 . - If you have not followed the step 3 . the user will be the computer name and password is something you entered during the installation . ) j$ O( W; q9 a e- If everything is OK the window will close . perhaps appear a yellow bar in Internet Explorer . click on it . you must accept the intranet settings + g7 g ?; B. i0 ?8 F- You may need to restart the Internet Explorer and access the address above again . - Now the ProMan will ask you to sign a new user . fill in the fields with any expression . for example


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