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劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit16TabooNetworkTypes

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    • 1、ENTER,Unit 1 Introductions & Greetings / A Computer Overview,Unit 2 School Days / Computer Components,Unit 3 Personal Information / Memory,Unit 4 Majors and Subjects / Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,Unit 5 Hobbies and Interests / System Unit,Unit 6 Holidays / Operating System,Unit 7 Sports / Windows,Unit 8 Shopping / Operating a Computer,Unit 9 Transportation / System Software,Unit 10 Friendship / Application Software,Unit 11 Weather and Climate / Word Processor,Unit 12 My Dream / Spreadsheet,Un

      2、it 13 Traveling / Office PowerPoint,Unit 14 Canteens / Programs,Unit 15 School Clubs / Database,Unit 16 Taboo / Network Types,Unit 17 Smoking / Internet,Unit 18 Success and Failure / Communication System,Unit 19 At a Restaurant / E-mail,Unit 20 Occupation / E-commerce,Unit 21 Resume / Artificial Intelligence,Unit 22 Interview / Computer Viruses,Task 1 General English,Task 2 English for Special Purposes,Task 3 Grammar,Task 4 Drills,Taboo / Network Types,16,(Mary, the foreign teacher, is talking w

      3、ith Zhang Hua about taboos.) Mary: Hey, Zhang Hua, why are you here alone? Are you OK? Zhang Hua: Im fine. Just a little tired. Its my first time talking with so many foreigners. I feel very excited and a little nervous. Mary: Nervous? Why? Zhang Hua: Because I dont know how I should behave here. Mary: Oh, just take it easy. But pay more attention to some taboos in English when you communicate with others. Zhang Hua: Taboo? Whats that? Mary: They are some English expressions or topics that may b

      4、e offensive or embarrassing on social occasions. For instance, youd better not ask people their age, income, etc. The people here care much about their privacy and other things, which are different. Zhang Hua: Oh, I see. Thanks! Mary: You are welcome. Just enjoy yourself here. Shall we go? Zhang Hua: OK, lets go!,Taboo,Taboo? Whats that?,16,Every culture has its taboos. Remember while you are talking with someone you have just gotten to know, a topic that is casual for you may be just a taboo fo

      5、r others. The following are some expressions or topics that may be offensive or embarrassing on social occasions. 1. Youre getting fat! Dont tell others that they are fat or ask ones weight. This is a very sensitive subject. 2. Is she your daughter? What if she is his wife? In this case, remember that you shouldnt guess about their relationships and that you should wait for their own introductions. 3. How old are you? For most people, age is a sensitive subject. Remember that some people are all

      6、 unwilling to tell their exact age. 4. How much do you earn? In most situations, it is not appropriate to talk about income or salary.,Taboo,Taboos in English,16,5. You look ill! If someone does look unhealthy, you may say, “Are you feeling OK?” Remember that you should always avoid using taboos in English.,16,Taboo,Taboos in English,taboo /tbu/ n. 禁忌语 foreigner /frn(r)/ n. 外国人 excited /ksatd/ adj. 兴奋的 nervous /nvs/ adj. 神经紧张的,不安的 behave /bhev/ v. 行为,举止,表现 attention /tenn/ n. 关注,注意力 expression /

      7、kspren/ n. 表达 offensive /fensv/ adj. 讨厌的,无礼的 embarrassing /mbrs/ adj. 令人为难的 social /sl/ adj. 社会的,社交的 occasion /ken/ n. 场合 income /nkm/ n. 收入,收益 culture /klt(r)/ n. 文化,文明 casual /kul/ adj. 偶然的,不经意的 sensitive /senstv/ adj. 敏感的,16,New Words and Expressions,relationship /rlenp/ n. 关系,关联 unwilling /nwl/ adj. 不愿意的,勉强的 exact /zkt/ adj. 精确的,准确的 earn /n/ v. 赚 appropriate /prprit/ adj. 适当的 salary /slri/ n . 薪水 unhealthy /nheli/ adj. 不健康的,对健康有害的 take it easy 别紧张,沉住气 pay attention to 注意,16,New Words and Exp

      8、ressions,1. They are some English expressions or topics that may be offensive or embarrassing on social occasions. 它们是一些在社交场合可能会导致冒犯和令人感到尴尬的言语和话题。 2. What if she is his wife? 如果她是他的妻子该怎么办? What if 表示“如果怎么样”的意思。,16,Notes,There are many kinds of computer networks in the world. Telephone lines, for instance, may connect communication equipment within the same building. You can even create your own network at home or in your apartment. However, networks may also be citywide and even international, u

      9、sing both cable and air connections. There are three types of networks classified by geographic position local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs) and wide area networks (WANs). Local Area Networks Networks with computers and peripheral devices in close physical connection are called local area networks. Metropolitan Area Networks These networks are used as links between office buildings within a city. Wide Area Networks Wide area networks are countrywide and worldwide networks. Among other kinds of channels, they use microwave relays and satellites to reach users over long distances.,16,Network Types,equipment /kwpmnt/ n. 装备,设备 apartment /ptmnt/ n. 房间,公寓住宅 connection /knekn/ n. 连接 local /lkl/ adj. 当地的,局部的 area /eri/ n. 区域 metropolitan /metrpltn/ adj. 城市的 wide /wad/ adj. 广阔的 peripheral /prfrl/

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