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    • 1、计算机科学与技术专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for the Specialty in Computer Science & Technology一、业务培养目标1、Educational Objectives本专业培养具有良好的科学素养、系统地、较好地掌握计算机科学与技术包括计算机硬件、软件与应用的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能与方法,具备卓越的工程实践能力,能在科研部门、教育单位、企业、事业、技术和行政管理部门等单位从事计算机软硬件开发和应用的应用型工程型技术人才。This program is committed to train students to become appliedengineeringand technical talented professionals with a sound theoretic foundation, systematical knowledge and skillof the capability to carry out the scientific research, system analysis,

      2、system design, technical development, and management in the field of computer science and technology and capability of engineering practice in computer software and hardware development and application in science research departments, education institution, enterprises, technical and administrativedepartments.二、业务培养要求2、Educational Requirement本专业学生主要学习计算机科学与技术方面的基本理论和基本知识,接受从事研究与应用计算机的基本训练,具有研究和开发计算机应用系统的工程实践能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1 掌握计算机科学与技术的基本理论、基本知识;2 掌握计算机系统分析和设计的基本方法;3 具备卓越的研究开发计算机软、硬件的工程实践能力

      3、;4 了解与计算机有关的法规;5 了解计算机科学与技术的发展动态;6 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有获取信息的能力。7 具有较强的英语综合应用能力,特别是听、说能力,在今后工作和社会交往中,能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,能熟练进行外文阅读,有一定的外语写作能力。The students mainly study the fundamental theory and systematical knowledge of computer science and technology, acceptthe engineering training on researching and applying computers, and attain the practiceabilities of researching and developing the computer application systems.The graduated students are expected to have the following abilities:1. Master the

      4、basic theory and knowledge of computer science and technology;2. Master the basic methods of system analysis and design;3. Have the excellent practice abilities of researching and developing computer software and hardware;4. Understand the lawsand regulations about computer industry;5. Understand the development and trendsin the computer science and technology;6. Master the basic methods of literature survey, data collection; Have the abilities to get the latest research results in the field of

      5、computer science and technology;7. Have the ability of applying English language in study, especially for listening and speaking, can efficiently undertake oral and written information exchange in English in the future work.三、主干学科与主要课程3、Major Disciplines & Major Courses主干学科:计算机科学与技术Major Disciplines: Computer Science and Technology主要课程:离散结构、汇编语言程序设计、计算机组成原理、数据结构、操作系统、编译原理、数据库系统原理、计算机网络Discrete structure, Assembly language programming, Principles of Computer Organization, Data Structure, Operatin

      6、g System, Principles of Compiler Construction, Principles of Database Systems, Computer Networks四、特色课程4、Characteristic Courses嵌入式系统应用、信息系统分析与设计、软件工程Embedded System and Application, Information System Analysis and Design, Software Engineering按照卓越工程师培养建议,与企业结合开展各类系统开发实训Performing all kinds of system development practice and training in cooperation with enterprises based On the recommendation of Excellent Engineer Program.五、学制与学位5、Length of School and Degree修业年限:四年Duration: Four Years授予学位:工学学士Degre

      7、e Granted: Bachelor of Engineering六、最低毕业学分规定6、Graduation Credit CriteriaCredit Criteria of Different Kinds of CoursesTotal总学分Required Courses必修课学分Selective Courses选修课学分Practice Courses集中性实践课学分Study Credit after Class课外学分19011226.541.510七、课程修读指导建议7、Recommendations on Course Studies本专业最重要的学科大类课程和专业课程共有10门,学生在修读时应加以重点关注。这10门课程是:离散结构、汇编语言程序设计、计算机组成原理、数据结构、操作系统、编译原理、数据库系统原理、计算机网络、高级语言程序设计、软件工程。为体现本专业的专业方向,本专业课程包括了以下三个选修课群:1.计算机软件课群主要组成课程:算法设计与分析、人工智能概论、信息安全、软件测试、UML建模技术。2.网络工程课群主要组成课程:通信原理、网络集成技术、Web

      8、技术、TCP/IP和网络软件编程、分析软件工具。3.计算机应用课群主要组成课程:JAVA语言程序设计、可视化编程、信息系统分析与设计、多媒体技术、网页设计。在选取选修课程时,建议将JAVA语言程序设计、网页设计、信息安全、软件测试、UML建模技术课程作为共选课程,再根据自己选择的方向分别选取一个课群的其它课程予以选修。Students in this specialty should pay their attention to the top ten most importent courses when taking the the basic courses of disciplines and the specialized courses. These courses are Discrete structure, Assembly language programming, Principles of Computer Organization, Data Structure, Operating System, Principles of Compiler Constru

      9、ction, Principles of Database Systems, Computer Networks, Advanced Language Programming, and Software Engineering.The courses in the specialty can be classified into three groups as followings:1.Computer SoftwareThe major courses in this group include Algorithm Design and Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Information Security,Software Testing, UML Modeling Technology.2.Computer NetworksThe major courses in this group includeCommunication Principles, Network Integration Technology, Web Technology, TCP/IP and Network Programming, Analysis Software Tool.3.Computer ApplicationThe major courses in this group includeJava Language Programming, Visual Programming, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Information System Analysis and Design, Multimedia Technology,Web Page Design,.When choose elective cours


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