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劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit2SchoolDaysComputerComponents

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  • 上传时间:2019-05-18
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    • 1、ENTER,Unit 1 Introductions & Greetings / A Computer Overview,Unit 2 School Days / Computer Components,Unit 3 Personal Information / Memory,Unit 4 Majors and Subjects / Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,Unit 5 Hobbies and Interests / System Unit,Unit 6 Holidays / Operating System,Unit 7 Sports / Windows,Unit 8 Shopping / Operating a Computer,Unit 9 Transportation / System Software,Unit 10 Friendship / Application Software,Unit 11 Weather and Climate / Word Processor,Unit 12 My Dream / Spreadsheet,Un

      2、it 13 Traveling / Office PowerPoint,Unit 14 Canteens / Programs,Unit 15 School Clubs / Database,Unit 16 Taboo / Network Types,Unit 17 Smoking / Internet,Unit 18 Success and Failure / Communication System,Unit 19 At a Restaurant / E-mail,Unit 20 Occupation / E-commerce,Unit 21 Resume / Artificial Intelligence,Unit 22 Interview / Computer Viruses,Task 1 General English,Task 2 English for Special Purposes,Task 3 Grammar,Task 4 Drills,School Days / Computer Components,2,(One weekend, Zhang Hua comes

      3、 back home from school. Her mother asks her about her school days. She is happy to talk with her mother.) Mother: Zhang Hua, do you enjoy your life at school? Zhang Hua: Oh, its great! The life in the technical school is quite different from that in the middle school. Its fun to talk with my classmates from different places. Mother: Different places? Zhang Hua: Yes, my classmates come from different places. Some are from North China while some are from South China. Mother: Well, how do you spend

      4、 a day at school? Zhang Hua: We get up at 6:30. After washing we go to the dining hall for breakfast at 7:00. Our classes begin at 8:00 and end at 11:40 in the morning. We often have our classes in multimedia classrooms or in training labs. Mother: How about afternoon? Zhang Hua: We have our lunch at 12:00. Classes in the afternoon begin at 2:00,School Days,A Busy School Day,2,and end at 5:00. I enjoy the time on the playground. Its from 5:00 to 6:00. We have our dinner at 6:30. After that, stud

      5、ents go to classrooms, the library or computer center to study by themselves. After a busy day, we say good night to each other at 10 oclock in the evening. Mother: Sounds very challenging! Hope you enjoy your school days!,School Days,2,My name is Li Lin. I am a girl of sixteen . I am a new student of a technical school. Today is my first day at this technical school. Over the school gate there is a banner: “Warmly welcome our new schoolmates!” A group of students are at the gate to welcome new

      6、students. Some other students are helping new students to carry luggage to the dorms. They are all senior students. They are very friendly and warm-hearted, just like close friends to us. We are very thankful for their help. All the teachers are busy with their work in their offices. Some are preparing their lessons and others are talking with students. They are all very kind. With the help of our teachers and friends, I will surely improve my knowledge and will also learn a lot of practical ski

      7、lls at our school. I will work hard in my study so that I can be a qualified skilled worker after I graduate from the school.,School Days,2,My First Day at the Technical School,weekend /wikend/ n. 周末 technical /teknkl/ adj. 技术的 different /dfrnt/ adj. 不同的 classmate /klsmet/ n. 同班同学 spend /spend/ v. 花费,度过 dining /dan/ n. 吃饭,就餐 end /end/ v. 结束 multimedia /mltimidi/ adj. 多媒体的 training /tren/ n. 训练,培训 lab /lb/ n. 实验室 library /labrri/ n. 图书馆 sound /sand/ v. 听起来 challenging /tlnd/ adj. 具有挑战性的 banner /b

      8、n(r)/ n. 横幅,标语 luggage /ld/ n. 行李,New Words and Expressions,2,dorm /dm/ n. ( = dormitory) 宿舍 senior /sini(r)/ adj. 高年级的,年长的 warm-hearted /wm htd/ adj. 热诚的,热心的 thankful /kfl/ adj. 感谢的,感激的 prepare /prpe(r)/ v. 准备 improve /mpruv/ v. 改善,改进 knowledge /nld/ n. 知识,学问 practical /prktkl/ adj. 实践的,应用的 skill /skl/ n. 技能,技巧 qualified /kwlfad/ adj. 合格的,能够胜任的 skilled /skld/ adj. ( = skillful ) 熟练的,有技能的 graduate /rdut/ v. 毕业 technical school 技工学校 different from 和不同 dining hall 食堂,New Words and Expressions,2,co

      9、mputer center 计算机中心,计算机房 graduate from 从毕业,New Words and Expressions,2,1. a girl of sixteen 一个十六岁大的女孩,也可写成 “a sixteen-year-old girl”。 2. Over the school gate there is a banner 在学校大门上方有一条横幅。 正常语序为 There is a banner over the school gate.,Notes,2,The monitor displays all the information that you need. The CPU or system unit is the brain of your computer. All the data and programs will be handled here. The USB flash drive is a compact, portable storage device. It uses flash memory technology. It is a Plug and Play device (PnP for short). It allows you to easily exchange data with your computer.,Computer Components,2,The mouse enables you to navigate on your computer screen. The keyboard enables you to type all kinds of characters into the computer to give it commands. The printer enables you to print from your computer. ,Computer Components,2,component /km

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