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    • 1、生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔Lesson One. Hometown.1) Where do you come from? Or: Lets talk about your hometown. What kind of place is it? 青岛范例:Eg1. Well,I come from Qingdao. Situated in the south part of ShandongProvince, Qingdao is anincredibly beautiful seaside citywith many moods and faces.Notes:解题思路:( 4层)家乡青岛+地理位置+海滨城市+ 风情万种;重要表达:坐落在山东省南部/ 美丽的海滨城市/ 美不胜收特别注意1:回答要简练,顺序可随意排列,但要有层次感,避免东拉西扯. 即墨范例:Eg2. I am from Jimo, is amedium-sized city, located in thes

      2、outh part of Shandong Province,close to Qingdao. You may not have heard of it, but it used to bethe ancient battlefieldin the warring states period. It is also known asa tourist citydue to its abundant outdoor hot springs.Notes:1)解题思路:(5层)家乡即墨中型城市地理位置历史特色旅游城市. 2)重点表达:中型规模的/ 位于山东省南部/ 靠近青岛/ 曾经是/ 你可能没听说过/ 古战场/ 战国时代/ 可爱的旅游城市/ 户外温泉2)特别注意1:挑选城市中美好的方面来说,扬长避短,歌颂主旋律.北京范例Eg3. I am from Beijing. With a long history, Beijing is a huge international metropolitancity,suited in the northern part of China. Actu

      3、ally, its the capital of China for hundreds of years.Notes:1)解题思路:(5层)家乡北京历史悠久国际都会地理位置首都.2)重要表达:历史悠久/ 国际大都会/ 位于中国北方3)相关练习:尝试参考北京描述一下上海、武汉、南京等其他的大城市.2)What part of the city do you live in?市区范例Eg1. I lived in thedowntown area, in a flatoverlookinga busy road. It is a bit noisy and crowded, but it is very convenient,and there are various opportunities for more jobs and better educations. 郊区范例Eg2.I lived in the suburbsin quite a large townhousewith a beautiful garden, but I work in the downtown area

      4、,so I have to commute to and from work every day. Notes:1)解题思路:a.住在市区的好处是方便和机会多多,坏处是拥挤和吵闹;b.住在郊区好处是住房面积大,但往返工作不便2)特别注意:commute是一个典型的地道的英国词汇,给英国考官一种回家的感觉,很专业;当然使用drive替代也很好.3)重要表达:市中心/ 公寓/ 俯瞰/ 吵闹拥挤/ 方便/ 各种机会/ 更多工作和更好的教育/ 郊区/ 别墅/ 来回穿行.3)What is it like living there?(补充问题2)市区范例 Eg1.Its very convenient, because there is a comprehensive transport systemand by the way we dont have to walk very farto do our shopping.郊区范例 Eg2.Its a quite and fascinating place to live in. Whenever you are convenient, my

      5、family and I warmly welcome you to visit our home, then maybe I can show you around my beautiful garden. Notes: 1)重要表达:综合的交通体系/ 步行很远/ 去购物/ 热烈欢迎/ 安静而且漂亮的/ 当你方便的时候/ 热烈欢迎/ 来我家玩/ 带某人游览某地.2)特别注意:在西方人眼里住在城郊大屋(townhouse)的人往往是有钱人,如果我们请他有时间到我们家去做客(visiting our family);如果你显得很有钱(seem to be rich),外国人有时也高看你一眼,愿意和你攀关系(building up networks),因为很多外国人也是势利眼(red eyes)喜欢高攀(getting powerful friends in higher places),拿高分就不用说了(not to mention the high score).4)Can you tell me the street you live in?How has the street ch

      6、anged in recent years?闽江路范例Eg1. Well, I lived in a tree-lined street calledMinJiang Road.It used tobe part of the field in the early 80s, but now it has become part of the downtown area. Its very famous for catering, because there are varieties of restaurants, offering various dishes to suit different tastes and wallets,such as Sichuan restaurants, seafood restaurants, hotpotrestaurants, and you can even find some exoticrestaurants offering French foodand Thai food. There are also many retail sh

      7、ops on the street. Notes:1)解题思路:(7个层次)住在闽江路,绿树成荫曾经农村现在是闹市美食闻名各种餐馆列举风格其他特点. 2)相关餐饮词汇 hotpotSichuan(hot and spicy)seafoodFrench food franchise shop Canton food. 3)句型:There are/ offering/ such as欲扬先抑的思路:It used to be,but now it has become台东范例Eg2. At the central heart of the Qingdao city, Taidong is a fairly prosperousbusiness street. A walk to from end to endwould probablytake you about 30 minutes and thats only without looking at any shops. TaiDong is also home to many great supermarkets such as L

      8、iqun-mart and Wall-mart and franchise shops such as Jeans West、Banelo. And the each side of street is full of food stalls and grocery stalls. If you are not quite impressive yet, I am sure you will be when night falls. In the evening, when TaiDong Street turns on its ever-changing neon advertising lightsand large outdoor TV screen,it makes the street the most impressive place to be. Indeed it is a paradise to thousands of young men and lovers. Notes:1)解题思路:城市中心繁华闹市 面积范围超市和专卖店道路小摊过度夜景夜景描述年轻人的天堂.2

      9、)重要表达:市中心/ 非常繁华的商业街/步行从一端到另一端/ 可能花费/ 巨型卖场/ 连锁店/ 食品小摊/ 印象深刻的/ 夜晚到来/ 不断变化的广告霓虹灯/ 大型户外电视/ 的天堂/ 年轻人和情侣.3)特别注意1:作为一个难度较高的问题,注意细节的描述,层次和条理. 5)What is the special local food or snack in your hometown?北京烤鸭Eg1. Speaking of the typical local food in my hometown, there would be nothing more than Beijing Duck. Im telling ya, I dont think there are many people, if there is any, could resist the temptation of the tastyBeijing duck. You know the duck skin is crisp and the meat is tender. A highly experienced chef could produce the all-duck banquet. I strongly recommend you to go to Quanjude Restaurant with over a centurys history if you want to try the typical one. Its really brilliant. Notes: 1)重要表达:谈到/ 最好的是/ 跟你讲/ 即便是有人./ 拒绝诱惑/ 外焦里嫩/


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