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a literature review on human resource development

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  • 上传时间:2019-05-18
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    • 1、HRM 210-Human Resource ManagementSchool of International EducationTUC & CharlesSturtUniversityProfessor: Wenbo Huang, PhDA Literature Review on Human Resource DevelopmentYuanmeng Liu刘原萌 090520090889Table of Contents1.Introduction12.The Nature of Human Resource Development 23.The Need for HRD34. Human Resource Development and Organizations55.Strategic Human Resource Development76.HRD Plans and Polities107. Summary13References . 14IntroductionHuman resource developmentHuman resource development is

      2、 a process of developing and/or unleashing expertise through organization development (OD) and personnel training and development for the purpose of improving performance (Swanson, 2001). HRD is base on the beliefs that organizations are human-made entities that rely on human expertise in order to establish and achieve their goals and that HRD professionals are advocates of individual and group, work processes and organizational integrity. Several models of HRD specify a range of practices which

      3、if pursued, are likely to contribute to human capital accumulation on which organization may build its competitive advantages (DeGeus, 1997; Currie, 1998; Willis, 1997). These models basically advocated that investment in HRD by organizations contribute to organizational and individual performances such as high performance (Sandberg, 2000), high quality of individual and organizational problem solving (Schroder, 1989), higher organizational commitment (Iles et al., 1990), and enhanced organizati

      4、onal retention (Robertson et al., 1991). Ahmad and Raida (2003) examined the association between training and organizational commitment among white-collar workers in Malaysia and they reported that the availability and support for training, training environment etc. positively contributed to overall commitment scores.Overall, Human resources development (HRD) refers to a set of learning experiences organized by the employer to provide a certain period, aimed at promoting performance improvement

      5、and personal growth. Human Resource Development has three areas of activity: training, education and development.Training: Trainees in the current work emphasizes small learning.Education: emphasis on the trainees learning for future work.Development: Learning not to be stressed or as a specific work issues.HRD functionHRD function is different from personnel/HRM functions. Rao (2007) outlines the following roles of an HRD manager: Developing enabling capabilities in individuals and the system.

      6、Integrating the development of the people with organizational development. Maximizing the learning opportunities of individuals in organizations through various mechanisms, autonomy and responsibility. Decentralization, delegation and shared responsibility. Balancing change and adaptation. Building feedback and reinforcement mechanisms, etc.Globalization and technological advancement are compelling organizations to evolve new strategic directions. Employees are thus required to be ready for acce

      7、pting new roles and must think of employability over job security. There are increasing research-based evidence to suggest that employees, particularly the knowledge workers, do not consider money as the only important reason to work for a company (Senge et al., 1994). On the contrary, they now expect more enriching organizational environment and an alignment of their individual values with organizational values (Finegan, 2000; Neal, 1999). When employees recognize disparity between the ideal an

      8、d operational organizational values and if the gap is, too wide it erodes their trust and commitment, particularly the affective commitment (Finegan, 2000; McCune, 1998).The Nature of Human Resource DevelopmentHuman resources has become a modern society and the organizations strategic resources, on the one hand from the nature of modern society - knowledge and information society, the other from the human resources with the characteristics: It is a dynamic resource that it is in the economic and

      9、 management play a leading role and at the center; it launched, use, manipulation, control of other resources, other resources so that a reasonable and effective development, deployment and use; also played the role of innovation is the only factor. Overall, the human resources system is a dynamic organization. Because of this, the organization to maintain and enhance the quality of human resources has become the organizations continued operation and development strategies and activities.It can be seen, human resource development has the following basic features1. HRD is a planning activityit involves needs assessment, goal setting, action planning, implementation, results assessment, and so on.

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