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    • 1、2011高考英语语言点最后冲刺解析题6【501】 _ that she should come here on time.【译文】她今天准时到这儿来就好了。 A. Suppose B. Demand C. Think D. Believe【答案及简析】 A。 Suppose表示假设,后面的从句用虚拟语气。【502】 This is the plane _ he went to Shanghai _ business.【译文】这就是他到上海出差乘坐的飞机。 A. where, for a B. by which, on the C. in which, on D. where, on【答案及简析】 C。定语从句中表示方式一定要注意:by which = by the plane 所以只有in which = in the plane是正确的。【503】 The typewriter _ all week.【译文】桌上的打字机放在这儿已经一周了。 A. laying on the table, were it had laid B. lying on the table, were it

      2、had laid C. laying on the table, were it had laid D. lying on the table had been laid【答案及简析】 D。 lying on the table现在分词短语作定语,该句是一个被动语态。【504】 - I can t see the words on the blackboard clearly. - Why, your eyes need _ perhaps you need _ glasses.【译文】 -黑板上的字我看不清楚。-啊,你的眼睛需要检查,或许你需要戴副眼镜。 A. to examined, to wear B. to examine ,to wear C. to be examined, to wear D. examining, wearing【答案及简析】 C。 need作为实意动词,表示需要时,一般用动名词的主动形式或者不定式的被动形式表示被动意义。【505】 Instead, he seemed to see Tom s face, with the wide smile he

      3、_ whenever he told a joke.【译文】相反,她似乎看到了Tom的脸,一张带着他任何时候讲笑话时微笑的脸。 A. wore B. brought C. appeared D. carried【答案及简析】 A。带着微笑,英语中wear a smile一般用表示。【506】 _ metals are good conductors, silver _ the best conductor of all.【译文】几乎所有的金属都是导体,银在其中是最好的。 A. Almost, being B. Almost all, being C. Almost, is D. Almost all, to be【答案及简析】 B。独立主格结构。【507】 Nobody enjoys _. 【译文】没有人喜欢被瞧不起。 A. being looked down upon B. looking down upon C. being looked down D. to look down【答案及简析】 A。 enjoy后面要跟动名词做宾语;look down upon瞧不起。【508】 T

      4、his material _ very soft.【译文】这种材料摸起来很柔软。 A. is felt B. feels C. has felt D. feeling【答案及简析】 B。 feel连系动词,摸起来,后面跟形容词作表语。【509】 I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _.【译文】我希望有足够的杯子,可供每位客人一个。 A. it B. those C. then D. one【答案及简析】 D。用one表示泛指,代替前面提到的可数名词。【510】 To all of you _ the honour of the success.【译文】成功的荣誉属于你们大家。 A. belongs to B. belong to C. belongs D. belong【答案及简析】 C。 belong to属于,此句是倒装。【511】 _ is know to us all, China has its own English language newspaper.【译文】众所周知,中国有自己的英文报。 A.

      5、it B. which C. that D. as【答案及简析】 D。只有as引导的定于从句可以位于句首。【512】 This is _ that dog.【译文】这条狗和那条狗一样大。 A. as a big dog as B. as big a dog as C. a as big dog as D. a big as dog as【答案及简析】 B。 as后面的形容词可以跟一个名词。【513】 _ in prison for ten years, no one recognized him.【译文】由于这个人在监狱蹲了十年,所以没有人认识他。 A. The mans having put B. The man being put C. The man having been D. Having been【答案及简析】 C。独立主格结构。【514】 - When shall we meet again? - Make it _ day you like; it s all the same to me.【译文】 -我们什么时候再相会?-什么时候都行,对我来说都一样。 A. one

      6、B. any C. another D. some【答案及简析】 B。 make it any time 是一个固定搭配,确定时间。【515】 It is really surprising that the girl _ so early.【译文】确实令人惊讶,这个女孩结婚这样早。 A. has married B. had married C. marry D. will marry【答案及简析】 A。从句的时态要和主句的时态一致。【516】 His quarrel with his boss _ him his job. 【译文】他和老板吵架使他丢掉了工作。 A. spend B. cost C. spent D. saved【答案及简析】 B。考查动词cost的sth. cost sb. sth.结构。【517】 May I _ you to write me a receipt?【译文】麻烦你给我写个收据好么? A. worry B. disturb C. trouble D. annoy【答案及简析】 C。动词搭配:trouble sb. to do sth.麻烦某人做什么

      7、。【518】 A fish needs water and without water it will die _.【译文】鱼需要水,没有水就会死;人类也是这样。 A. so does a man B. so will a man C. so it is with a man D. so is it with a man【答案及简析】 C。考查句型so it is with sth./ sb.请参见前面讲过的题。【519】 _ a terrible storm would take place in Shanghai.【译文】消息说,暴风雨即将降临上海。 A. Word came with B. Word came that C. Word with came D. Word that came【答案及简析】 B。 word单数,无冠词表示消息,信息;that是同位语从句。【520】 There is no cause to tremble _ his judge.【译文】没有理由在法官面前颤抖。 A. in front B. beside C. after D. before【答案及

      8、简析】 D。介词before表示在什么面前。【521】 The car was stopped by highway man, while _ through a forest.【译文】在穿过一个树林子的时候,小车被交警拦住。 A. was passing B. passed C. passing D. pass【答案及简析】 C。 passing的动作由car发出,因此用现在分词表示时间。【522】 Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard. _ his wife.【译文】陈先生是一个老师工作努力。他的妻子也是这样。 A. So does B. So it C. So it is with D. It is same with【答案及简析】 C。句型考查;前面提及到的。【523】 My brother _singing _ dancing while I _ dance _sing. 【译文】我的哥哥宁愿唱歌而不愿跳舞,而我却喜欢跳舞而不喜欢唱歌。 A. prefers , to , would rather , than B. would

      9、rather , than , prefer , to C. prefers , than , would rather ,to D. would rather , to ,prefer , to 【答案及简析】 A。考查动词用法。Prefer doing sth. to doing sth. would rather do sth. tha. Do sth.【524】 Look, they seem _ about you.【译文】看,他们好像在议论你呢。 A. Talk B. to talk C. to be talking D. to be talked【答案及简析】 C。 Look,后面一般是进行时态。【525】 After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced_ tractors in 1998 as the year before.【译文】引进了新的技术后,这加工厂1998年生产的拖拉机是以前的两倍。 A. as many twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many D. twice many as【


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